[Suggestion] Market the game on Playstation 5 and the new Xbox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. Talthos

    To summarize what TRspy has said (and what I already said at the beginning of this thread): The PS4 port has never had very many players, when compared to the PC original.

    Even at its peak, the PS4 port barely had more than 10% of the population that the PC original can boast (if you're too lazy to math, that means the PS4 port had only 10 players for every 100 PC players).

    And even now, the PS4 port's population is dwindling further. Which means that it is increasingly unprofitable to even have a PS4 port at all.

    Money-wise, it makes the most sense to offer the remaining PS4 players a chance to transfer over to a PC server of their choice, and then shut down the PS4 port afterwards.

    As much as the PS4 population might love the game on their console, it's just not sustainable for the company; it doesn't make nearly as much cash as the PC version, and it costs a lot of money and developer work hours to keep the PS4 port running.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they announce a PS4 shutdown plan, sometime this year.
    • Up x 1
  2. Marik

    I guess we need to practice research, huh?
    If you already come with numbers of all servers, you also have to take ALL servers. You left Genudine out of the equation, and there were 430 players in August 19 when we connect this to Ceres, and then your 2100s come up: (430 + 189) / 2100 = 0,29 [...]
    Wow, almost 30%.

    I trust you now times with the numbers of the servers since I am too lazy to check that myself now.

    I give to 30% that have remained may not sound like much, but if you consider the flawed state of the game and the negligence of DBG (maybe RPG, but time will tell) that is still a lot.
    It also depends on how many of them are considered "whales". You know the guys who invest hundreds of Teuros/Dollars or whatever currency in the game. And there seems to be enough of that on the PS4.
    *cough* I'm also partly one of them, but like many others I won't invest any more money without a new update.
    What was in the last anniversary package? Just more Reskins old weapons.
    I put the money into skins and the jubilee packages, because I was quite hopeful after DX-11.

    Because of the exact numbers that really find this game I can't say anything. Because I do not have a list of all players on the page I used to collect the numbers. You can search for all players, but you will not find a list...
    So we can not collect exact numbers how many remain exactly.

    About the updates: didn't the developers say that with DX-11 they have reworked the game sop, that the game is generally easier to update, PC like PS4? <- that's why I was so full of hope.

    because of the backgrounds we're doing, I say this the stupidest...
    America a "victorious power" of World War II. Here patriotism is more pronounced than in many other countries (that is not remembered every day anew of the past days, while other (also own) atrocities are actually ignored).
    If you look at advertisements/covers and the same for games, you can say that the USA is a stronghold for shooters.
    Since I don't feel like checking this out right now, if in theory, if I remember the report correctly, it is not the biggest producer of weapons, but also most shooters come from the country.
    Because the general acceptance for such games is one of the highest. Maybe even China, but everything is regulated there, so... well, the "Western World"
    dances half to the whistle of the red dragon anyway. if you just look at what has become of the enemy images in games and films. It's just the Bad Russians, ***** and North Korea.
    But, well, that's another subject.
    I'm trying to explain that everyone has different preferences for games, but because of the background, you are more affinity for certain games and their content.

    And the reasons why there are (probably) fewer players on the PS4 than on the PC I mentioned. That not much happened on the PS4 is the fault of DBG as well as RPG.
    I personally think that even as a casual gamer, who has maybe only 1-2 hours to play, you can play this game. (which I also do). But unlike other PS games the game is neither beginner friendly nor error free.
    But I partly wonder why RPG didn't make it to the GB era like Game Freak did:
    Just to clean out the code. Game Freak is said to have a lot of chaos when it comes to their codes. But then someone really sat at it and mucked out the code on his own. Changing the packaging system does not change the problem. Unfortunately I see the problem of RPG at the moment that they are more interested in new content than in fixing bugs. I read from the PC Update Notes) and they don't really care about the balance. (which is becoming more and more typical for the gaming industry)
    And there may be groups that play on PS4 because they are Linux followers.
    At least they're nowhere near as annoying as Microsoft.


