My Big Problem

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by kasrkin40k, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. kasrkin40k

    Hello, I just have bought new rockets for my TR mosquito (Tomcat A2A Pods) And I cant use them.
    I mean im just switching to the second weapon slot and trying to shoot but nothing happens, I dont even really know if thats a bug, can anyone help me?
  2. Talthos

    Tomcat A2A missiles cannot be fired without a full lock onto a viable air target (enemy fighters, Valkyries, Liberators, Galaxies).

    It sounds like you bought them by mistake.

    Hellfire rocket pods are the unguided G2A rocket weapon for TR Mosquito. You probably want that one.
  3. kasrkin40k

    You are right! Thank you for your help, have a good day
  4. Talthos

    Whoops, I meant to say that Hellfires are the A2G weapons for the TR Mosquito. But I think you understood my meaning.

    Anyway, good luck, and welcome to Planetside 2.