[Suggestion] SolTech Summon GM

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 吼吼吼吼, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. 吼吼吼吼

    First of all, thanks to everyone who read this post.
    I am a player from China. The following words come from translation software
    After a period of communication with customer service, they advised me to express my ideas here.(This makes me sure that the English of software translation can be understood, so I have the courage to publish it here.)
    They said that game developers would see what I posted.
    So I came.

    Initially, a Chinese agent represented the game in China.
    From then on, I found a more interesting game than cs.
    Then I lost all interest in other gunfight games.
    Then, agents set up many servers in China.
    The number of servers is about the same as the number of servers that the game currently opens around the world.
    Every service has a lot of players.
    If you want to play with it, you usually have to queue for tens of minutes during rush hours.
    Then, there are cheaters in the game.
    However, the agent failed to stop cheating effectively.
    After a long wait, after no results, the players lost confidence in the agent completely.
    They left
    Servers have also been reduced to two
    In the end, only one server had about 200 people playing, and the other was almost empty.
    The agent announces the shutdown of all servers after the expiration of the contract
    Until they shut down all the servers, none of them had any effective measures against cheating.
    Later, a player posted a message to the Marginal Planetary 2 community in China that an Asian server was about to be deployed.
    The once cold forum boiled
    One by one former commander logged in to the Forum
    Their former veterans are coming back one after another.
    The veterans said, you don't have to tell me the reason, you just need to tell me where you need me to die.
    It looks like a group of real soldiers who give up their lives in order to win.
    Such conversations are very infectious, aren't they?They miss the time when they fought together.

    After a long wait, the SolTech server is deployed.
    They are happy to log on to SolTech and play.
    At first, occasionally I met some suspicious guys.
    After a few days, I met several obvious cheaters.
    I reported them in the game.
    A few days later, I met the same person again.
    I report again
    It lasted for a while.
    I noticed that someone in the chat box in the upper left corner posted an advertisement for a cheating plug-in.
    I report again
    Then I found a message in my receipt (my report number is more than 10,000).
    I asked the customer service, who said there was no online administrator on the SolTech server.If I encounter a suspicious player, or if I have any other questions, I can contact him at any time. They will send GM to deal with cheating players
    Later, the cheating player noticed the forgotten server.
    The opponents you meet will attack you from anywhere you can't imagine.
    Inside the walls, inside the trees, inside the stones, under the floor. Sometimes you hear airplanes and don't look up at the sky. Their planes fly underground.
    People who sell cheating plug-ins will laugh at you for being poor. You don't even have the money to buy a plug-in.(I don't see any logic here. Do you have to buy plug-ins if you have money?)
    Their remarks made me angry.
    I decided to fight back.
    Whenever I find someone cheating, I run over, record it with video software, and provide it to the customer service (to my surprise, the customer service can't open the MP4 video format, so I need to upload it to other websites and tell the customer service the link of the video).
    I meet cheaters almost every day and record videos for customer service every day.
    I'm getting tired of it.
    I feel like I am an unpaid GM.
    Moreover, even if I recorded videos for customer service, I had to wait until the next day for GM to deal with cheaters.
    But by then, the cheaters had done damage.Without online gm, their actions cannot be stopped immediately
    I seem to have returned to the server of the Chinese agent again.
    I see a lot of players coming back and a lot of players leaving.
    Players were disappointed.
    I said to the customer service, if you are short-staffed, if there is no GM willing to work late at night(Converting peak time of Asian servers to Western time of the United States is after 24:00)Maybe your company can hire me to run it.
    If I had enough authority, I could kick out the bad guys who cheated right away.I can understand Chinese. Many Chinese players like this game. They can make several servers full.As long as you can manage the server well(In China, even a less popular game has tens of thousands of people playing it.Some popular games have tens of millions of players, and millions of players are playing on the server at the same time.)(Obviously Marginal Planet 2 can't support so many players on a single server. I can't imagine hundreds of thousands of people advancing towards the enemy.I'm talking about games like cs. Only a few people can fight with you at the same time.)
    It was obviously a useless conversation.
    I see more and more players leaving Marginal Planet 2, and SolTech servers are no longer busy.
    Now the number of players can't even fill a continent.
    My enthusiasm is also diminishing slightly.
    Maybe, one day, I will leave it too.
    I found a free online education platform where I found some interesting courses. Maybe I won't log on to SolTech servers as often as before to help you catch cheaters.
    Good luck to SolTech's friends
    Thank you for watching me complain.
    Thanks to GM Entropy for telling me about this forum
    Thank Marginal Planet 2 for bringing good memories to the former soldiers of VS NC TR.
    • Up x 2
  2. FateJH

    I wanted to tl;dr this but I must admit to seeing "Margin Planet 2" while scrolling.
  3. Towie

    I too was intrigued by Marginal Planet 2 - so much so that I did a translate into Chinese then back to English. Came out as 'Edge Planet 2'.