    Recherchieren müssen wir wohl noch üben, was?
    Wenn du schon mit Zahlen aller Server kommst, musst du auch ALLE Server nehmen. Du hast Genudine außen vor gelassen. und da waren es August 19 430 Spieler wenn wir das jetzt mit Ceres verbinden und dann mit deinen 2100 kommen wir auf: (430 + 189) / 2100 = 0,29 [...]
    Wow, knapp 30%.

    Ich vertrau dir jetzt mal bei den Zahlen der Server da ich zu Faul bin das selber jetzt nach zu schauen.

    ich gebe zu 30% die geblieben sind hört sich vielleicht nicht nach viel, wenn man aber den fehlerhaften Zustandes des Spiels und die Fahrlässigkeit von DBG (vielleicht auch RPG, aber das muss die Zeit erst zeigen) sind das noch immer viel.
    Außerdem hängt es davon ab wie viele davon als "Wale" gelten. Du weißt schon die Typen die hunderte von Teuros/Dollares/oder welche Währung auch immer in das Spiel investieren. Und davon scheint es auf der PS4 genug zu geben.
    *hust* ich gehöre auch teilweise dazu, wobei ich wie viele andere Kein Geld mehr ohne neues Update investieren werde.
    Was war den im letzten Jubiläumspaket den schon drinne? Nur noch mehr Reskins alter Waffen.
    Ich habe das Geld in Skins und die Jubiläumspakte gesteckt, da ich nach DX-11 doch recht großer Hoffnung war.

    Wegen den genauen Zahlen die wirklich dieses Spiel finden kann ich leider nichts sagen. Da ich auf der Seite die ich zur Zahlenerhebung nutzte leider keine Liste alle Spieler führt. Man kann zwar alle Suchen, aber findet keine Liste...
    Damit können wir keinen genauen Zahlen erheben wie viele genau bleiben.

    Wegen den Updates: sagten Die Entwickler nicht das sie mit DX-11 das Spiel so überarbeitet haben, das das Spiel allgemein leichter zu Update ist, PC wie PS4? <- deswegen war ich so voller Hoffnung.

    wegen den Hintergründen wir erkläre ich das am dümmsten...
    Amerika eine "Siegermacht" des 2. Weltkrieges. Hier ist Patriotismus stärker ausgeprägt, als in so manch anderen Land (das sich nicht jeden Tag aufs neue an der die vergangen tagen erinnert wird, während andere (auch eigene) Gräueltaten eigentlich ignoriert werden.).
    Wenn man Werbung/Cover und der gleichen für Spiele betrachtet, kann man sagen das die USA eine Hochburg für Shooter ist.
    Da ich jetzt keine Lust hab das genau zu Prüfen, wenn in der Theorie, wenn mich noch richtig an den Bericht erinnere, ist sie nicht die größten Waffenproduzenten, sondern auch die meisten Shooter kommen aus dem Land.
    Weil die allgemeine Akzeptanz für solche Spiele da mit am höchsten ist. Vielleicht auch China, aber da wird alles reguliert also... naja, die "Westliche Welt"
    tanzt eh schon halb nach der Pfeife des roten Drachen. wenn man sich nur ansieht, was aus den Feindbildern in Spielen und Filmen geworden ist. Sind ja nur noch die Bösen Russen, ***** und Nordkorea.
    Aber naja, das ist ein anderes Thema.
    ich versuche damit zu erklären, das ja jeder andere Präferenzen für Spiele hat, aber durch die Hintergründe, man für bestimmte Spiele und deren Inhaltliche Thematik affiner ist.

