Please do something about the cheating.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrojonKing 1st, May 8, 2020.

  1. Campagne

    Allow me reiterate that you are the only one proposing such a pathetically small number of cheaters. You still haven't provided a source for this. I don't need to cite basic math and probability. Your claim is that, at most, 1 in 25,000 players cheat. I've told you in multiple different ways how improbable that is. The burden of proof is on your end and yet you refuse to support it. Give a real developer or other real authoritative source of there being only so few cheaters or accept the reality of the world.

    According to the laws of probability I could be but probably aren't. According to, a Canadian government-run foundation backed by the American Psychiatric Association, the rate of Autism in Canadians (my demographic) is about 1 in 66 children, or about 1.5%. For simplicity, let's just assume all of these children reach adulthood. Now, that's only a 1.5% chance that I'd have Autism. Already, probability states I don't have it, as that would be very unlikely. However, the more genetic health conditions an individual has, the lower the probability of existing. You will struggle to find a person with 25 different genetic diseases.

    I have a rare musculoskeletal disease. (I was too OP so God had to nerf me). I've never heard a straight answer as to how rare it truly is, and Google doesn't know enough about it to tell and believe me I've looked. I actually used it as a basis for multiple reports and projects on genetics and disease in uni. :p Anyways, the lowest I've ever been told was by the local head of the Rare Disease Clinic in my city/province was 1 in 50,000. Online I've seen as much as 1 in 250,000 though, so who knows. That's 0.002% of the population at the highest "known" rate. The odds of having both my disease and Autism would be 0.00003%. Given it is known that I have my current disease, it is very unlikely that I would also have Autism.

    I hope you see how this works, how statistics can be used to determine reality with a high level of certainty. Probability may be theoretical, but it is almost guaranteed to be true at such degrees and is accepted as empirical evidence in science.

    I didn't link any study because I assume the rate of psychopathy is common knowledge. If it makes you feel any better here's a peer-reviewed scientific paper I found on the first page of Google which claims the rate is "less than 1%.' As I said though, it's common knowledge, I assume on global populations. It is not currently known if psychopathy is a genetic condition or not, so the rate of it occurring ought to remain consistent within the same species. (I.E. humans are the same enough to breed and produce fertile offspring and therefore all share the vast majority of the genome. Suffice it to say if it's not inheritable it's a static frequency.)

    Anyways, prediction is not always the outcome unless dealing with extremes in probability. If someone predicts getting heads in a coin flip, the outcome may or may not be accurate. f someone predicts they will not get 20 heads in a row, the outcome will match the prediction as close to virtually every time as possible. It's estimated that if one were to flip a coin all day every day and only stop at 20 heads in a row he'd be flipping that coin for 20 years straight.

    That's how probability works. The probability of there being more than 1 in 25,000 cheaters is so significant it must be true.

    I will not accept random junk and opinions as evidence.

    Oh boy, the theological implications of that statement... :p I'll try not to drag us all down that rabbit hole. But the truth is no one knows anything about the universe. There are an unknowable number of other planets in existence, we can't say what percentage of them contain life if any. Bad example, choose one with known properties.

    PS2 has seen hundreds of thousands of players in it's lifetime, has it not? At the very least many tens of thousands. That is certainly more than high enough probability for a large number of cheaters.

    Again, provide real sources.

    They don't have to win to have an unfair advantage. I won in those engagements because I created a scenario in which I could not have lost to a normal player and did not lose even to abnormal players. I still took a large amount of damage where I should not have, and had I not been playing medic it would have cost me to repair that damage.

    That's a bit more interesting, but still not a stinging response.


    Oh, and by the way, I looked up to find any information on known rates of cheating in videogames, just ot see if there even was anything. I didn't have high hopes, but I found this anyway:

    A large scale multinational survey on cheating in videogames, wouldn't you know it! Should have checked earlier.

    "While 57% of gamers globally stated they have never used third-party tools to cheat in multiplayer games online, a substantial proportion of 12% admitted to being cheaters: regularly taking action including modifying game files and/or using hardware tools to cheat."

    Well wouldn't you know, 12% is considerably larger than your previous estimates. :rolleyes:
  2. iller

    ...and there's a surprising number of them that pop in and out of these forums too!

