[Suggestion] Improving the particle settings?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talthos, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Talthos

    Currently, the 'ParticleQuality' setting affects the following:

    • Density of particles (the amount and quality of all the particle bits and 'extras', like bullet impact sparks)

    • Render distance of particles

    This becomes a huge drawback, when you consider that having this setting at 'Low' makes enemy spawn beacons nearly impossible to locate at range (the beams they emit are also affected by the ParticleQuality setting, so at 'Low', they don't render at all if you aren't already really close to them).

    Thus, I propose that we split the current ParticleQuality setting, into 2 new ones:

    • ParticleDensity (affects quantity and quality of particle effects)

    • ParticleDrawDistance (affects how far away that particles can be seen)

    This would allow people to retain the ability to see enemy beacons and incoming tracers at maximum range, but without turning all the 'extra particles' all the way on (and blinding themselves in the process).

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  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I can 100% get behind this. The only reason I have particles set to medium is so that I can see beacons a little better and to have some pretty particles but not overly so. If I could, I'd still set particles to low and allow beacons etc to be set to max.

    My friend has their particle settings on low and they end up barely being able to see anything unless they're right on top of them.
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  3. Liewec123

    the settings need an overhaul entirely, we should be able to turn on and off what we want and not just have the annoying "ultra/high/medium/low" controlling most of it without allowing us to configure.

    i play ultra, but that causes things like sunderer cloak bubbles and spawnroom shields to be impossible to see through
    so it is massively detrimental.
    but if you turn graphics lower to avoid this, then render range of infantry and vehicles is massively nerfed.
    fiddle with the "render range" setting all you like, that just effects the geometry.
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  4. Talthos

    Oh yes, I absolutely agree with this.

    Especially considering that you can't even disable that stupid FXAA filter, unless you set 'GraphicsQuality' to 'Low'.

    Both 'Medium' and 'High' automatically turn it on, you see. It's also why 'Low' appears less 'blurry' than the former two.

    Infuriatingly, the game offers zero alternative methods of disabling the FXAA filter individually; you either have to live with it, or remain on 'Low' (which prevents cloaked Sunderer bubbles from rendering).