    Und die Gründe warum es (wahrscheinlich) weniger Spieler auf der PS4 gibt als auf dem PC habe ich genannt. Das da auf der PS4 nicht viel passierte ist die Schuld DBG wie auch RPG.
    Ich persönlich bin der Meinung das man auch als Gelegenheitsspieler, der vielleicht nur 1-2 Stunden zum Zocken hat, auch dieses Spiel spielen kann. (was ich auch mache). Aber das Spiel ist in Gegensatz zu anderen PS Spielen weder Einsteiger freundlich noch Fehlerfrei.
    Ich frage mich aber teilweise warum RPG es nicht wie Game Freak zur GB Ära gemacht hat:
    Einfach mal den Code auszumisten. Game Freak soll was auch was ihre Codes angeht, ein ziemliches Chaos haben. Aber da saß aber dann echt jemand daran und hat im Allein gang den Code ausgemistet. Verpackungssystem zu ändern, ändert nicht das Problem. Leider sehe ich zur Zeit das Problem von RPG das sie sie sich eher um neuen Inhalt kümmern, als Fehler auszubügeln. Lese ich aus den PC Update Notes) Und um die Balance kümmern sie sich auch nicht wirklich. (was immer typischer für die Spiele Industrie wird)
    Und es gibt vielleicht Gruppe die auf der PS4 spielen, da sie Linux Anhänger sind.
    Zumindest nerven die bei weitem nicht so sehr wie Microsoft.
  3. TRspy007

    Lol, I guess we both stand corrected. My apologies, I was under the impression there was only one PS4 server.

    We do the math again, this time adding 430 to both sides, we get 619/2530 which is about 24.5%, so almost a quarter of pop.

    So yes, you are right, at times the PS4 pop was actually not that bad. Still, when we do the math with how many console players are out there, there's hardly anyone from that playersbase interested in Planetside 2.

    But here's the thing: there were over 6 million accounts (based on the trailer) created on PC when the game first launched (I can't find the actual PC player counts before 2015).

    Combined PS4 peak pop: 9133 players, I'm unsure how many accounts were made, but I can guarantee you there were never as many people who checked out the game on console than PC.

    It's more realistic to try and get some of that PC playerbase back that left than try to attract PS4 players who weren't interested in the game in the first place.

    PS4 has never proved itself a better investment over PC, or a valuable investment at all. That's just the reality of things, PC "succeeded" it's first years. The PS4 players at launch couldn't generate a higher peak than the PC servers when the fisu starting tracking it in 2015, and the game was already considered dying at that point.

    Everyone has different preferences, it seems console players aren't interested in a game like Planetside 2.

    I'm really not sure what you have against American, and why that and Linux/Microsoft users are even remotely relevant to this post. I'm pretty sure you don't have to run a Microsoft OS to run Planetside 2......

    Also you say people buy PS4 because it's cheaper, but then claim they spend as much as PC users? We'd have to confirm that, but since there's more PC users anyways, I doubt that's the case ,even if a PS4 player spent more money individually on average than a PC player.

    And as I mentioned, you've discovered some of the flaws that make Planetside 2 unattractive to the PS4 community.
    • Up x 2
  4. TRspy007

    Let me be more blunt.

    The devs are in charge of developing the game. They are part of a company, they follow orders from their bosses, who in turn follow orders from theirs.

    The point of the company and the titles it releases is to make money. If PS4 was making more money or even a comparable amount of revenue for the company than the PC platform, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. The fact the PS4 servers are just collecting dust demonstrates the game on that platform never generated anything similar to the PC servers. This is why PC servers are the main focus.

    The company's ability to make smart management decisions and generate substantial profit from the game is debatable, but it determined through trial that it was never gonna obtain the numbers it wanted on the PS4 platform. That's why the PS4 servers are rotting away, and the game is trying it's best to get it's old PC playerbase back.
    • Up x 1
  5. Marik

    I think we're stuck here. The fronts are too solid.
    On one side you're saying, "PC is better because it's stronger."
    And me with "The game has potential for next gen consoles if you fix the bugs."

    I don't know for the life of me if you can or will understand my arguments. Especially since your answer always comes out the same. Or maybe I'm talking to a wall? Hello, wall!

    So I guess this will be my last answer to that question:

    So once again, when the game came out for the PS4, it was in a disastrous state, with no clear vision. A lot of reports in the early days were "What do I do now?" And they were at the warp gate.
    So then I guess every base could attack, which also led to people avoiding each other.
    Not to mention all the mistakes. There was supposed to be a time when even one death was enough to crash the game.