    Then I did a straight 'Planetside' into Chinese and back again - came out as 'One side of the planet'.

    (Yep - slow day at the office)

    Some days the best thing about my job is the fact that my chair spins around.
  4. OgreMarkX

    Thank you for taking the time to translate and post this.

    I understand your frustrations.

    Cheating is very common in your country. There are cheaters in America too.

    I am proud that you are not a cheater and that you try to stop the cheating.

    I wish you could play without cheaters. I am afraid that cheaters will always be there.

    Very sorry.

    To the PS2 team: I understand that countering cheaters is very hard and very expensive. However, police yourselves first. Someone might want to monitor how devs play. Exploits are cheats too. You set the tone. Play well or don't play at all.
  5. 吼吼吼吼

    They see themselves as real fighters.

    You think of this game as a game.

    They saw it as a real war.
    In order to win the war, they will use all the methods they can think of.
    Then they thought of the cheating plug-in.。。。。。。
    It's easy to crack down on cheaters.
    As long as there is GM to watch during the peak hours of Asian servers
    They know that cheating without GM is very straightforward
    Direct to undisguised cheating
    This kind of cheating is also the most destructive.
    I saw a guy using a cheating plug-in
    He kept all TRs at the mainland transfer point.
    If there's a gm, he can stop that guy right away.
    This server only needs GM to tell cheating players that someone is staring at them.
    I don't think an extra gm's salary is expensive.
    The cheater is so high-profile because there is no GM
    I don't agree with you that cheating is common in my country.
    You know, there are more than a billion people in my country. If one percent of the people in every country cheat, the people who like to cheat in our country can form a cheating country by themselves.
    It's like judging a place's safety depends on the percentage of criminals, not just the number of criminals.
    in short

    The current situation with Asian servers is that there is no GM result.
    Cheaters are blocked from one account, and then they sign up for another
    You report
    They re-register their accounts.(I've reported a lot of people who sell cheating plug-ins before. They have different IDS but the same advertising slogans.)
    But this is not something that should be monitored by players themselves.
    This is what game managers should do.
    Don't tell me
    The company has no money to hire an additional GM(It can be any gm who understands Chinese,There are many Chinese players there, and there are many rich players in China. When Chinese businessmen acted as agents for the game, a wealthy player said, "If you can manage a server well, each member of our Legion will consume 1,000 RMB a month."(There are more than 1,000 people in their legion.)But agents are working hard to develop new games.No one responded to them.Players feel abandoned and they leave,Just like what Asian servers are experiencing now)
  6. 吼吼吼吼

    I forgot one thing.
    You have to add a Chinese character set to the game program to display Chinese.
    Otherwise, all the chat boxes show ******************************************************
    Sometimes people send messages that are obviously not in Chinese or English, so they show a bunch of squares.
    If a developer sees this message, he or she may be able to add more language character sets to the game program.
    • Up x 1
  7. adamts01

    So many people feel the same way as you. Those Chinese hackers were playing on the US server before they made SolTech.

    School or some sort of training is more important anyway. Iove video games as much as anyone, but I work any chance I get.

    I wish we had more players like this in the US. I was living in the Philippines so I ended up playing while the Chinese were online and it always impressed me seeing 2 platoons pick up and move all st once, crush an enemy platoon, then pick up and leave, or keep fighting at a single point for an hour without giving up. I had a lot of fun in those fights.
  8. 吼吼吼吼

