Your causes of death?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurgNC, Jan 20, 2020.

  1. MurgNC

    So just to assuage my own curiosity, I looked up my last 100 deaths while playing as infantry to see what caused it, to see where I can improve.

    My causes of death were:

    LMGs 26%
    Carbines 12%
    Sniper rifles 8%
    Teamkills (all causes) 7%
    ARs 5%
    Harassers 5%
    ESF 4%
    MAX 4%
    Shotgun 4%
    SMG 4%
    Knives 4%
    Battle rifle 3%
    Pistols 3%
    Grenades 2%
    Rocklet rifle 1%
    Lightning 1%
    Suicide 1%
    Flash 1%
    ANT 1%
    Heavy Weapon 1%
    C4 1%
    MBT 1%
    Orbital Strike 1%, LMGs killed me about as many times as the next three causes put together! It just goes to show that there are a ton of HAs out there farming infantry. No surprise that team kills were so high on my list...I main NC. I was surprised at how few of the deaths were from knives and ESFs, because those to me are the most infuriating deaths as it seems there was nothing I could've done to protect myself.

    What are your biggest causes of death?
  2. Demigan

    where did you get that information?

    And the TK rate of NC has equalized long ago with that of the other factions. Just have a look at current TK's on factions on Fisu:
  3. MurgNC

    The killboard.

    Surprised that TKs have equalized, that's something NC has been infamous for...
  4. Campagne

    Stereotypes are often build on a shred of truth, but that doesn't mean they were ever true.
  5. NCLH

    I regularily encounter assumingly frustrated NC Players who will shoot teammates on the run mostly killing their shield and few HP.
    The solution to this is making the game less frustrating (vehicle physics, one shot weapons, close range sniping, vehicles inside bases, harasser being OP, ... ) but DBG is more like "have you alreadyy bought AA?"
  6. Johannes Kaiser

    I have a friend (we both main NC) who somehow has managed to have ~ 30% of his deaths total amounting to TKs. No idea how that happened (and I didn't see the diagram), but he swears it's true.
  7. Demigan

    I can't find any detailed stats about it. I did find one pie-chart that lists some of the weapons, but since "unknown weapon" is on there twice for a total of 56 of the deaths/kills (I assume one is deaths the other kills) I have doubts about the validity.

    TK's aren't even mentioned as far as I can tell.
  8. That_One_Kane_Guy

    If the fisu is to be believed this is death list from my most recent 8 hrs. For me it's the Carbines by far that I die the most to. LMGs are barely more than a blip in comparison.

    Assault Rifle - 11 - 5.70%
    Battle Rifle - 3 - 1.55%
    Carbine - 47 - 24.35%
    Heavy Gun - 1 - 0.52%
    LMG - 27 - 13.99%
    Pistol - 7 - 3.63%
    Shotgun - 8 - 4.15%
    SMG - 22 - 11.40%
    Sniper Rifle - 13 - 6.74%
    Unknown - 54 - 27.98%

    Unknown in this list lumps together vehicles, mines, grenades, C4, A2G, and every new weapon that doesn't have a classification yet in the API (so Assault rifles are probably a little under-represented).
    Grand Total 193