    You know, maybe we as console players are used to something different.
    Since there's no real early access or any big betas. (There are very few games)
    But we turn on the console and want a game to work.

    Here is an example:
    Monster Hunter World + Iceborn
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Attack on Titan 2
    Valkyria Chronicles + 4
    Slime Rancher
    Death Stranding
    Metro Exodus
    Red Dead Redemption 2
    Heavy Rain/ Beyond Two Souls/ Detroit

    What do all these games I got for the PS4 have in common? Right, they all run without any great bugs.
    Good is not an F2P, but still we expect the same from an F2P. Especially if the original is around 3 years old. (to the release)

    And maybe that's not a good list. Since I'm a bit off the top AAA titles that come out every year. I don't play Fifa or PES or CoD etc.

    Because of the number of accounts.
    The 6 million accounts don't really mean anything, only the fixed numbers are of value. Which are far below.
    So if we start from the 6 million and take the combined numbers of all servers. We come to
    2529/6000000= 0,0004215
    So less than 1% of all accounts are active players. Since we can assume that there are more than probably more than 10.000.000 accounts, it is even less.

    And of those, I would like to point out, 25% of those are spread over 2 PS4 servers and there are 7 PC servers.

    So because of the investment: matter of opinion.
    For mach the PS4 has paid off, I played Monster Hunter, AoT and GTA for hundreds of hours with friends. I have a working PC to work with.
    And I use Linux. So even if I wanted to, I couldn't play PS2 on my computer.

    I'd like to talk about the account payments: Especially if you read old comments and YT videos, the demands were quite high even for PC conditions, so many gave up the game again. And all games have one thing in common, old players can hardly be won back.
    PS2 has lost more than half of its players for the PC within one year. At least the Planetside have pulled over Steam. (https://steamcharts.com/app/218230)
    In how far one can put these numbers of Fisu and the over 6 million accounts in relation is another thing. (But would still be under 1%)


    So because of the "whales" it's about time. You know, not everybody buys a game the minute it comes out. And PS2 is an F2P.
    I spent a few hundred 100€ on cosmetics within 2 years (I had a little more money left due to certain circumstances, even if it's not the case anymore), because I believed in the game and I still have hope.
    And I don't know about you, but if I believe in the game or like it. I also invest a bit more. And since it only cost me 25ct, I was willing to put some more money into it.

    And I would like to point out that Planetside 2 is not F2P everywhere.
    Depending on the youth protection law of the respective country you have to pay a small contribution. (May not be freely accessible to children)

    And for your last part:
    The real reasons why PC is preferred:
    - is that troubleshooting is more direct
    errors can be corrected more quickly by using our own servers
    the money directly to the company
    - for those who do not buy BC through Steam or the PS Store, BC will be paid directly to DBG to get BC. <- that means bigger profits
    - Content is easier to implement
    Before an update is made to the PS4, it must first be approved by Sony. On the PC, everything is more direct.

    Well, but the biggest problem is and remains communication.
    Of course I can understand that you have to concentrate on the PC first. But it doesn't change the fact that the PS4 community is simply ignored.
    You can also simply admit that the PS4 no longer want support.

    I hope we can at least agree on that. So the lack of communication (although I doubt it)


    Ich glaube wir stecken hier fest. Die Fronten sind zu verhärtet.
    Auf der einen Seite stehst du mit „PC ist besser, da er stärker ist.“
    Und ich mit „Das Spiel hat Potenzial für die next Gen Konsolen, wenn man die Fehler ausbessert.“

    Ich weiß beim besten willen nicht ob du meine Argumente verstehen kannst oder willst. Besonders da deine Antwort immer auf das selbe rauskommt. Oder vielleicht rede ich mit einer Wand? Hallo, Wand!

    Deswegen wird das wohl meine letzte Antwort hier dazu sein:

    Also noch mal: Das Spiel war als es für die PS4 raus kam, in einen desaströsen Zustand, ohne Klare Vision. Viele Berichte zur Anfangszeit lauteten „Was mach ich jetzt?“ (Und sie standen am Warpgate.)
    So dann konnte mal wohl jede Basis angreifen, was auch dazu führte das sich die Leute aus dem Weg gingen.
    Und von den ganzen Fehlern ganz zu schweigen. Es soll sogar mal ne Zeit gegeben zu haben da reichte schon ein Tot um da Spiel abstürzen zu lassen.