    Oh, you think that conversation was great
    I think so too. In fact, as a player who started playing when he was running this game in a Chinese company, my eyes were wet when I saw that conversation.
    I'm a veteran, too
    Like an old soldier about to return to the battlefield
    When soltech server starts the account transfer of western American Games
    The whole tr has a unified commander in chief
    All of them transfer their game accounts to Asian servers.
    An army of nearly a thousand men.
    When unifying operations, all the TRS can be mobilized to attack a stronghold.
    When you and hundreds of people rush to a stronghold at the same time, your adrenaline will go crazy.
    Of course, it's cruel for other camps.
    I witnessed a tr craze while Chinese servers were still in operation
    I was crouching behind a rock with a sniper gun, and then I saw that there was a big shadow on the ground that quickly covered my position and the shadow continued to spread.
    At the same time, I heard the plane.
    At that time, I thought, how can the day and night cycle of the game suddenly be so fast?
    I looked up and saw a scene that I would never forget.
    The sky is full of fighters and galactic transport aircraft
    The planes covered the sun and turned the sky into night.
    It took them nearly two minutes to fly over my head.
    When they fly away, the sun shines on me again, and the earth lights up again
    An air force of several hundred people flew over my head.
    They turn day into night
    I'm sure there's not a full load on the transport plane, or there's only one pilot, because the server can't squeeze in so many players.
    I've never seen anything like this on any other server.
    Maybe this kind of thing can only happen in China's "tr thousand army"
    That's the real Zerg

    But I'm sorry to tell you that due to the neglect of Asian servers by game companies, we may never see such a picture in the future.
    • Up x 1
  9. 吼吼吼吼

    I also have a game account on the western U.S. server
    Occasionally log in to play
    There are not many server players in Western America now, but I'm sorry to tell you that I found some cheaters.
    Even if some guy's weapon is less than 10 meters in front of you, you can't hear the sound of his weapon, you can't see the fire or smoke, you can't see the bullet, he can hit your head with every shot without even aiming. But in this game, even if you install a muffler, in the quiet surrounding, even if it's 20 meters away from me, I can hear the sound of weapons.
    Or some guys are shooting at others with light machine guns. I approach him from the side, and then I die. I was killed by a knife. He didn't stop shooting. I didn't see him put down the light machine gun and take out the knife. He didn't turn to me. He didn't even find me.
    I didn't report him
    It's not because someone cheated that the number of server players in the western United States decreased.
    And the way they cheat hasn't hit my bottom line.
    I still have a chance to kill them.
    Because servers in the western United States have GM, they don't want to get too much attention from GM
    This is not the case with Asian servers
    They know that without GM, they can do whatever they want.
    It's like a community. The police in the community are not responsible for catching thieves. If the residents want to fight against crime, they must catch the criminals themselves and send them to the police station. Residents must find evidence and expect the criminals to be punished. Then the police sent police from other cities, but in the end, because of the police's "because of our privacy policy, you can't know more. If you catch other criminals and have enough evidence. You can tell us to give me the criminal. I can only tell you so much. " You don't know if your behavior works.
    Any place with this kind of management will increase the crime rate.
    This is not a joke. This is what the Asian servers are going through.

    “but I work any chance I get”
    I can understand this sentence as
    "It's not easy to find a job where you are"?
    The education website I found is set up by the state. There are professors and teachers from various universities. They record video courses and answer questions in their spare time. There are various courses in the website, but those videos are mainly in Chinese.
    Maybe you can find this kind of website in your country. Maybe that website has been established for a long time, but you didn't find them.
  10. Atorum

    There are no GMs in this game left. Reported RTPS player from Emerald today, said I cant since Ive reported him yesterday.
    They arent there, thats why cheating is rampant. Game should automatically kick anyone above 150 ping and thats it.
    Emerald is infested with laggers, infested!!!
  11. Exileant

    :( I wanted to give you a hug for your pain.
    Sadly even with an Online Monitor, it is still difficult to find a cheater. o_O The smart ones, only cheat a little but. An extra 100 points to a shield, or not at all until you start beating them badly. It is almost impossible to tell a cheater from someone who has terrible service if it is done right, so they run the risk of banning people who are as you pointed out, poor.
    :( There are areas that do not have good internet access. They have to check, re-check and check even more to find out if people are actually cheating because of this. :confused: This takes a lot of time. It also does not help that you have sore losers. People will complain because they feel like they should have won, and make false reports. This adds time to their checking.
    Even with a full staff, you would still have to wait a lot of time before they chose to ban. Otherwise you have people being banned for no good reason at all.
    o_O Trust me, it is no better on a game where the staff is on overdrive trying to ban cheaters... I have been on several games where I was accused of cheating by people who were upset at me because I beat them, and as a result was actually contacted by the staff and forced to repeat the same results as they watched. :confused: If I for some reason was not able to repeat those results, I would have been banned. Free to play games are hard to keep hackers out of on a computer because all they have to do is at the most, make a new Email and account after the old one gets banned. Finding a way to tie the account to something valuable would most certainly be a way to do so. ;) PlayStation rarely has to deal with cheaters, because the System and Name are tied together. PlayStation or any other Console, can destroy their machine, forcing you to have to get another. o_O It is not worth the risk for us.

