Guys we are outdated, we are just rudiment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IVANPIDORVAN, Jan 21, 2020.


    I always wondered why there is such a small group of folks posting on this forum, same names over and over again and at the same time three servers with 1k online in prime time plus some more. Where all these peoples?
    Today i suddenly realise what they all post of ******* reddit, in what world do we live that the official forum has lost its purpose. I've been patiently waiting for post about 19 hour long indar on miller (and i proud to say what i played all it through from beginning till the end), just to add my two cents, but all whine posted on reddit instead. Am i getting to old for this stuff? I am not that old ffs, but i just don't get it. And this explain rumors like "devs don't read this forum" because they is, at least not regulary, maybe 1 dev responce per 6 months. I am just lost all my hopes.

    So yeah, let's post memes here instead, who cares.
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  2. Demigan

    The explanation has always been that on the official forums their words carry more weight. If some dev promises something they are more responsible for making it happen, somehow. So instead they go to the Reddit page where anything said is less official. "Whoops well it wasn't an official post and he was wrong, sorry guys".

    But this has led to the devs having more action on Reddit, and in turn more people going to Reddit. I tried Reddit a few times but it's a bigger cesspool than this forum with hypocrites and idiots who can't even agree that 1+1=2.
  3. BrbImAFK

    Yeah, but 1 + 1 =/= 2.

    1 + 1 = 3... for very large values of 1!

    Or possibly because of the aggregate synergies of the number 1 improve the combined value through restructured ecosystemic consensus which results in numero-centric results-driven paradigms.

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  4. Johannes Kaiser

    Nonono, 1+1=11, if we take the matter literally.
    Jokes aside, it's indeed bizarre that the official forum officially serves no purpose. I came to read (and less frequently write) here about 2 months ago or so, and it caused no small amount of puzzlement and amusement to read this over and over.
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  5. OgreMarkX

    The Planetside team (upper, middle and lower level), whether under SOE or DBG, has always led the way in showing how NOT to handle customer relations.

    Granted, SOE/DBG is surpassed in this by Electronic Arts, but hey, it's EA we're talking about.

    "iF u DoNT lIk3 ouR SjW Ww2 g4mE tHeN dONt bUy iT"

    Disdain of customers gets ya far in the market dontchya know.
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    *tries to read and understand all this mathBS* ..... *syntaxerror* .... *criticalfailure* .... *emergencyshutdown* .... ..... ....
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  7. ObiVanuKenobi

    Almost all games nowadays have more active subreddit than official forums.
    Never heard that before.
  8. Nubm_again

    I'd go with 1+1=1.
    For example, you have one person holding the point, 1 enemy walks in and you will be left with one person. Pure numbers can never determine who the survivor will be, and the sheer complexity of all the numbers needed to make an accurate prediction is just crazy (given a random engagement). Meanwhile, the fact that one survivor will remain is almost certain. Scale up the numbers and it becomes much more predictable. Different styles and tactics are used to engage, depending of the scale of the fight. Break the numbers down and they will not fit.
    However, 1 Faction + another faction fighting a point in even numbers will still result in a point colored in one of the engaging factions colors.

    The point stands for engagements though. 1 Prowler and 1 Vanguard = 1 tank driving away. Numbers to determine why the one survivor did in fact survive are used on both sides to be the one who wins the engagement, but even if you factor in gear, experience, skill, terrain, luck even, the outcome will remain the same: 2 goes in, 1 comes out on the most basic level (with the exception of a draw, which is rather unlikely due to the game mechanics, but can vary) and becomes more diffuse when scaled up.

    The forums are the place to come to discuss, complain about, state flaws, or whatever about the numbers behind the result of the engagement. But those numbers come after the engagement is over. Often enough, the side losing feels betrayed for various reasons, may it be faction balance, base design, ect. while the winning side feels lessen in their effort by being called cheater, abuser, favored, or whatever. Numbers are run and can in fact reveal some bad balancing or mechanics (in which case often almost everyone is on the same page), while more often 1+1=1 leaves one player behind that do not understand this simple equation, and scaling up a fight will blur the goal from engagement into objective, which supports the claim that different tactics are required depending on which scale you are applying the 1+1=1 equation.
  9. That_One_Kane_Guy

    How about this:
    If: 1/3 = 0.333.....
    And: 2/3 = 0.666....
    Then: 3/3 = 0.999...
    Therefore, 'technically' if you want 1+1=2 you need to round up.

    Yes I know that's not how it works, it's still funny
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    Yeah, way back in school I asked my math teacher that question once. It was confusing to learn that something that isn't one number is also that number. Because apparently 0.9 (period) = 1 and so on.
  11. BrbImAFK

    Yeah, things start to break down when you take them to extremes. Newtonian physics breaks down on the subatomic level. Mathematics breaks down when infinity gets involved. Geography breaks down when you make it into a map and a planetman has to read it.... and so on! :p
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