    Weißt du vielleicht sind wir als Konsolenspieler einfach was anderes gewöhnt?
    Da es bei uns keinen wirklichen Early Access gibt oder irgendwelche großen Betas. (Da gibt es nur ganz wenig spiele)
    Aber wir werfen die Konsole an und wollen das ein Spiel funktioniert.

    Hier mal eine Bsp:
    Monster Hunter World + Iceborn
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Attack on Titan 2
    Valkyria Chronicles + 4
    Slime Rancher
    Death Stranding
    Metro Exodus
    Red Dead Redemption 2
    Heavy Rain/ Beyond Two Souls/ Detroit

    Was haben all diese Spiele, die ich mir für die PS4 geholt habe gemeinsam? Richtig sie alle laufen ohne großartige Fehler.

    Gut ist kein F2P, aber trotzdem erwarten wir das selbe von einem F2P. Besonders wenn das Original um die 3 Jahre alt ist. (zum Release)

    Und vielleicht ist das keine Gute Liste. Da ich doch etwas abseits der ganz großen AAA Titeln liegt die jedes Jahr auf neue rauskommen. Ich spiele weder Fifa noch PES noch CoD usw.

    So wegen der Account Anzahl.
    Die 6 Million Accounts bedeuten eigentlich nichts, Wert sind nur die festen Zahlen. Die noch weit darunter liegen. So wenn wir von den 6 Millionen ausgehen und die Kombinierten Zahlen aller Server nehmen. Kommen wir auf 2529/6000000= 0,0004215
    Also sind weniger als 1% aller Accounts Aktiver Spieler. Da wir davon ausgehen können, das es mehr als wohl mehr als 10.000.000 Accounts gibt, sind es sogar noch weniger.

    Und von denen, darauf möchte ich Hinweisen, befinden sich 25% von denen sich auf 2 PS4 Server verteilen und es noch 7 PC Server gibt.

    So wegen der Investition: Ansichtssache.
    Für mach hat sich die PS4 rentiert, ich hab Hunderte Stunden mit Freunden Monster Hunter, AoT und GTA gespielt. Hab nen funktionierenden PC zum Arbeiten.
    Und ich nutze Linux. Ich könnte also selbst wenn ich wollte kein PS2 auf dem Rechner spielen.

    Da möchte noch mal kurz die Account zahlen ansprechen: Besonders wenn man alte Kommentare und YT Videos ließt, waren die Ansprüche selbst für PC Verhältnisse recht hoch, weswegen viele das Spiel wieder aufgegeben haben. Und alle Spiele haben eins gemeinsam, alte Spieler gewinnt man kaum zurück.
    PS2 hat für dem PC Innerhalb eines Jahres mehr als die Hälfte seiner Spieler verloren. Zumindest die Planetside über Steam gezogen haben. (https://steamcharts.com/app/218230)
    In wie weit man diese Zahlen von Fisu und den über 6 Millionen Accounts in Relation stellen kann ist eine andere Sache. (Wären aber noch unter 1%)


    So wegen den „Walen“ es geht um den Zeitraum. Weißt du nicht alle kaufen gleich ein Spiel wenn es neu rauskommt. Und PS2 ist ein F2P.

    Ich habe innerhalb von 2 Jahren ein paar Hundert 100€ für Kosmetika ausgegeben (hatte auf Grund gewisser Umstände mal etwas mehr Geld übrig, auch wenn es jetzt nicht mehr so ist), weil ich an das Spiel geglaubt habe und noch immer Hoffnung habe.

    Und ich weiß nicht wie es bei dir aussieht, aber wenn ich an Spiel glaube oder es mir gefällt. Investiere ich auch etwas mehr. Und da es mich nur 25ct gekostet hat, war ich bereit da noch etwas Geld rein zu stecken.

