[Suggestion] THE KRAKEN (and also explosives)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. TRspy007

    So basically, all directive weapons are just cool reskins of the defaults, which is fine I guess.

    The only 2 that aren't are the KRAKEN and C4-ARX, since those are NS. The path towards these two "unique" weapons has long been obsolete. Before, it was possible to be a rocket primary, and, with perseverance (and a ton of rage tells) it was possible to slowly unlock the kraken. Since the combines arms initiative, the only 2 launchers that may one hit infantry (regardless of headshots) are the decimator and the masamune. It is near impossible to complete the kills required since other launchers do little damage to air and ground, so pilots can run away and drivers bail after being hit.

    The directive should be adapted to fit the "new" resistance types of the game, so others who have not unlocked the kraken on their newer characters can get a chance at unlocking this cool firework-launching decimator.

    Tied with this is the explosives directive, with the implants that spot or defuse mines, its basically impossible to get kills with these, unless you drive up to vehicles to put mines (which fly away or blow up in your face half of the time), and detonate them yourself, hoping the guys won't notice and the blast kills the vehicle, (which due to the physics of this game, based on the angle, distance ect, the mines usually don't).

    So again, maybe a reform of the directive to make it more adapted to the counter implants and the weird physics of the game.

    Its really hard grinding out directives for new characters, and it's disappointing to see that some of the directives are near impossible to achieve which is odd since the reward isn't even that great. I try to finish as much directives as I can for all my characters, but its clear that some aren't really viable.

    Anyone else feels the same?
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    AT mines was easiest directive to achieve, i unlocked C4 a lot earlier but still not aurax it yet. "Mine carrier 2" is a game changer there, with 3 mines i aways put them all together, so if driver uses minesweeper implant it's almost guaranteed to fail. However with 5 mines in total i realised what the most efficient way is spreading them so vehicle must waste 5 shots to disable them all instead of 1 which is not always possible mid fight. Another way of quickly go through AT aurax is stacking them with AP mines, it works even with terran claymores, you just a bit more restricted.

    But overall i agree with you, they must do something with at least launcher directives similar what they did with heavy assault (adding kills with heavy weapon) and famous "max punch challenge" (before if you want aurax plates on max you have to kill 1160 peoples with maxpunch, that was some legendary bullshjt)

    However i really want to get more than just a reskin and few particles, something special. For example concusion granade effect for 1 second inside this explosion bubble, it's ain't much, but it's something.
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  3. TRspy007

    That would really be an interesting mechanic. And maybe a sort of flashbang for the c4 arx, where the wielder is immune.
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