[Suggestion] The VS 'Developer' faction thread!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, May 7, 2020.

  1. Werkitten

    The most correct way to compare infantry is by initial weapons. Veterans of any faction have everything they need. In addition, infantry weapons are balanced by the presence of NS weapons.
    It will take a long time before a novice gets a real opportunity to change weapons, because first you need to upgrade classes, and getting XP at the initial level is much harder.
    Ease of handling is a huge advantage that is completely ignored by developers in their understanding of game balance.
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  2. DarkStarAnubis

    True. And we come back to the concept of a well-designed/ balanced weapon: 200/500 are not.

    At range it takes a micro movement of your target to miss your shots. You need either to pump quickly bullets, or kill in 2-3 shots with high damage rounds or have many rounds in the magazine to waste.

    The 200/500 weapons do not have enough DMG nor enough RoF nor enough rounds to do that (that's why the Razor is much better compared to the AC-X11), without even taking in account the fact in CQC you are a dead man walking with those weapons

    The Vanquisher is an OHK weapon :)
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  3. pnkdth

    How about an underslung shotgun? Just kidding! Kind of, lol.

    A suggestion for a more generalised faction trait, something which might work for NC is an innate special ammo which extend the MAX damage/mind range of all their 167-200 damage weapons on +5 meters for max damage and +10 for meters for the final tier of min damage range. This would make the 167-200 damage weapons more competitive at closer range and extend their reach a bit (and with SPA variants add that extra OOMPH! in CQC or with HVA further define their role as mid range weapon). Or perhaps reserve the extra min damage to 200dmg weapons (giving them both) to make them more attractive well rounded.
  4. Demigan

    I would say that 200/500 weapons would be the ideal weapons to add more exotic and powerful mechanics to. Like the S variants that trade in power for more attachment options it would prevent the weapons from being outright OP.

    And yes, the Vanquisher is an OP weapon. It's power should be reigned in. On the other end the Arbalest should have its 6-round burst reduced to a 3-round burst or have a max COF growth per burst. Preventing trigger discipline on a long-range weapon is ridiculous and hurts the weapon.

    If the underslung shotgun is instantly excessible, say through the X or B button, so it can fire without having to switch (but with firing penalties like a larger COF or a delay before normal fire can resume) it would be useful as a basic support. Naturally the damage potential would need to be way lower, a 500 damage UB shotgun fired instantly when you need it is more than powerful enough.

    Although useful I would like to see mechanics that do more with the way you approach combat. Unstable ammo changes how you aim at people. HEAT ammo allows you to approach reloading and extended combat differently. Piercing ammo encourages you to look for ways to line enemies up etc. That is what makes them a choice worthy of picking, rather than a permanent auto-granted attachment.

    But aside from that: wouldnt a blanket-buff to all 167-200 damage model NC weapons make certain weapons OP? Imagine the Gladius SMG with more effective range? A few select weapons like the AC-X11 could definitely benefit from something like that though.

    Then there's still the question: what about the TR? What would they get?
  5. VhynSeven

    Maybe continuing the trend of Explosive/Incendiary ammo?

    Or an alternative fire mode, with extremely high RoF and abysmal accuracy. Kinda like the Jackal broomstick, with more spay and pray.
  6. brutes359

    Well...here what I have to say. I could go on about the literal pages of broken weapons they have. (light ppa, Lashers, Horizon, serpent ve-92, aphelion. ECT.) But I'll just say this. I've seen every single Vanu defense post debunked at least three times now. And they've gotten so desperate in their attempts at keeping they're broken assets, they've literally started citing NC TR weapons as being "High Skill Weapons" to justify it while still retaining the highest number of ARX armor wearers of all three factions. As well as holding the highest continent win to loss ratio on console....meanwhile as I say this, they just capped all four continents.....AGAIN. This is literally the third time this month. So yea. you guys go ahead and pick apart this argument. I've said my peace. Its not like the devs are going to listen anyway. They already proved that when they gave them the first (and thus far ONLY) faction specific grenade. While NC MAX's are still reeling from the 50% damage Nerf's they've only just recently started slowly repealing.

    In the end I think a good way to look at this is that console and PC have vary different player-bases and game play. What works on PC doesn't necessarily work on console. And the devs need to really start paying attention to this. Perhaps vanu on PC is that bad. likely do to mouse and keyboard controls. But on console, they absolutely dominate do to high maneuverability, amazing hip-fire, and generally more faction focus on that kind of game-play. Its far harder to rely on NC and TR weapons with controllers and this combined with the games terrible latency and packet losses heavily favors maneuverability over damage any way. couple this with NC and TR's consistent accuracy nerfs and its no wonder they are losing so bad.