    But I don't blame them either, you'd pretty much HAVE to be exploiting some DLL hooks or atleast hitboxes in this game (or usually WallHacks in more than 50% of cases) in order to WANT to consistently come back to this game day after day after day and not just take long hiatuses from it as I'm prone to. If this was the only game I had personal sunk cost investment in, I would definitely be piecing together Bypasser code from other script authors just to have the option of toggling on a FAIR MATCHUP against the 5% of connery Vanu players that all run together and are blatantly cheating on the late nights when they know there aren't any RPG Staffers on to catch them
  3. TRspy007

    Keep believing Planetside 2 is a game like every other (competitive amirite? knarley dude). Keep believing hackers are everywhere, you've got no proof. The hack you've accused people of using against you is quite literally impossible to operate for more than a few minutes.

    Have a read. Oh, sorry, you don't deal with external sources. XD
    Yeah, exactly what I thought. You literally didn't read anything.
    "The best current estimate is that just less than 1% of all noninstitutionalized males age 18 and over are psychopaths"
    And that's in the states. So a cool fact estimate, but most people playing the game are 12 year-olds like you, there's also females playing the game, it's on a global scale, etc.. so yeah, cool story bro.
    I guess that would explain why information has trouble entering your skull. A possibility no matter how small is still a possibility. You've proved your an odd one, it's totally possible you could be even more special. Statistics don't get discarded because you judge a number is too small lol.

    As for the study on "gamers cheating", I saw that one. A game like planetside 2 doesn't attract many players, much less cheaters who actually cheat to satisfy an end-goal, something Planetside 2 doesn't have. With some popular games banning millions of cheaters in a week, it's pretty clear where most of the cheaters go - you guessed it - to popular games. Yeah, there's the occasionally cheater in Planetside 2. Nothing as widespread as you're implying with loosely formulated evidence.

    I would tell you to visit the guy's youtube channels, try to pick up on their skills, but you're already so good, you can beat the cheaters.

    A cool experiment though, why don't you test it out yourself. It's so easy to cheat, Planetside 2 never does anything about cheaters, there's already so many, they won't notice one extra right? Cheat at the game for a bit, as "subtly" as you choose. Modify hitboxes, I'm sure nothing will happen to you.
  4. TRspy007

    Cheaters check out the forums? lol, yeah I guess in between 2 bans maybe?

    Hitboxes can now only be manipulated using outdated files, which are automatically detected once cross-referenced with the system. You can modify hitboxes, you'll just get auto banned in a minute.

    And wallhacks? Sounds like you're either dealing with laggers or exploiters lol. Never seen a wallhack cheat in this game, would be cool if you linked some footage....please?

    Please, cheat a bit, see what happens to you.

    You play planetside 2 and expect a fair match-up? There's a ton of battle royale games out there for that. The whole concept of the game is to be unfair.

    Link them, please. Don't be scared.

    Honestly dude, I'd say it's more of a problem with you than others "cheating". But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess :)
  5. iller

    Just ****, k, I'm not putting up with your lies today. Maybe another day when I have the patience for this crap....
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  6. Johannes Kaiser

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  7. Somentine

    I think you need to re-watch that again, but with .5x speed or lower.
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  8. Tramplex

    I encountered such players and was. Its just adreno shield and implants. You can restore up to ~450 hp if you kill with headshots. Once i killed 10 people in a row with that so dont wonder. And also sometimes i feel pumped and really nothing can stop me untill you run out of ammo or smtng.
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  9. Campagne

    STILL waiting on that source. But yes, PS2 is still a competitive game and obviously has a lot of cheaters. :p

    Strawman, irrelevant. Like I keep saying man, put some effort into your "insults." Make me feel that burn! "You must still be in school lol" is just lazy and uninspiring. And criticizing my English? Is this your first ever time on the internet? You bore me, my son.

    Speaking of not reading anything, why did you link the disclaimer for the publisher? They only host the paper, not the content.

    It's considered unethical to deal with minors when considering legal systems and such. In Canada at least we have the Youth Criminal Justice Act, which entirely prevents this sort of data collection to allow a person to live an adult life free of mistakes made as a child. I'm sure the 'Muricans probably have something similar, though it would be questionable for the authors to consider youth crimes anyway. Or did you think children suddenly become psychopathic on their 18th birthday?

    Women aren't listed because they are separated by law, and if basing a study off inmates it's best to have the largest populations as similar as possible to one another, which means the significantly larger prison population of males and not females. Furthermore, there are considerably more males and females in online videogame demographics.

