[Suggestion] salt and rage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tozze101, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. Tozze101

    I just ragequit for the first time today.
    Here's some reasons why. The day started nicely with some big fights and i got my fair share of kills and helped out. Soon the fights started dying out and only small battles were left. Knowing how those is always dominated by above average players i left and started gathering cortium to farm certs. An alert pops in and suddenly the big fights were back.

    I joined some fights again and were having fun until hackers showed up. They had ESF's and were flying under the map taking out our tanks. I had enough and left to gather cortium again. I spent most of the alert gathering cortium instead of actually fighting. When i tried going into a fight it was just a zerg with dosens of vehicles bombarding our spawn so i kept gathering my cortium. This is the most i got out of the game for the entire alert..

    Why won't the devs change this? Why are you allowed to force a faction to sit in their spawnroom because venturing outside would mean immediate death? What's the fun in that? Am i missing something? How about you make the game about infantry in bases instead of how many vehicles you can use to keep the enemy from spawning? I get that vehicles should dominate the open spaces between bases but when they also dominate bases it ruins every fun experience you could have in the game.

    Maybe i'm playing it the wrong way. Maybe i need to be one of the top tier players to enjoy it but why should that be a requirement? Why can't i enjoy driving a tank, battling other tanks? For starter, driving a tank is also dangerous because of bad game design. You have to watch out for flashes with AT weapons. Before latency catches up with you you are probably already dead. Let's not forget harassers that can take multiple tankshells before going down. How is that good gameplay? Harassers at first should not have that much health or atleast be vulnerable to tankshells.

    Before i come back to the game i would like these changes.
    1. harassers be more vulnerable to tankshells or have lower amount of hitpoints.
    2. Bases be more about infantry and in some way be protected from vehicles in bases.
    3. Deal with the damn hackers. There's too many of them. We constantly report them but they are still around. Patch it out or get better at dealing with them. Just look for the multiple reports on the same account. Hacking should have your IP banned and account deleted.

    Anyway, i'm taking a break to see if the devs fixes these things. See you in a few months

    Edit: To be clear, this is not the first time all these things happen. I've been back for a couple of months now and the game is getting worse. It needs to be fixed. These events should not happen to anyone and the improvements is desperately needed
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  2. OneShadowWarrior

    This is a really good post, no one likes being spawn camped, but unfortunately this is what the game has evolved to with balance.
  3. Tozze101

    That's why the bases should be covered so no vehicle can get to you through windows or doorways. A big building with the point in it and outlying rooms connecting it and possibly multiple buildings close together making it impossible for vehicles to get through or snipe hallways etc. Even walled off bases would be acceptable with plenty of cover against aircrafts so they can't bombard you on your way from spawn to the point.

    Even areas between bases should have a purpose. Like small zones you can push forward with vehicles and cap until you reach the base. At the base the infantry takes over and storm the base. Only way to get rid of the people in the base would be to push with superior tactics using infantry only. The point that is located in a big room should have multiple covers and maybe even elevated positions for both teams to make it more interesting.

    If you manage to push the defenders all the way to the spawn then you have to be careful because they can gun you down and make a counterpush through the safety of their spawn. I'm not talking thin hallways here and if there is then there should be multiple hallways to make it interesting. Even an underground area like that one biolab with points mostly protected from vehicles.

    Also vehicles being terribly unbalanced is making tank play way too risky. Harassers just go around taking out one tank after the other with their AT weapons. Sure they should be able to do dmg but they should also always keep on the move so not killed easily by a tank. A harasser with an engi on the back can often tank a tank..which is stupid. They should be on the move to not get hit. Hitting a moving harasser is very hard and rightfully so. When they can take 3 tankshells it's not even scary for them. They take one hit and then turbo out of there. 2 hits should finish them off even with an engi on the back
  4. Nubm_again

    Harassers can tank 7-8 hits if done right, and they do not have a weak spot, unlike tanks. And they are fast, mobile and therefore hard to hit, can reach elevated positions and the dedicated driver can get tons of kills by driving over stuff. Its a serious threat for MBTs at a third of the price. And its much harder to counter with C4 when they get too close to infantry.
    They receive small arms damage though and mines can be used to catch em but they have to be placed different or they will fly over them.

    I think they are quite tricky to balance. If they would die from 2 shells no one would ever use it again. 3 is also too squishy (as a note, i hate harassers with the rage of a thousand suns and was a dedicated vanguard pilot). 4 is too much for the mobility and weaponry. Btw, shot them when they're airborne, easy targets although it won't kill them unless they are already damaged.

