ANT base building advice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iPug, Jan 18, 2020.

  1. iPug

    Don't bother with all the base defense features, they don't work. This will save you some frustration and give the enemy players little to attack and will keep you from being killed while building up a full-sized ANT base.

    1. Collect your Cortium (hopefully your ANT is maxed out for storage).
    2. Place your Silo and fill it up partially (not more than half-way).
    3. Place a Flail or Orbital strike unit with one (1) AI module.
    4. Optional (Alarm Module) to let others know the enemy is nearby (and hope aircraft will respond).
    5. Optional (Sky Shield Module): Only effective defensive mechanism against aircraft and if placed low enough maybe against ground vehicles. Find the lowest elevation near the Silo and Orbital strike with AI modules.

    That's it! You're done! One trip, get your Dart gun from the Orbital strike and LEAVE!

    To bother with anything else is a waste of your time in gathering Cortium as well investment in time building an ANT base that can be torn down in two-minutes by two people. This will hopefully alleviate your frustration.

    My findings:

    Pain spires do not work against enemy troops. I've seen bases with six (6) Pain Spires and not a single one did anything to the enemy. One out of the two attackers was an Infiltrator.

    Anti-Personnel turrets with AI modules do not work. Seen a base with two (2) well-placed Anti-Personnel turrets with AI modules and nothing happened to the enemy. They were not Infiltrators.

    Don't bother with Sunderer Garage with Shield Module The Shield Module does not prevent enemy troops from getting inside. It only prevents vehicles from getting in. A dumb feature as you can't walk into a base with a shield but you can with this shield.

    Placing anti-personnel mines and a Spitfire Auto-Turret will not help protect the Elysium Tube. Place the Elysium tube in a remote area near an enemy base, never at an ANT base.

    If you spend too much time building an ANT base, you will get killed while you are building it and most likely when you are placing objects. Enemy players attack these bases because they usually have one player building it and know the defense systems will not work to protect you. The enemy will hunt for such bases even if they are in deep in friendly territory.

    TR is the faction that I've noticed that will focus on taking down ANT bases when they are deep in friendly territory. If you want to build one, avoid building them in regions where TR can easily gain access.

    Hopefully, this will help those who want to build something understand the risks involved and what kind of investment they should focus on and go from there.

    You're Welcome!
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  2. iPug

    Also, make sure you're an Infiltrator as you will less likely die when trying to place your dart for the orbital strike.
  3. karlooo

    Btw I would encourage OS spam. Firstly it sucks in the objective and it's an extreme construction counter, making construction further unplayable!

    Yeah the defenses suck. The manual Shield module ability is just too much for me to handle with everything going on, and very often I cannot use it in time before some front defense gets destroyed, usually due to resupplying.

    About the Sunderer Garage you reminded me of some huge problem which needs to be looked at.
    I experienced a couple of times, some enemy infantry running inside the sunderer garage and gunning down my spawn tube from full HP, with just a magazine from a Carbine...
    This happened way too many times to me and it feels like an exploit or a hack.
    Not fair to deal with.
  4. karlooo

  5. MurgNC

    Thanks, I was wondering what the current construction meta is! You've saved me some frustration!
  6. Wolfson

    I'd add two small items to this.

    #1 - Router deployer - capable of an instant-deploy anywhere on the map, after placement.
    #2 - Air Deploy Unit - Capable of flying you to that exact spot that you want to deploy the router or the dart, specifically, dropping you off, and will only cost you cortium for the flight.
  7. iller

    Anyone who just wants to grief good fights with Orbital Spam can do it faster/easier by weaseling their way into an Officership in one of the Zerg outfits that regularly captures "Blue Juice".

    That's not "Building" anything. Real builders still have ways to hold territory even against an entire Platoon. They just can't be SOLO sad-boys who don't have any friends and don't know how to make friends
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  8. karlooo

    Uhu sure, you can't build solo...But construction is designed to build solo.

    It's true that you can't defend it solo, logically. But why would you receive support? It holds nothing important, Nanite free tanks are unnecessary, Infantry weapons suck so again useless to defend the base. Currently you can only defend with tanks so then what's the point building anything and wasting time?
  9. Thalestr

    Things I'd love to see (but I know will never happen):
    - All defense turrets get a considerable buff. Their performance right now is hilariously bad with only the AA turret posing anything of a threat. The anti-infantry turret is so bad and so inaccurate that the AT turret is actually better for infantry.
    - Nothing should be vulnerable to small arms fire, especially knives.
    - Pain spires need a massive buff. They should be 100% no-go zones for infantry. Pain spire blocking your way? Tough luck, bring a tank.
    - Repair module needs a buff. Perhaps not to what it was before, but the repair output right now is laughable.
    - AI module needs better range. Unless you aggro the turrets by shooting them, you can drive or walk right past a construction without being shot at. Their self-engagement range is pathetic and always gives the upper hand to attackers.
    - Hackable terminals (air/ground/equipment). A single cloaker can walk into your base, hack your terminal, and use your own Cortium to pull a tank to destroy your base. Lolwhut?
    - Reduce passive Cortium loss. This has been mentioned before, but it needs to be addressed. You are punished for working with others to build up larger bases by having to babysit the silo.
    - Triple or quadruple the payout for other people using your vehicle spawners. Someone pulls a lightning from my base and I get, what? 17exp? I think I get more experience when I fart.

    Construction, as it stands now, really is a case of: "Hours to build, destroyed in seconds." and that's just not fun at all.
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