No Double XP @ Halloween

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orakel, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Orakel

    Hey DB ;)

    Would be nice if we get some double xp action ;)

    Regards ;)
  2. dfury73

    Nah bad for Business, to whom are they going to sell those boosts then?
  3. Liewec123

    when i was a paying customer i'd actually buy boosts for double xp events,
    i wouldn't bother with boosts for a normal play session,
    but on double xp events i found boosts to an incredibly attractive purchase!
    double xp from event + double xp from boosts + membership bonus = $ $ $ $ $ $ $ certs galore!
    they all stack in crazy ways, the membership "quad xp" events were absolutely insane with boosts!

    double xp events are actually the BEST time to use boosts, ergo more double xp events = more good times to buy boosts! ;)
    • Up x 1
  4. Exileant

    :eek: OooooooooooWE!!!! :p I agree.
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Even more if it's those quad XP events! My friend and I activated our squad XP boosts, plus I'd make sure to stick around for all alerts and large base fights. I was swimming in over 6k certs by the end of the day and I didn't even have membership.
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    errrrmmm we do have halloweenmasks for up to a 15% xp boost ... and halloween rewards .... soooo
    ok sure that may not be double xp but it´s not nothing either ...

    to those that haven´t participated during such events ... ..
    i surely missed a couple DXP events ...

    pretty sure we get one by the end of november ..