What happens to render distance when you "zoom".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NotziMad, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. NotziMad

    For example, you can only see a stealth sundy if you are close to it.

    What happens if I am in a lightning and zoom towards it as I aim? Will I see it?
  2. NotziMad

    is it like getting closer to a photograph of a car?

    or is it like getting closer to the car?
  3. Somentine

    You can test it by setting your render distance to like 10, find someone afk in the warpgate, walk backwards from them until they don't render and then use w/e sights.
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  4. NotziMad

    didn't think of that, thanks!

    you wouldn't happen to know? (not coming online until tomorrow)

    EDIT --> Actually, I was thinking about it, but I played around with the render distance in the past, trying to optimise the game's performance, and I found that when I reduced the render distance, and then pulled an aircraft, the horizon would be white.

    Obviously, I never had a huge zoom on my ESF but I doubt that what was not rendered, what was white, would appear when I zoomed and then dissapear when I went back to normal view?

    Which would emply, that if you're looking for a stealth sundy in a liberator, you won't see it unless the liberator nearly touches it; no matter what zoom you use. Right?
  5. NotziMad

    well, I was following an ANT who became invisible, and I couldn't see it anymore, but when I zoomed in, I could.

    So if this applies to other "zooms" it means that when you zoom in, it's as if you were yourself getting closer (not like looking closer at a picture).
  6. Pikachu

    Zooming means reducing the angle of your field of view. Making things bigger within your field of view.
    It's like stretching the photo of the car and somehow gain more detail.
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  7. Pikachu

    It's strange that zooming changes the colour of the sky. The sky is a hollow sphere that is fixed to your camera. The radius of the sky sphere is set by your render distance. The sun is also fixed to your camera and its distance is 100m closer to you then your render distance.

    The colour of the sky is affected by how much fog you are looking through. If you reduce the render distance (or increase your altitude) then you are looking through less fog and you see the sky more close to it's real color. RPG really likes to have overly bright white skies.
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  8. NotziMad

    Yeah, I get that, but believe me or not I'm still confused, I'll try be more clear :

    There are things that you can see when you move closer to something that was far away that you couldn't see with a zoom since the zoom simply makes things bigger, it doesn't make you see things from closer.

    Translated into the game, the difference is important for things that only render when you're close, I was gona say "physically close" but obviously it's a virtual world but you know what I mean right? Whether it's an infiltrator, that you can make out the outline if you are very close but not otherwise, or the outline of a stealth sundy, or a cloaked ANT.

    As I understand it, if you are far away but zooming in, you normally shouldn't see the infiltrator or sundy or ANT at all, see what I mean?

    My last post was to share that that doesn't seem to be how the game works, as without zoom I could not see the outline of the ANT but once I "zoomed" in, I could.
  9. NotziMad

    I didn't express myself well but that isn't what I meant.

    It's not zooming that changed the colour of the sky, it's changing the render distance settings, and it wasn't just the sky that became white, it was everything after a certain distance, on the horizon.

    The idea I had about zooming was that if zooming "made me closer" instead of "making the picture bigger", then that would equate to -in a way- increasing the render distance because if I zoomed in and was for the game closer, then the render boundary would be pushed back.

    But that didn't seem to be the case. So yeah, a little confusing.
  10. NotziMad

    (triple post, sorry)

    the relevance was that if a gunner in a liberator flying high could zoom in and see my stealth sundy as if he or she were close, then that would be a big issue for me.