Recently returned to PS2, this game is a travesty, a literal shame

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoothers, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Hoothers

    How come bastions can be left like how they are atm? I exit my spawn point, next 2 seconds i am dead.
    AA launchers are barely doing any damage , on my heavy loadout?
    What is this peashooter of a game, when it take me 100 bullets to kill something yet i die in what it feels one second.
    No srs, wth is this? Herrasers, bastions left to roam?
    For once, bastions should be literally DELETED, like cntrl+c .DELETE from game files, completly.
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  2. Ssidistik

    A squad of ESF with lockons can literately take down a bastion in 5 mins. We do it all the time when we just ignore the defense air support and go straight for the bastion.

    The new update coming out with the colossus is also intended to help with that seeing as the gun on it is meant exactly for that.
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  3. Caesar_REDMIST

    Wait, as Bastion killers are coming soon. I.e. COLOSSUS
  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Bastions are annoying, I'll give you that. What Sid says is true, but not everyone has a squad of pilots to call on and if you're stuck on the ground under one it sucks. Best bet is just to respawn and find another fight. That's what I typically do. They are introducing a mobile AAA cannon called the Colossus that will hopefully help to counter Bastions from the ground.
    The Bastions have weak points, shooting them elsewhere does nothing. Regardless, MANPADs are not for shooting flying battleships so doing little damage to them should not come as a surprise.
    If you are hitting your shots most guns will kill in much less than 1 second, headshots will drastically reduce that time. What you are describing is most likely a combination of you missing shots and them hitting headshots. If this isn't the case it's possible you have a poor internet connection.
  5. Liewec123

    make a vid, i wanna see how a small group of ESFs take down a bastion when any half decent bastion has galaxies covering the top weak spots and SWARMS OF FREE ESFS around it.
    i've pulled libs before and tried diving at a weakspot with tankbuster and my lib is dead before it gets close.

    so yeah make a video of you and your magical squad taking out bastions...

    honestly they need to just get rid of the damn weakspots and let us actually damage the piece of s%%t directly,
    if you shoot the fleet carrier with a tank round, it should take damage.
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  6. Cappii

    No Bastions are absolutely strategical master pieces. This game needed it to help break stalemates along with Orbitals.