    Infantry play rewards aim and head shots. Tank play rewards flanking and hits in the back. harassers have the wrong name and should be renamed. If you'd ever do what they do in rl you would never get away with harassment...

    They need some mechanic that is punishing the harasser if it gets hit. A push back maybe? Could be quite fun for bnoth the hitter and the receiver. ^^
  5. FLHuk

    Harasser forum defence force assemble.
  6. Tozze101

    As it stands right now they can easily 1v1 a MBT. I DO think they should have lower health or be more vulnerable to tankshells as a tank pilot should be rewarded for hitting a mobile target like that. Harassers on the other hand should always move around and be rewarded for skilled dodging ability and hit and run tactics. Right now they get behind you and sit still while recieving two tankshells from you before they even consider running away. I mean, i can't tell you how many times i've taken out an ESF with a tankshell when they are at full or almost at full health.

    That also brings the point of flashes. Why can a flash take more then one tankshell? Same thing with those. If you can hit them with a tankshell then you should be rewarded with a kill. You could argue that driving a tank is pointless as a harasser or flash group outperform them anyway. Imagine a squad of flashes ambushing your tanks just cutting through them. They are small and hard to hit and with cloaking you wont hit them unless you specifically are looking for them

    A pushback even though frustrating when you're trying to finish him off would be a nice effect
  7. Zizoubaba

    There's an entire continent FULL of bases .... why don't you, why didn't you just go somewhere else?

    As to the rest ; cu, gl hf !

    PS. It's not gona change any time soon.

    PPS. No online multiplayer game has no cheaters. PS2 has a TON of cheaters, but compared to most FREE TO PLAY games, it's nothing.
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  8. YellowJacketXV

    Couple of things.

    If they just have you pushed back to spawn, why not try and grab a sundy from a nearby hex?
    If they're zerging like crazy why not try and get your friends to cap some of their bases?

    Cheaters come and go and honestly if they know programming they'll probably figure out how to initiate some nonsense and bypass anticheat.

    The other stuff has options though. Do you remember Liberators exist?
  9. JibbaJabba

    The entire game is asymmetrical.

    Uneven populations at a fight.
    No matchmaking so uneven skill in fights and 1v1s.
    Infantry VS tanks and A2G.

    It's the asymmetry that makes it kinda awesome actually. Facing high skill players? Pull a max/vehicle. Or heck, call your buddies an population dump them.

    It's also PART of what makes the game suck.

    It doesn't naturally suck due to this imbalance mind you. It takes some jerks to make it happen.

    The high skilled infantry guy knows when he's seal clubbing and should move along but doesn't.
    The platoon leader knows the difference between "concentration of forces" and "zerging" but does it anyway.

    Then there are individuals who just take advantage of the imbalances. A2G farming during low pop when you know nobody will A2A you? You're a jerk. Having fun at the expense of others.

    The HESH farmer sitting uncontested on a hill? A jerk. Having fun at the expense of others.

    The bolter that knows latency leaves them invisible until after the shot is fired... A jerk. Having fun at the expense of others.

    The guy that pulls a max at a 70/30 overpop? Jerk.

    Many (not all) variants are done by players that suck. The 70/30 max guy for example. The guy is in the HESH tank because he's scared of a carbine. The Zerg platoon leader knows he lacks the chops to win a 50/50 or 40/60.

    Those of you that engage in this stuff. Yeah. You're killing the game.

    Look we all want the fun "massive" experiences. It's fun to be the machine gun nest on the beach of Normandy in a WWII game. To provide that experience Dev usually populates the game with AI. If you want actual humans to be the fodder that washes across those beaches you have to : 1. Make it fun for them somehow, and 2. Somewhow mitigate the downsides.

    In Planetside such mechanics were put in place to a degree. You can't chain pull HESH tanks so they are partially limited. Things have counters built in where possible (sometimes they suck...like a skyguard...boooriiing )

    But dev cant completely balance this. At some point it's up to the players to show some.... sportsmanship.

    We don't need to get rid of A2G / Hesh / bolters / harassers, etc. They are fun! Use them! Play with them! But FFS show some SPORTSMANSHIP.
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  10. Tozze101

    I go somewhere else and every base not currently affected by a zerg is dominated by high skill players mowing down lesser skilled players. Every lane is usually one or the other.