    Uhm... Do you know what musculoskeletal means? I'll give you a hind: It involved the muscle systems and is closely related to the skeletal system.

    Yeah sure you did Buttercup. You saw that about 12% admitted to cheating and thought "yeah, 1 in 25,000 people cheating sounds about right."

    Please provide whatever hidden evidence you have that suggests PS2 doesn't attract cheaters despite having substantial populations to do so?

    Ya' damn right son! :p

    Strawman, shifting the goal posts. At this point one does wonder if you do these things intentionally or if they just happen.
  10. TRspy007

    my lies...?

    all you had to do was link a few dudes you're hackusating lmao

    Who are those 5% Vanu hackers on Connery?

    I'm really curious to know, since I play there sometimes.

    Take all the time you need, just remember to link them one day
  11. TRspy007

    yeah he's a really cool dude. I enjoy dueling him on Emerald; he's one of those guys that's really good but doesn't mind having a little laugh with the rest of us "losers" lol.

    I try to v5 him everytime I get him xD
  12. Johannes Kaiser

    Isn't V5 "need a lift"?
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  13. TRspy007

    I told you I know him :D

    He plays all factions mostly on Emerald. I went to the timestamp all I saw was him getting kills. Also keep in mind good players get accused of hacking a lot, so one random calling him a hacker is...yeah

    You literally saw his video lmao

    Where do you see his cheating?

    He's pretty skilled, he's been playing the game for a while, as I explained it's just his muscle memory. I understand when you're new scoring headshots can be tricky, but it's really not that hard once you get used to it, you don't need to hack to do it.

    Wdym a lot of these youtubers cheat? Planetside 2 has very few youtubers, I've never seen anyone of them cheat in a video. Even in other games where some youtubers cheat, it's usually for a video as a "test" or something. I don't see anything in the video you linked that indicated he was cheating?
  14. TRspy007

    Lol ok dude. And btw you're the one continuously quoting stuff I never said, so once again, pretty hypocritical.

    Scroll up?

    You're sure you're not autistic? You know what, I'll make a thread just for you.


    Yup honey, I did. I noticed how popular Planetside 2 was, what were the games that attracted the most cheaters, the cheating statistics we have for Planetside 2, and I concluded that cheaters seem to flock to other, more popular games. Would make a bit more sense; it's harder to catch cheaters in games with millions of players, that have little to no sense of community. Planetside 2 is one of the few games where people gang up on hackers; it's quite different from other games - not competitive in nature - hence why people chose other games over it. 1 in 5000 (yup, you got the number calculated wrong, as I said earlier) cheaters seems more than reasonable for a game like Planetside 2.

    Debating must be very easy for you. You get to come up with your own irrelevant "stats", and anything against you is straw-manning (which I maintain you have no clue what it is).

    As I said, if you believe that you're right, prove it. It's really not that hard to do, you said you yourself. Cheat, and we'll all get to see what happens. It's called an experiment, I said I would agree with you, now prove yourself. Go cheat in the game for a while (how about a week?) and bring back your results.

    I would suggest you try modifying your hitbox, you might be surprised with the results!
  15. TRspy007


    very few people use v6, v5 is the new meta :D
  16. Dral

    TLDR: rampant cheating is in fact happening, sorry.

    Lots of people misrepresenting how prevalent cheating is online games. Plenty of articles online about this, I’ve also worked for a number of mid sized to large gaming companies so will add my input for whatever it is worth.

    Conservative estimate 10-15% of players cheat all the time. This could be a “little” cheat like a wall hack where you see player outlines as opposed to someone running a full multi hack.

    Upwards of 30% cheat “sometimes” maybe someone is having a bad day or they want to get revenge on a better player so they flip a cheat on.

    I’m generalizing across games as I have no idea on the numbers in PS2 but to say the least I would be shocked if there was less than 15% of the player base running some kind of cheat. Add on to the fact that this is essentially a F2P game which usually drives that number upward. No gaming company is going to give you the numbers as they don’t want you to be upset about the state of anti cheat or how far behind they are in the arms race with the hackers.

