[Suggestion] To all PS2 Players who don't modify your game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BoSeefus, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. BoSeefus

    Start doing it....
    I guess it's perfectly okay to modify your client side files to give you an advantage - because everyone else can do it to0, it makes it okay I guess? But the thing is... not everyone knows you can do it... so for years people who knew you could have been playing PS2 with an advantage over you and you didn't know you could use too o_O

    What a sad place you have let this game go to DBG and what ever your subsidiary is now and DEV's too.

    I beta tested this game for you and this wasn't part of the game then and shouldn't be in the game until you put it in the game......

    Ban this Overlay, Recording stuff and the other "Allowable" advantages that everyone else don't know about to make the game fair again.

    Or leave it in the game and you provide a "List" of current "allowable" add-ons so everyone has the same opportunity to play your game fairly.

    Everyone should know about the Overlays and allowed 3rd person views with crosshairs and other "Neat Advantages" you can get from 3rd party add-ons...
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  2. iller

    Yeah, I think this is a totally legit compromise. I used to do the same in TF2 before EVERY server became a boring *** Vanilla VALVe server. (actually killed my interest in the game completely when that happened).

    The only Mods I made to it was adjusting Red and Blue Fresnel lighting a bit on player models and making Demo Grenades scale 100% up so I wouldn't have to Squint as hard to see them and Airblast them back with better timing.

    What you're describing though, kinda sounds like going a bit far. Visual aids are one thing, but some of the possibilities when you start talking about Materials, Alpha layers, Self-Illumination shaders, and Overlay can quickly turn into straight up Cham hacks if it lets a modder know exactly where a head will be when it pops around a corner
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I can agree on a list of allowable extras. Including the types of macros that we're allowed to use and 100% won't cause BattleEye to instantly ban me for something legitimate.

    I do agree that many players don't know about things such as Recursion. I've seen it asked a fair few times in threads and in video comments. Personally I don't use it because the only thing that appeals to me is the 3rd person crosshair, and I'm not about to download that thing just for one measly extra to my game.

    With all of that said, some people have an 'advantage' because the put their computer to potato settings to get the most fps as they possibly can. High fps certainly has its advantages in fights, especially 1v1's.
  4. snu

    I HAD NO IDEA THIS GAME HAD MODS LMMAAAOOOO. Here I am playing vanilla. Whelp, time to become a golden god.
  5. PlanetBound

    So what are the mods?
  6. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Are you calling for a ban of Recursion? it's not a cheat by any measure. Edited game assets is. There have been ban waves over it but nearly enough. Modified hitboxes is AFAIK still a thing and should not be.

    Hard edited ini-files is a problem in low pop too as it makes the game much easier. I hate that someone can run potato settings and therby see everything in the game.

    Just want to say what crosshair overlay cannot be considered as unfair advantage because i can stick small piece of paper on my screen(which i did) and you cannot just came in to my house and remove it.

    Same for .ini modification, it's not allow you to downgrade graphics quality further that in ingame options, except setting render distance even lower than 500m which can be hardly called as visual advantage since you gonna play ******* morrowind. Potato ini options is just a better way to share optimal settings since it can exist even as text, while ingame options will always be at least a screenshot

    But overall yes, i want to see a list of such client modifications, maybe there is some more what can improve game performance on my grandpa's PC
  8. Scrundle

    This has been discussed to death previously but the consensus is that the Recursion tracking program is not cheating as it does not offer an actual mechanical advantage, as stated above by IVANPIDORVAN anyone can place a teensy little mark on their screen which acts as a crosshair for third person aiming and some people don't even need that, they just "know" where the centre of the screen is through practice and experience.
    It's cheesy but the solution is simple; give people a third person vehicle cursor. Hell, make it an implant so as to add a new cert-sink into the game.
    Now having said that, before you think i'm soft on this sort of thing, I hate any sort of macro; if you've got third party software/hardware sending command inputs to the game then I don't think that's right at all even if it's a built-in function of your keyboard. If it were up to me there'd be a hardline stance on macros that would upset many people, so lets be glad it isn't up to me.

    Judging where the middle of the screen is? Anyone can do that.
    Modifying files to give yourself some sort of advantage that cannot be naturally gained? Absolutely no, one thousand years in the tower of london.
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  9. Towie

    Agreed although not because anyone can stick something on the screen - but - modern gaming monitors have the option of overlaying a crosshair (of various sizes and colours) and there's no way anything can detect it other than potentially identifying what monitor is attached. My monitor can do this - so why shouldn't everyone have the option ? Just build it into PS2.

    Controllers have macros and they are becoming more and more sophisticated. Hell it's only a matter of time before a monitor has Autohotkey type functionality and you could build an enormous advantage with that.