    Cheaters that affect the gameplay so much that it turns the tide of battles snatching victory out of the hands of people who worked so very hard to get it?

    If i grab a sundy and go to that place then it would take just about 2 seconds before i get blown up by the massive siege going on outside. Let's say we go and try to cap their bases. First thing that shows up is a high skilled player taking on an entire squad.

    Maybe they will or maybe we could get a good anticheat software that works and regulary updates to handle new threats? Seeing the same hacker from 2 weeks back doing the same thing again is not how you keep new players in the game.

    Oh yes wow liberators. Same thing. How many new players tried that trick and got taken out just as fast as if he brought a flash? Zergs only stop when they reach a base like towers, ampstations or other places that give infantry a clear advantage. A base with open ground to reach the point is not suited for infantry.

    Many flaws with all the options. A Max against skilled players is suicide unless you get lucky and surprise him. Same thing with vehicles. If you do happen to surprise him then you know he will respawn and come take you out. The only time a skilled player is at a disadvantage is when he's in a big fight and chaos has a chance to take him out. I'm not saying we should have a matchmaking but we do need more of the big fights that is the signature trademark of the game. Your skill means nothing if you face off against 96+ players rushing at you and bullets flying everywhere including explosives.

    Honestly, sportmanship is long dead and gone for the most part. Asking for help in any way or trying to ask how to get better is met with "get gud" etc. We also have the small fact that a fully certed character seen on many veterans is often harder to kill then a new player even though the new player might have better skill etc. Implants, nanite mesh does nothing to help new players when all the classes can cloak, shoot past your nanite mesh with headshots or just use a tank with nearly twice the protection then a default one.

    I'm currently saving up certs to get AP rounds for my tank thinking it will help me since i already got the shields and c4 protection. The truth is that my tank is turning into a veteran tank. The new player next to me will be taken out much faster then i will. Same thing if i decided to go with harassers. You get the default one and go out thinking you can take on tanks like fully certed ones do. No you can't. You have to grind for a month or two to get enough for those sweet upgrades unless being a member but why would i waste money on something that's does not even feel "balanced" in a way that makes sense?

    New players only stand a chance in big battles and even then it's hard. Yes this is what the game is but it could be something great instead. It's not like you're going to keep that new player in the game when he pulls a tank and immediately gets attacked by a harasser taking out his fresh MBT. That new player is not going to stay after following orders and rushing towards the point when being bombarded by 50 tanks outside. He's not gonna stay for that zerg that finally dies at a well fortified base. He definetly won't stay after dying 20 times to the same person capping that point in a far away base he could give no ***** about. Let's say he pull an ESF and manages to handle flying it pretty well? Before he even leaves his own territory he gets attacked by a skilled pilot and immediately gets taken out.

    Then we get to what usually happens. Vets say, "keep dying and keep trying". Do we expect that new player to stick around for that long having a terrible time until he finally gets better and can cert up that vehicle or his gear to finally get a small edge in 1v1 fights?
  11. Zizoubaba

    You're arguing that you can't play the game, or fight in any other base because the enemy is full of "high skill players"....

    That's a killer argument right there, a real beauty lol.

    So, you'd rather stay in a base where you're being spawn camped by cheating ESFs that fly under ground than face players that hare more experienced than you?

    Now I'm thinking, maybe you went a little to far during the new year's celebrations and drank a little too much, or maybe took some other substances if you know what I mean. Either that or you're trolling, because your posts make no sense at all.
  12. Tozze101

    Not really what i'm saying, read it again.
    There's a lack of real battles featuring what the game advertise. Either you join a zerg that ends after several ghostcaps and hit a brick wall on one of the more difficult bases or you try to defend in the smaller fights and become the victim of "sealclubbing". Let's not forget the toxic community when playing and trying to be friendly and organise a good 3way fight during low pop hours.

    Mostly it's more lucrative to spot when the enemy starts one of these zergs and just sit around in the spawnroom popping a couple of kills and fall back to next base and repeat until the zerg is stopped. It's not fun in any way but often more fun then running around getting gunned down as soon as you leave the spawnroom.

    Look, the PS2 community has turned into ****. Remember when Reaper from ELME organised a full platoon to pull ESF's and meet DIG and BHO at a base for a full fight? Remember the late night leaders who gathered people in one large base to get the most fun out of the game? What about the helpful community that organised events, helped new players and tried making this fun even when pop dropped? Right now it's alot of aholes not giving two ***** about the guy next to them or the guy they are killing. This is one of the reasons this game is declining..