if you're overclocking (I knew this but forgot), opening the map boosts the temperature....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. Zizoubaba

    (I mean they probably know this but hey)

    (I'm guessing it's becaues it adds itself to the live action, which makes sense, but still, it's a significant jump)
  2. JibbaJabba

    You'll find this is common in many games.

    When a menu is open, what needs rendered becomes suddenly very simple. The other non-graphics engines in the game don't need the time slices. O
    ften the frame limiters used to spare cycles to other threads are not in place in menus.
    Suddenly the "game" is rendering at 500fps (I exagerate, not much) and you get some heat.

    In planetside might have a paradoxical opposite effect: The menu means less GPU load so suddenly the CPU heavy threads get lots of cycles...
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  3. Zizoubaba

    yeah except that the game (what you see when you play) dosen't stop being rendered does it? When you open the map I mean.

    It's still there, all the action, you can hear it. It's basically the same as if you don't open the map, but the map is on top. Well that's how I see it.
  4. DarkStarAnubis

    You can put an hard FPS cap in UserOptions.ini to avoid FPS spikes (don't remember the exact entry name right now).
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  5. Zizoubaba

    Sorry !! I totally forgot to mention, that this was CPU temperature while overclocking my CPU.