    Und ich möchte Anmerken das Planetside 2 nicht überall F2P ist.

    Je nach Jugendschutzgesetz des jeweiligen Landes muss man nen kleinen Obolus bezahlen. (Darf halt nicht frei Zugänglich für Kinder sein)

    Und zu deinem letzten Teil:

    Die wahren Gründe warum PC bevorzugt wird:
    - die Fehlerbhebung geht direkter
    durch eigene Server lassen sich Fehler schneller beheben
    das Geld direkter an die Firma
    - für alle die nicht über Steam oder den PS Store BC kaufen, wird werden BC direkt an DBG gezahlt um BC zu bekommen. <- das heißt größere Gewinne
    - Inhalte lassen sich leichter implementieren
    Bevor ein Update auf die PS4 kommt, muss es erst von Sony abgesegnet werden. Auf dem PC geht alles direkter.

    Naja, aber das größte Problem ist und bleibt die Kommunikation.
    Klar kann ich verstehen, das man sich deswegen erst mal auf den PC konzentriert. Es ändert trotzdem nichts an der Tatsche das man die PS4 Community einfach gefühlt ignoriert.
    Sie können auch einfach dazu stehen, das die PS4 nicht mehr Supporten wollen.

    Ich hoffe wir können uns zumindest darauf einigen. Also die mangelnde Kommunikation (Auch wenn ich das bezweifle)
  6. TRspy007

    I'm saying PC has proved to have a greater playerbase than console. Also by the way, I looked it up, you can play the game using a linux OS. It's beta, but if you don't want to run Microsoft, that's what you'll have to use.


    Sure the game is in a sorry state, but no one on PS4 would know that unless they checked out the game first. When the game came out on PS4, it was much like the PC version, and didn't have many major bugs. Almost no one from that playerbase checked it out, and for good reason: the game doesn't match the console player's expectations. It's simply not a genre of game they want to play, and it will never be as finished/good looking as the other games available on console.

    The reason why PS4 didn't get many updates after release was because the release failed miserably. Sure, not as bad as Planetside Arena, but it was nothing compared to what would have actually been necessary to attract management's focus towards the game. I understand players don't spend money early on in the game, but if the game releases and there's less people who check it out than players on the dying PC servers, it's not even worth considering. The few players that stayed after the games release on console left over time because they rarely got updates, but the reason they were forgotten in the first place was because of how little success the release had, and he team simply couldn't waste resources on something that wasn't working from the start.

    Then as you mentioned, it's less direct to update PS4. Since the game isn't showing good signs on the platform, and it's a pain to implement stuff when they barely have resources for PC, you can't blame the devs for focusing on the "best" platform in terms of players and revenue.

    You just pointed out, the number of players who ran the game using steam when the game first released was almost 30 thousand, and I guarantee you the actual amount of players that took a look at the game was way higher, since many people don't like running games through third party apps. We calculated at it's peak, the PS4 playerbase generated a third of just the amount of players who checked the game on PC through steam.

    Yeah, more people have a PS4. But the player numbers from PC are way higher, so that's the direction the game is going (and has to take). The PS4 is just a stunt, because the "potential" playerbase has already proved from the start they're not interested. If you have a dozen dead plants and a somewhat healthy one, are you going to water the dead plants because there's more of them? It just doesn't make sense for the game to update and fix the game on console, if people aren't even going to check it out in beta.

    Yeah, it's hard to attract the players that left on PC. But the little population the updates on PC have brought back (even for just a little amount of time) far surpass the amount of PS4 players who checked the game during it's console release.

    You can argue all you want, it's just not logical to feed something that hasn't shown any signs of life, especially when the team doesn't have the resources to do so. They have to prioritize, so they go with the platform that shows the best vital signs. If that's PC, then it's just the way it is.

    You've even proved yourself that PC is more interesting for the company, what is there to argue? I was just trying to inform you why the game on console never worked, and we probably won't be seeing a release on next gen consoles due to how poorly it performed.