    Game developers in general need to figure out how to handle this increasing functionality - people with the right equipment can potentially get a significant advantage. Pales into insignificance compared to asset modding or aimbot but nonetheless, people get an edge and that simply isn't cricket.
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  10. Campagne

    Alternatively the benefit of an overlay could be negated if not just made a default feature.

    (Read: Remove third-person view from combat vehicles)
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  11. BoSeefus

    Even the users of these Overlays can't deny an improved K/D while using them....

    3rd Person view from a combat vehicle is perfectly fine - just having crosshairs while in a combat vehicle in 3rd person is an unfair advantage when everyone else isn't doing that or didn't know you could.

    But you all are forgetting the folks using the "overlay for 3rd person view with crosshair while in infantry".... Oh sorry I guess I wasn't suppose to say that.
    Yesterday I had a great convo with a Overlay user.... I learned a lot and found out how to improve my K/D by using PlayClaw and that having 3rd person view with crosshairs was the way to do it. Before I voiced my opinion on the "unfairness" of overlays there was zero mention of the benefit only happening in combat vehicles, turrets...

    You see, when one is using an Overlay, you could see say an Infantry Cloaker who uncloaked on the other side of the building then recloak and then watch where he goes, while cloaked, walk up to him and stab him in the head, oh and yea while recording the whole thing allegedly

    Modifying API files, Hitboxes size adjusted, there's a whole slew of mods, 3rd party software et etc.... List what is okay to use DBG

    Take responsibility to make the game fair again and keep your game fair going forward
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  12. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Thats not correct at all. You can go far outside what the ingame GUI let you do. Basically remove smoke, Have solid tracers, and make infils easier to see. You can do a lot. If you look at some of the MLG Yolo A-D-A-D 420 Medkit vids out there you will see what I mean. There is a reason why those players refuse to change settings even for recording.

    You can also INCREASE the looks of the game by downscaling by setting render quality OVER 100% etc.

    Personally I run everything on max from ingame settings cause no amount of ini-tweaking will make me MLG and I like the game to be as nice as possible to look at.
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  13. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    Yeah double post cause my brain is busy socially distancing itself from my hands... Sorry
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  14. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    They are offset - you aim for the crosshair you miss.

    I'm confused by your argument here - I think you are confusing overlays with wallhacks etc. Recursion does not interact or highlight anything on the screen. It only provdes you with a "dumb" crosshair if you so choose and some fun statistic informations bundled with a separate achievement system. There is no tracking of other players etc.

    They have listed whats allowed. It's here on the forums somwhere. Editing game assets, using macros, and ofc cheats, aimbots, wallhacks, GPS/Radar whatever you wanna call them are illegal and will lead to a ban if they catch you. They just catch too few using this stuff...
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  15. Campagne

    Third person allows the player to see dramatically more than they normally would, including over and around cover and directly behind and beside themselves. In and of itself third person is advantageous, hence why anyone would be using it in the first place. Vehicles which can't fight back or rely on turrets don't really gain any real advantage in the same way that a tank or ESF might, and would furthermore have no use for a crosshair overlay.

    Using an overlay while in third person for infantry isn't an issue, because infantry don't have a third person view...
  16. BoSeefus

    Not one of you addressed this "
    Even the users of these Overlays can't deny an improved K/D while using them...."
    The end result after all is what you want correct?

    DBG I do hope you will step up and make this part of your game - in order to make game play Fair - especially now during your who's the best Events.... Cuz honestly, he who mods .ini files and uses overlays the most will win, those who don't know about them or don't know that DBG "ALLOWS" it to happen - the final out come doesn't mean anything at all
  17. BoSeefus

    Make it part of the Game DBG - level the playing field - make this game FAIR again.

    It wasn't in BETA and many don't know about it, nor would risk violating the EULA - you owe the community a once and for all at least.
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  18. ican'taim

    Unpopular opinion, but I sort of agree with OP. If RPG just added a "red dot in 3rd person" option, that "advantage" when using Recursion would vanish overnight.
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  19. TRspy007

    Only thing I use is recursion, nothing game changing, but I love the fact it tracks stuff like multikills and give cool sounds.
  20. ObiVanuKenobi

    How is "recording" an advantage and why would someone be stupid enough to think it's not allowed? I've never heard of a game where you're not allowed to record.
    3rd person crosshairs in vehicles are not accurate because in 3rd person projectiles don't come from the center so depending on distance you have to aim below or above. Also i've never heard of a game where crosshair overlays are not allowed.
    There's nothing special in the .ini, you can't disable smoke anymore, that was fixed. The only thing some people do that's not in in-game settings is lowering render distance below minimum but it's too much of a handicap for a few extra frames per second imo.
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