Cloaked infiltrators invisible to dark flashlight...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rooklie, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. Rooklie

    Plz? This has been happening now fro months and months ... it's getting super abused
  2. Blam320

    Darklights have a limited range. You pretty much need to be right next to the infiltrator to illuminate them.
  3. Rooklie

    I know ;) but thanks !
  4. Blam320

    So no, Infiltrators are not invisible to Darklights. It's very difficult to spot them, even with Darklights since only their outline gets revealed, but it's not impossible and it's not getting abused. If anything, they're probably taking advantage of superior positioning, and correctly predicting where you're going to sweep the flashlight and when.
  5. Rooklie


    yes they are, otherwise I wouldn't make a thread about it.

    But you know what? You're not gona believe me, you're gona think that you're so smart, and you've got so much gametime and you're so hardcore and I'm just a noob who knows nothing.

    Which is why I made a video.

    In the last thread I made on this subject. (which was months ago).

    You want the video?
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  6. Rooklie

    I bet you'd love the video !

    Well then, here it is :)


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  7. Rooklie

    Here's a "fresh one".

    I couldn't be bothered editing it, so I'll walk you through it :

    The first time, I check with my darkflashlight at the stalkers' position and a small part of him renders in purple, only a small part, but enough for me to notice.

    So I check again to the where it was (and he's actually there), and as you can see, nothing shows.

    Then, I look elsewhere, and he starts shooting, I turn around, proving where he was.

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  8. Blam320

    I genuinely can't explain that.

    But otherwise, why the hell are you suddenly so belligerent? You immediately pounced with insults and other crap when all you needed to do was say "I made a video about this." Jerk.
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  9. Rooklie

    because I'm tired of the patronising nerds on these forums who don't listen to what I say unless I provide a ******* video
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  10. Blam320

    Burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You expect us to believe you without some sort of proof? You also can't fix bugs without showing the developers exactly what's happening.
  11. Rooklie

    I expect you to take me seriously. This isn't a ******* courthouse with lawyers, there is no burden of proof for anything at all, there is no claim, there is no judge, there is no sentence.

    Now if I say "I know, but thanks", with a smiley ":)" I expect you to yeah ******* believe me.
  12. Leidz

    The first person darklight is bugged. But if i see a dark light other than mine, i can see it work fine. So now i need to tell my friend to use his darklight and i watch where he aim with the light. It work. For the moment.
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  13. Towie

    Got to admit I have noticed the same - they (seemingly) have toned down the efficacy of the darklight. Previously they used to light up quite nicely but now it's more of a predator style shimmer effect, very much harder to see.

    Last night I managed to follow one guy for a short period but struggled to see him - until I lost him.
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  14. FLHuk

    Our new player base is going to find it all just fine....
  15. Johannes Kaiser

    Had that recently as well, they only get colored after 2 sec or so. Which often enough is sufficient to make the searcher think there's nothing there. Very dangerous.
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  16. AbsinthSvK

    i think its latency problem, client problem. So basically nothing you can do, it must depend on how client connect to server.
  17. Rooklie

    maybe, but in that case, why would this issue appear 8 or 9 months ago, didn't exist before?

    unless they changed servers ./ or something with the network?

    I dunno..