Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tigre, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Tigre

    You get rid of the Turret and replace it with something useless mean while the 4 wheel bikes get to still kill tanks. thanks PS2 for making a good game bad as i can see people are leaving in large numb. again. I had hoped once the new team came in it would get better, tried it so did some of my old Team from when the game come out. I do hope you fix it and i know the people that use them bikes are OK with it, but it should not be. Cloak come up to a tank, tank dead.
    The other turrets helped us defend against the bikes,
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  2. InexoraVC

    Worst patch ever!
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  3. zelekk

    Wondering whats your point.
    You still have spiti as engie.
    And dying to invi flash is really hard and just being 100% tunel vision.
  4. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I think you need to read the forums a bit more and see why people may actually be leaving this game. It's not because of anything you've described.

    If you can't pay attention to your surroundings and are getting killed by a flash, that's your problem, not the game.

    Please show us some actual statistics about these 'large numbers' of players leaving specifically because of the Flash. I guarantee you will be hard-pressed to find many. Much of people's issues are due to population imbalance, Orbital Strikes, Bastion Fleet Carriers... not a flash that just requires someone to open their eyes and pay attention a little more.
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  5. Liewec123

    not even close! escalation was the worst, and then there are a dozen more worse than this XD
    if anything this is DBG trying to undo some of the mistakes they made in escalation,
    spitfire spam is gone and Bastions are a bit weaker, YAY.

    i've lost all faith in this team, but even i must admit, this patch was a step in the right direction!
    the first in a loooong time.
  6. Clipped!

    Not really when most of the time your going to be on the move or not staying very long when they hit you. They can sneak up on you from behind and deal a large amount of health, usually 40-60% depending on the tank and how quickly you detect them, and then just scoot it while you try and figure out the heck they are while only being 1 to 1.5 mags away from losing your tank.

    Personally, I think flash AV weapons (especially the pillager) need a small damage penalty against heavier vehicles (tanks and sundies) to compensate for how effective of a hit and run vehicle it is for it's size. A bigger and more costly vehicle shouldn't have anywhere near as much of a disadvantage that they currently do (against flashes and harassers specifically) as it's just doesn't make sense for game balance. Harassers specifically have it too good since they not only take LESS damage from a tank than a tank does, it can repair on the move at half rate which is INSANITY balance wise. (I have advocated for their damage vulnerability and rear seat repair rate to be adjusted to more reasonable levels to no avail)

    And before you say anything about flashes being insignificant, I am somewhat of an expert tanker (I've auraxed all of the Lighting AV cannons), and making sure my shots hit that small of a fast moving target at almost mid range isn't easy with a medium/low velocity round. For harassers specifically people have complained about how much they have to lead their tank shots against a harasser makes shooting one in a tank playing via controller (and how much slower it takes to turn 180 degrees) downright frustrating as heck.

    And the ability for a flash to cloak significantly reduces the exposure time to enemy fire, which combined with it's fast and hard to hit profile means it's a nightmare for those who aren't quite as skilled as me (although I will say I've gotten a bit rusty since I don't tank as much nor play PS2 as much) aren't as skilled as me lot harder for those so don't go on about how fragile it is being compensating for it's lethality. Even for vet tankers it's still something that makes you panic about losing your tank because of how godsdamn potent it is (an infil on wheels with a better AV weapon than a rocket launcher).

    This is much more of a issue when the Starfall (and the Fury to a slightly lesser extent) is by far an incredibly potent weapon (due to expending it's high damage mag very quickly reducing the amount of uncloak time) that it aggravates me how it hasn't been nerfed a bit more, although the fact that tanks got a 20% AV damage vulnerability when MAX AV, Tank AV, and AV nades should have just gotten that damage bonus specifically against tanks and sundies, as flashes and harassers didn't need a buff at all.