Remove teleportation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Indrien, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Indrien

    For now, this game is blocked by people who can send soldiers on the other side of the continent in seconds.

    So, you want to join a base, take a vehicle !

    You will reappear in THE BASE , only in a spawn room or sundies, if you find yourself on HER TERRITORY.

    --- A more dynamic gameplay because of more base rotations, aerial and ground fights between the bases.

    --- More interesting for small teams.

    --- More consultation between squads to react effectively depending on their position on the continent.

    But it's just my opinion, i am waiting for yours !
  2. AbsinthSvK

    --- and more Zergs

    --- players blocked with Zergs

    --- annoyed players leaving game
  3. TR5L4Y3R

    my opinion:
  4. Cyropaedia

    Not sure how OP will handle the Steel Rain and Fleet Bastion Carrier.
    • Up x 1
  5. Wadelma

    I remember running with an outfit, dropping 24 guys next to enemy warpgate on a hill and just blasting everything that came out from it while our zerg was approaching. Yeah miss me with that cheese, teleporting is good, even if it means galaxies are slightly useless now outside of coordinated airdrops for a platoon.
  6. Johannes Kaiser

    If it there was no redeploy, there would be little chance to recap any installation that isn't left by the attacker after turning the point.
    Because if you'd take out even redeploy to warpgates (got get a Valk/Gal), there's little chance of even getting there in time. Imagine you are an aware palyer, on the east side of Amerish. You see some station on the west side is captured and the line has no allies at the moment for whatever reason (lets assume they left 5 minutes ago to go to a base that looked like it might be attacked soon, so they can be there in time). In a fast ground vehicle it'd take about 5 minutes to get over there. A cap takes 4. So even if you somehow see the cap before it begins, you'd still be late.

    Granted, that would add an interesting strategic layer of anticipating attacks, but with the lattice this is a bit moot as most groups don't jump lanes that often. But on the other hand respondin to a threat that isn't immediately nearby is close to impossible. And we all know that the people closest to a losing base arent neccessarily the ones who notice that happening, especially if they are properly stuck in as well.