[Suggestion] Bad choice to just remove Merit Spitfire.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malem, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. Malem

    Bad choice guys to just remove what was given before.

    It was pretty fun to have two turrets for Engineer, especially for solo runs.

    It didn't turn the table, not the OP stuff. Once again these "so called balance changes".

    Thumb down with subscription.
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  2. Liewec123

    It's actually really refreshing for DBG to revert one of their mistakes,
    I'm so glad spitfire spam is gone!

    That being said I did like the idea of double spitfire as an engineer exclusive,
    Perhaps having a second spitfire in the consumable slot so they sacrifice proxy mines for it,
    Originally robotech implant was supposed to give you two spitfires at max rank, but they couldn't get it to work correctly.
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  3. waystin2

    I favor returning the double Spitfire for Engineers only as well. Would fit well with the Engi specific implants and abilities.
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  4. Twin Suns

    Good. Now you can't spam that $&@!. ;)

    It's highly amusing seeing people proudly screaming no subscription just because of a spitfire.
  5. Twin Suns

    Actually, I'm in favor of the DEVS using the brains they were given.

    Should've made it to where there was a limit on how many spitfires that could be deployed at any given objective or area.
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  6. BattleFluffy

    I was really disappointed when I could not use Auxiliary Spitfire Turret on my engineer anymore.
    It was one of my favourite things. :<

    Please can engineers still be allowed to use the auxiliary spitfire turret?
  7. AlcyoneSerene

    About time the PvE spam is finally gone. Seriously, almost every class having a pocket spitfire meant you could no longer flank properly without the stupid things everywhere!
  8. ObiVanuKenobi

    Spitfires prevent stealthy gameplay and reveal positions unexpected by normal players.
    I would be very happy if they were removed from the game completely.