    I know it sucks to hear, but you can't argue that console users want a game like Planetside 2, almost no one from that "potential playerbase" gave it a chance during it's beta. I want the game to succeed, but if it's not going to obtain that through console, then there's no point in beating the dead horse. They've been more successful getting spikes in PC pop after "big" updates, than they have with the PS4 release.

    Please, Planetside 2 is a bug in itself. Not only is it not a game genre console players want to play, but it will never be polished and finished enough to attract console players anyways. Planetside 2 with no bugs is simply impossible. It's just not one of those "simple" games meant for console. And as I said, before they even knew the game was bugged on console, barely anyone from the PS4 community gave it a chance.
  7. Marik

    Just as I thought... this is really going nowhere.

    So I'll be brief:

    1st old veterans said to me the PS2 on the PS4 which was really the same content. Yes in terms of content, but it was different with the performance.

    2. I do not say anything against it that the first to take care of the PC version. But they should not hold out the PS4 player and speak plain language. As already said DBG has at least there said the construction at that time to large performance problems led.

    3. it was about bringing the game to the next Gen, with a reasonable advertising campaign. In addition a few tutorials, to eliminate errors and to improve the flow further.
    Maybe I just don't understand you, but I don't understand what the problem is. According to Sony, the PS5 should be especially developer friendly.
    So you can definitely, sometimes between 2 major updates, something in that direction to tackle. and RPG is partly larger than the former PS2 team under DBG.


    Wie ich es mir dachte... das hier führt wirklich zu nichts mehr.

    Deswegen fasse ich mich kurz:

    1. Alte Veteranen sagten zu mir das PS2 auf der PS4 das zwar wirklich auf dem selben Inhaltlichen Stand war. Ja Inhaltlich, bei der Performance sah das aber anders aus.

    2. Sag ich ja nichts dagegen das die sich erstmal auf die PC Version kümmern. Aber sie sollen halt den PS4 Spieler nicht hinhalten und mal Klartext sprechen. Wie schon gesagt DBG hat zumindest da gesagt das Konstruktion zur damaligen Zeit zu zu großen Performance Problemen führte.

    3. es ging darum das Spiel auf die next Gen zu bringen, mit einer Vernünftigen werbe Kampagne. Dazu noch ein paar Tutorials, Fehler zu beseitigen und den Fluss weiter zu verbessern.
    Vielleicht versteh ich dich einfach nicht, aber ich verstehe nicht wo da das Problem liegt. Laut Sony sollen die PS5 besonders Entwicklerfreundlich sein.
    Also kann man durchaus, mal zwischen 2 größeren Updates, da mal was in der Richtung in Angriff nehmen. und RPG ist teilweise größer als das damalige PS2 Team unter DBG.
  8. TRspy007

    One last time, here's the problem:

    1) Planetside 2's development team is small and lacks funding, it can't afford to split resources between console and PC. If it did that, there would be no "big" updates like the one we saw, and content would come out at an even slower pace than usual.

    2) Because of problem 1, the team is forced to decide where they will direct "all" of their resources. Based on results, PC has proved to be more profitable for the company. For this reason, PS4 has remained in maintenance mode since it's failed launch.

    3) Planetside 2 has proved it can't attract a playerbase on console. The team does not have the time, funding and resources to launch another version of the game for next gen consoles, much less one that's "error free" . The devs aren't even able to clean up the mess they made on PC, there's simply no way that they can pump out a version of the game that not only runs well on console while being also free of bugs.

    I'm just trying to explain to you the game's situation, and the thought behind the devs forgetting about console players. I'm sure if all the PS4 players wanted to play Planetside 2, the game was remade to run smoothly on console with beautiful graphics and no bugs, with a perfect new player experience and advertised to the best of it's abilities, the game would succeed. But let's be realistic: that's simply not realistic.
    • Up x 2
  9. Twin Suns

    Capt. Numbnutz and the Straitjackets, that's most of the PS4 PS2 community. ;).

