Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by omoxionuk, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. omoxionuk

    Why is the tr so dysfunctional, no direction, Remind me of headless chickens.
  2. Atorum

    Good players want to have all available advantage they can in the game so they dont pick TR which is the weakest faction by all metrics, no leadership=no direction, add in snowball effect and there you have it.
    Biggest problems of this game that its trying to fix general problems while faction balance is none existent.
  3. Demigan

    Weakest faction by all metrics? I love metrics! Could you show those metrics to me?
    • Up x 1
  4. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Now's the time to shine as TR's newest outfit leader!
  5. Atorum

    You mean the fact that TR can barely win Prime Time Alert in years on Emerald? I dont see NC or VS struggling
  6. waystin2

    It's different server to server. TR in Connery are usually in a large mass. You get all of them in one sector or a single infiltrator in your sector. Nothing in between. I'll try to kill either mind you, so please continue to show up at control points. OINK
  7. Johannes Kaiser

    TR people ain't orcs, ya lil dwarf...although, it WOULD explain quite a few things...