    Daybreak is not a large studio, I doubt they have more than 1-2 people dedicated to this and don’t just push it off to CS/QA. (Not pointing fingers, just saying)

    I’ve logged a decent amount of hours and only come across one or two I thought were blatant and worth reporting but I’m sure more subtle cheaters are out there. For those who have played plenty of FPS over the years it is pretty easy to spot, especially when they are snapping on targets like a robot.
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  17. Campagne

    Are you referring to me simply chopping down posts and sticking my jokes and ramblings in them? Because so far you're the only one that's tried to pass something false off as an actual quote. I'd continue to do so here but your reply is so short I don't even have to. Do you know why it's so short?

    I did but all I found was me asking you to provide your sources.

    Asking the Court of Public Opinion, eh? And what have I told you so many times before? "You must be autistic lol" is just so boring. Next you'll be telling me I'm a homosexual? :rolleyes: Give it some umph next time.

    Why is the researcher's selected group the way it is and how does that relate to PS2's demographics? Both are predominately males.

    Cool beans sugarpie, got a citation providing any kind of evidence or support as to why PS2's playerbase is somehow different to other "popular" titles'? What cheating statistics? The one you haven't provided any source for? PS2 is competitive in nature no matter how much you say it's not, and there is nothing to suggest all players universally "gang up on cheaters moreso than other games' playerbases.

    If the math is wrong you should be able to demonstrate this.

    Oh baby debating is SO EASY. But mostly because relatively few opponents actually create or provide legitimate arguments and counterpoints, instead favouring strawmen, baseless assertions, or just plain ignore arguments they can't refute. But you wouldn't know anything about that... :p

    My stats are accurate by the laws of probability and I even backed them up with a very substantial survey indicating that yes, more than 1 in every 25,000 players cheats.

    A strawman is a false argument a person creates and immediately refutes to seem intelligent and knowledgeable and to "score one up" over an opponent, as you have attempted to do so time and time again.

    Already did but that's for the vote of confidence. When did I say anything of the sort?

    Regardless, no. I will not cheat even for the sake of an """experiment""" because of the moral duty we have as players to not cause harm to others while playing. I'm not an ******* and won't abuse cheats to the detriment of others to prove what I already know to be true: People can and do cheat in PS2. This would only cause harm.

    Instead, why don't you prove that PS2 is different to most other "popular" games in this way, that not only do players cheat far less, but also those that do are discovered quickly and are ostracized by the community in a way that other games' playerbases don't.
  18. SikVvVidiT

    Cheating does indeed happen in this version of Planetside, just as it did in the first version... At least it is not as obvious and abused like in PS1 during the Chinaside timeline... When you start seeing AA maxes flying around then we have issues...

    For anyone to say cheating iis not in PS2 they are either

    1. Trying to pull the wool over your eyes because they probably use one of the various hacks out there.

    2. Are completely oblivious to reality
    3. Just assume that they that ever player that kills really well is just REALLY good.. Now don't get me wrong there are a lot of really good players, but there are hackers as well..

    Aim assist, ESP, speed and other rather nasty hacks exist... All you have to do is take a little bit of your time and search for them.. There are entire forums dedicated to hacking FPS games....

    I really don't have a issue with the blatant hackers (the ones that fly around or shoot through walls) they usually get caught.. It's the sneaky "I'm actually just a awesome player that always knows where everyone is on a map" dudes that annoy the **** outta me.

    Or the Developers that could care less about stuff like this and just wanna spit out as much broken content as possible in hopes that it keeps the game alive...
  19. csvfr

    What is relevant is if you can visit him in person and verify that he is not cheating, regardless of which faction he plays. In fact I don't think he cheats the game as much as he cheats you and the rest of his followers who are the truly cheated ones that don't see his 3rd party assistance programs. When I say "snap to head" I do not mean a blatant "insta-snap" as was popular in cheats 20 years ago, rather a cheat tailored for todays youtubers to make it seem legit for the untrained eye. Every one of his kills in the video follows the same pattern in slow motion:
    • First a fast movement to get close to - not overshooting - the distance to the target
    • Then a slower movement to push onto or alternatively follow the target
    Whilst firing, recoil is either instantly compensated for (not possible for a human) or exploited to follow the target in a seemingly legit way -> aimbot. Feel free point to the circumstances where recoil pushes his aim of a target, compare to those where they don't, and do the probability math to make his legitimacy plausible. I cannot accuse the guy of cheating according to the rules of this forum.
  20. TRspy007

    Strawman; irrelevant.


    Cheater, cheater; pumpkin eater.

    I won't read your "proof".

    Show me your proof.