    Pop is so small...it's just one big herd of faction hoppers. Everybody's main is VS and their TR/NC trolling toon is used for boosting friends characters and trolling opposing outfits and people in general. Truth.
  10. AntDX316

    Planetside2.com/players/ tracks many things. I assume they cannot handle serving to hundreds of thousands. The world population is just around 500-600 per empire on Emerald at the peak. If that grew to 10x something would break. As long as people are making enough to survive that is all that matters. It's only those that decide to expand far and wide w/ the risk of going bankrupt at an instant from the massive upkeep that make it happen. I would prefer the game to stay like this but if it ever gets so big some of the stats need to not exist. It doesn't matter how many bullets were fired over the lifetime. No one really looks at that. Removing certain stats like that could make us lag less even with 3000 per empire. Maybe the world isn't supposed to know this game exist otherwise they may be too addicted to do what their secret God will paths should be just as those who have missed Cryptocurrency to retire forever have been missed though it can prevent other bigger issues from arising but w/ all the technology we have today, a lot of the unknowns and blending are beginning to happen so frequently that people will ultimately end up dying to something new fast because they were introduced to it in as little as 5 minutes.

    All I know is what we are doing now works and to expand could cause more harm than good w/o taking other matters into consideration such as certain stat tracking removals. The potential of this game is very high. Way better than ArmA and many other games. You can bring all kinds of tactics into the game and it would work. Being near tons of enemies cloaked and getting some kills is great. Doing all the kinds of things we can do now since they removed VP and brought back cont lock alerts has Brought back the game. Having an aerial destroyer carrier is also unfathomable in other games. This game pretty much has it all and more. No doubt people would come if they knew about it w/ the right PC or console setup which is why I'm trying to push PS5 and the new Xbox to be part of the marketing release but only if the servers can handle the massive influx. The reason why this game isn't bigger than it is (population wise), is because people don't know it exist.
  11. AntDX316

    An important thing why I've said Playstation 5 and the new Xbox is because you need a powerhouse system to be able to drive the graphics w/o lagging hard. When people start lagging hard they won't play. This is why Call of Duty has been excelling. Back when there was an announcement to remove the server browser for an auto lobby, some of us were mad but look at the game now. The reason why we don't really see a lot of veteran commercials asking for money anymore is probably because they don't a portion to the vets, a big amount and the government just pumps money out from nothing anyway. They had the same engine over Many new versions when the devs left or retired wealthy. They've obviously changed that in the new releases. The game is definitely great but nothing in terms of the versatility characteristics you can do in Planetside 2. Even ArmA doesn't have the things you can do here and if you can w/ mods with a fraction of the people of Planetside 2, the game starts lagging Mega hard as you guys know who play ArmA. I assume the ArmA people know nothing about Planetside 2 and my friends don't even want to install it even though they know nothing about it but interested in the same kinds of games I'm into. That should say something. Amerish looks so beautiful in the air w/ the sun either going down or going up. Time of Day is another overlooked plus but having some people being able to crank the brightness makes it unfair to those who want a realistic look by turning the in-game brightness to 0%. I run infantry at times but it's not as interesting as being in some vehicle such as the mobile spawn base, the Sunderer. Too many awesome features. It's just sad that it isn't recognized more by the world as a great option to play other than ArmA, way better than ArmA in performance and features but you don't get that massive render distance option of engaging targets 8km like in ArmA.

    Maybe in the future it would be cool to add some AI like they do in the Battlefront games but not have it ruin the game like Victory Points did.

    Looking down the sniper scope with the DX11 optimizations at night on a mountain makes it feel like I'm playing Warframe or Gears of Wars but in those games as you know, you are stuck to just infantry and nothing else. This game is way better than battleships, war thunder, or world of tanks. It makes it more sad to realize how much better in popularity those other games are than this game. We can only do so much and accept things for how they are. If it never gets big and stays how it is, we deal with it, if it gets higher, we deal with it, if it gets lower, we deal with it just as if half the world's population dies out from pandemics but we are alive, we deal with it.

    The game is pretty much dead during the day which sucks. At night, it super peaks of course. It's all about the marketing to be honest but ultimately, it's all down to our individual desires and decisions.