    Regardless of what is said here. I just want the devs to know this. Stop relying on your PC statistics and game-play as your catch all source of combat data. Its ruining the game-play for all of us over here on console.
  7. KhlorosTesero

    Fun fact, VS are statistically beating every other faction.

    Lowest population yet.
    Most captures,
    Most defends
    Best KDR
    highest accuracy.

    Clearly there is nothing wrong with the VS in terms of balance at all.

    But there clearly is, as statistically they should look more like the TR vs NC where their numbers are much closer together, but instead VS is outright beating both of them by very large margins when you consider the number of people on each side.
    a KDR of 1.024 vs 0.918 might not sounds like a lot, but when you consider the number of players that are effecting this pool, its a whole lot.
    at Rank 60 its KDR of
    VS 1.53 TR 1.437 NC 1.417
    at 100+
    VS 1.937 TR 1.816 NC 1.831

    Even at the highest presumed skill level of 100 plus, VS have a .1+ lead over the other factions in average KDR, thats a big freaking difference considering the number of people that is.

    VS need to be looked at, either damage reduction across the board, or have their recoil patterns fixed to be more inline with the other factions.
  8. Blam320

    Absolutely not. What the hell are you even thinking? You're not even taking into account the skill and actions of the players involved.
  9. KhlorosTesero

    Check what i said again, top percentile of the players, IE BR 100+ VS still beats them by a .1 KDR across both factions.
  10. Twin Suns

    Wrel Sovereignty ;).
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  11. TrojonKing 1st

    Having zero drop and unlimited shot's help's a lot....
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  12. KhlorosTesero

    Very controllable recoil also helps as well. Along with high RPM and velocity.
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  13. Demigan

    Funny. The VS have no superior stats with NS weapons like Lightning guns, common shotguns, all the NS small-arms, snipers NS Harasser/Sunderer guns. (Note:eek:nly when comparing non-starter weapons ofcourse!). They dont have any superior skills when handling those...

    But when you add the ES weapons suddenly they are the most skilled? Explain that please. When you look at the large picture the individual stats become irrelevant, so you would need the Entire VS to have on average a superior skill with all weapons, not just their ES weapons.
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  14. Johannes Kaiser

    I just want to put one thing out here for all the people claiming the Battle Goose isn't that good:
    Then why is VS the only faction where players beeline so hard BR 60 players have this weapon, and what feels like every 5th HA uses it? Either every VS player except a few enlightened ones is bamboozled by the misconception, or it is simply indeed that good.
    Hint: That players beeline suggests more experienced ones told them it's a good idea.
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  15. Blam320

    Zero drop doesn't even factor in at the game's effective engagement ranges. Actually make an effort to learn the mechanics of the other factions' weapons before you go crying that they're overpowered.
  16. TrojonKing 1st

    Look stop for a second and learn to READ what is printed. I did not say anything OR complain about VS weapon's being overpowered and no I'm not crying about it. I'm crying with fit's of laughter about the fact that A English speaker can't read their own language. It gives me hope
  17. KhlorosTesero

    The Vanu cry out in pain when they are struck with the truth.
  18. Towie

    One significant disadvantage of the VS - low server pop.

    However this leads to a significant advantage with the current population controls - on my VS I can (relatively) freely move around continents with my outfit.

    So an organised VS outfit can beam over to an alert continent with relative ease. Ok of the multiple open continents, at least one will have pretty much zero VS - but then - so what ?

    When i'm NC or TR - I literally despair at the potential queue length.

    Organisation is seriously OP in PS2; if NC or TR struggle to get their outfit onto a continent then it's going to be tough...
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  19. pnkdth

    Playing the under-pop faction (so long as it doesn't go too far you can't even fill up a single continent) is a lot of fun for this very reason. A person might play games because they enjoy them but they stay for the community (outfit, guild, etc). Having people trickle in isn't just frustrating for the people in the queue either since you're not able to operate as a full team.

    In the data KhlorosTereso posted we can even see that VS players play for longer on most servers (some significantly longer). This could be the result of not being stuck in queues or having to pop around at an empty continent while waiting.
  20. Trebb

    Excellent point. If you try to bring this up, you get random insults but nothing with any facts. "Complaining about the 'goose, what is this, 2014? LOSER! LOLOLOL"

    Sure.. it's underpowered, ok. That's why everyone is using it, and my death screen is always 2 VS that have it. *insert argument that you should die when under fire by 2 people, but that's not my point. It's *everywhere* on the battlefield. Do I want it nerfed? No, we need more fun things in this game, give a similar version to the other 2 factions (hell even throw the robots a bone)
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