[Suggestion] Losing 375 certs at the end of an alert because the game crashed that the last second sucks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Katshina, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. Katshina

    can we please fix this?

    if i dc in an alert for whatever reason and come right back to the game, the time i was in the alert should not just be evaporated.. it's really frustrating when i have to reload game due to poor performance or it just crashes because sphagetti code that i get so harshly punished for it
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  2. Johannes Kaiser

    Second that.
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  3. SubsonicBeatz154

    Third that. This has happened to me multiple times in the past couple days and is EXTREMELY frustrating, having an hour and 30 minutes of work in a Meltdown Alert go to waste because your game crashed at the final 30 seconds...
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  4. TR5L4Y3R

    they NEED to make alertparticition to be similar to ribbons/repeatable directives ... as in you spend a ammount of time or gaining a ammount of XP (or both) during a alert you get a definitive ammount of certs and iso .. it happens just way to often that one spawns in the middle of a running alert, then some sort of crash happens with you losing your progress, heck there might be RL reasons you have to leave the alert before it closes ...
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  5. TRspy007

    I understand not allowing players to switch factions and harvest alert rewards, but they should definitely allow players logging on to their same character in rapid succession to keep their stats. There's no reason to disconnect players and then not let them have what they worked hard for.
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  6. Botji

    Worked for me like 2 weeks ago though the game didnt crash the literal last seconds so you were serious about crashing like that I dont think there is much to do about it.

    Game crashing like 2-3 minutes before alert end and you jumping back in has worked for me, so far at least.
  7. Katshina

    it did not, botji, i was in a winning alert for the full 90 minutes, even generated over 100k score and a few hundred kills, participated in a boat load of caps too, i dced 15 minutes before the alert finished, loaded back in, sat 5 minutes in a queue to get into the continent, got in 10 mins to spare, played untill the end of the alert

    i got 8 certs for my contributions.