[Suggestion] 2.0 - 3000 combined participation score is bad for base capping.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. AntDX316

    I've read this for the upcoming Escalation 2.0 update.

    Outfit Resources
    • Outfits now require a minimum participation score (combined between members) of 3000 before receiving base capture resource rewards.
    This is bad and would ruin motivation of other users for even bothering to stay on to cap. Larger outfits will have the base cap most of the time but some activity is pretty much dead holding off a couple of individuals who are trying to save the cap won't reach 3k unless there was a change to the way the participation score currently works. Points will be spread throughout other people in different outfits and none making an outfit resource ownership non-existent frustrating and increases the chance of people not playing the game properly as well as not at all. The intensity of the fight is sometimes only worth it if we get the outfit resource ownership (before 3000). Some bases don't have gens to get thousands of points from. There should be more points in getting kills than hacking gens/SCU that generate 1000+ points. People who have boost enabled and ribbon collecting are getting more points than anybody just Sitting in the node area which isn't fair.
    Encouraging smaller groups to get bases w/ the motivation they are helping the outfit keeps people away from not playing. Bringing back cont lock alerts helped the game immensely. My suggestion is to not implement this 3000 combined score requirement. It is good how it is now. Victory Points and other continent events in the past have ruined the game. Construction and Outfit Benefits adds another awesome layer to the game. This game should eventually be bigger than Fortnite. Find a game that is like Planetside 2 and no one would find it. It would definitely be cool to have the ability to increase server load with more people and have more continents if it gets well-known by the entire world.

    If possible market this game for the new Playstation 5 and Xbox coming out. That would definitely bring a 10x to this game. Most people have no idea this game even exist.
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  2. Johannes Kaiser

    I do see the reason for the change, but I also agree with the fact that some more lightly defended bases simply cannot offer enough points. Especially if the defenders only end up sitting in the spawn, which happens often enough even when the numbers aren't even terribly off.
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  3. waystin2

    As part of a 27 member outfit squeezed in between mega outfits I kind of like the results of this 3,000 cap.
  4. TRspy007

    Would have been better if people/outfits who contributed past a certain threshold got a portion of resources for capturing or defending the base.
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  5. Johannes Kaiser

    That would be the best way to do it.
    Alternatively, set an individual hurdle, not a group one, at say 1000. THe same probelm with reaching it in small fights will exist, but the mega zergfits would be challwenged now, since a lot of their members will end up with fewer ponts (cuz when you put a lot of people in a fight, some of them are bound to end up getting little done because so many others are already doing what they are supposed to). This gicves little outfits a good chance to compete if they have decent players. Coming from someone who has gotten bases under UAX flag with 6 brothers in >48 vs >48 fights.
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  6. Liewec123

    this change means that if there are only 5 of your outfit at a base and you score less than 3000 combined, you get ZERO credit.
    where as currently, you get credit.

    i play solo so i've made my own one person outfit, just so i can pull the occasional vehicle for free, this change is a huge FU to me.
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  7. Talthos

    Assuming Wrel wasn't fibbing, he wound up answering this type of question on Reddit already (no surprise).

    Here ya go.
  8. AntDX316

    It was totally fine the way it was. Please don't change it but I assume it would be changed back just like how VP was a massive flop and cont lock alerts was the best way to go.

    I hardly even play any other game because of this awesome Escalation update but Escalation 2.0 may ruin it with this 3k combined score capture requirement. A lot of us leaders were talking about it.
  9. AntDX316

    "Wrel: You will still get the outfit claim, and the tick on capture. This rule was intended to limit outfits from redeploying someone to a fight across the map for the tail end of a base capture just to get resources. In short, players actually need to actually participate in the fight now in order to get credit."

    What does it mean? I know it's simple once understood but right now I'm confused.
  10. Talthos

    I get the impression that it means that the 'minimum participation score' only matters if more than 1 outfit is trying to get capture credit.
  11. csvfr

    I get the impression that it is BS. Because if the intention was to limit redeployment for resources a minimum participation score of 500 would be sufficient especially considering that all support XP don't count towards outfit captures anymore. On small bases during pre-prime daytime I often don't score more than 1000 points just from kills and standing on the point. This change screws over the smaller outfits.
  12. AntDX316

    We won't know until by Friday whether it made a difference or not.
  13. csvfr

    You sure can use a bit of reason and thinking to get a pretty solid idea of how things will end up. Like just now, where I initiated a fight, took the precious time to place a well positioned sunderer, stood on the point alone for 2.5 minutes until the enemies showed up, fought the first guy alone before the fight escalated and a firedly zergfit came around. At the end the zergfit got the base and I only got 2000 XP, 20-30% of which where probably from the sunderer.

    It is absolutely clear that this change only favors zergfits and the more cohesive outfits at the expense of the faction overall.
  14. AntDX316

    If they made it timer duration based, it would make it worse as a lot of people would just sit in the hex group. I think how it is now is totally fine but when my outfit has lots of kills, sunderer plant, fighting hard, only to lose the base to one man who hacked a gate gen and did other useless things for ribbons accumulating 3k+ points w/ Zero kills on a constantly contested base is so dumb.

    Kills are only worth like 100 score.

    The worse is when a squad uses a valk and deploys in and other useless things sitting in an abandoned amp station racking up points per second while we did all the work prepping it on the ground and they beat us in combined score.
  15. Smallzz

    what it means is that instead of spam inviting people to ISV without zero command structure, zero organized platoons, zero effective leadership at all, you will actually have to coordinate as an outfit to get points instead of passively existing with 9000 members and racking up points for doing nothing other than scripting invites in public platoons.

    Other than stroking your own ego for having the "largest outfit on Emerald" you are doing nothing positive for the community. Zip. Nada. Anything the devs can do to hinder your ability to lock people into an outfit that represents the worst of what people think of when they think "zergfit" is a positive thing.
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  16. Rooklie

    Same here (although I admit I also like tp boom with a a couple OS now and then) :)
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  17. waystin2

    I like the fact that it limits the ability of a single person or a super huge group from garnering all or most resources. Forces all the capture credits towards a middle ground of at least a handful of folks working together.
  18. Eaglebird

    Waiting to see if we still get Auraxium. Score isn't necessarily the best metric to determining "participation", especially considering it doesn't start counting until the timer on the point starts.
  19. Darksider02

    Was part of a ordinary base and a bio lab capture from the start. Got a good score on both bases but did not get Auraxium, so if you are like me that created a 1 man outfit, this update ruined our fun :(. But i think this will ruin it also for small outfits with low numbers. If not many players from the same outfit is playing, its not easy to gather resources. So only medium and big outfits gets to gather resources.
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  20. Eaglebird

    I didn't get to play long enough to see. I personally think you should have 5 orbitals in stock. Anyone blasting them all at once is either really stupid or really desperate.