    :( No there are not as many players on anymore, but, I still prefer how it is now compared to how it was back then. The game is more fun to me with all of the unique and different looks running around. :confused: You still have many dedicated fans and players here on this forum. While some of them will argue you to death here, saying the Developers and Techs do not listen, they do. So you have come to the right place.
    :D Welcome home, I hope you get to play for many more years. If you have an idea for changing something, post it here. If you make a great point, it is possible you will see those ideas made into reality.
  12. 吼吼吼吼

    This is really bad news
    Maybe they think the number of people in the server is too small, and they don't want to waste their manpower there.
    Or they have a blind faith in players in the eastern United States.
    But I don't think we can give up managing a server for this reason. Even if there is no GM online monitoring, at least when players report cheating people, there should be a GM temporarily to deal with it.

    Maybe you recorded the video of his cheating and submitted it to customer service. They can log in to the emerald server to block his account directly according to the video, without wasting time to view the analysis data, which only takes a few minutes. In fact, this is what I did in the Asian server。
    (you have to upload the video to other websites, and then send the link to the customer service. They don't have the software to view the MP4 video, which sounds ridiculous, but that's what it is.)
    If you do this and they don't handle it, I think maybe it's time to switch servers or play other games... (it's the game companies who abandoned the players first. It's their actions that drove them away.)
    I remember a game, because the number of players is too small to support the operation of the game, the game company decided to shut down the server. When GM went online, it found that there were two players in the server fighting and watching the scenery. They made a decision, they put out the last money to rent the server for another two months. Yes, just because there are two players who love their company's games. Maybe their company's game is not great, but their actions are great and worth remembering for all players. Even if there are only two players, the game company has not abandoned them.
  13. 吼吼吼吼

    Cheating in this way is not a problem for most players. We just need to hit him a few more shots. Most players can tolerate this kind of cheating carefully or can't find it. For example, a guy opened the plug-in of perspective function.
    I've seen a vs guy whose RPG can lock the aircraft, tanks and other players' heads. The RPG flight route is ridiculous. It flies in a strange spiral route. There are even a dozen people around the guy watching fireworks. Vs's RPG warhead is very beautiful. They even think it's very interesting.

    The cheating here is the kind of cheating that you can't attack him, but he can defeat hundreds of people by himself.
    One man defeats the whole camp
    This kind of cheating is the most destructive and the main reason for the decrease of server players in Asia
    It's also very easy to find them. You only need to look at the content in the chat box to find them.
    If GM is monitoring the server(The content in the chat box of the Asian server is usually Chinese or Chinese Pinyin, with few English and Russian. Therefore, you need a plug-in to modify the game to Chinese, and then you can see it. If there is no plug-in, you can see the * * * *, or a pile of English letters that you can't understand.)
    Even if you record their cheating video and submit it to customer service, it usually takes 5 or 6 hours for someone to deal with it. (because of the time difference, that time is your late night.) but at that time, they have caused damage, and the players can't play normally at all. After a few hours of damage, you can obviously feel the decrease in the number of players.
    Then I suggested to customer service that if there were not enough staff and no one wanted to work at night, maybe I could be hired to manage the server.
    Then customer service told me that he would like a player who loves this game to manage this server. He would like to give me more power, but he has no power to do so. Then he told me this forum, and I posted this post.
  14. aynn

    The game developers dont really read things here. You should post on https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/

    I also play on soltech so I know that there are cheaters. I think that the game needs better cheat/hack detection to prevent cheaters.
  15. Exileant

    :confused: Well I often play, so I would jump at the chance to help clean up the game. I truly enjoy it and would like to help it make money. All they need to do is tell me where to sign. o_O Personally, I believe any kind of cheating is a problem, because even though I do not mind it, it alters the perception of some weapons. This causes complaints, and weapons or equipment that do not need it, wind up getting Buffed or Nerffed. This winds up destroying the game in the long run, because the balance becomes disrupted. The latest cheat I have witnessed, is the ability to walk through building walls. :eek: I had a person dodge me by using the building as a shield as he ran up the stairs last night.... I had to swap to a shotgun to put him down....

    ;) So I agree with the need for in game staff focused on cheats prevention. :D I would love to be one.
  16. 吼吼吼吼

    In fact, the customer service staff suggested that I go to twitter, where I can directly talk with people with rights, but in my country, Twitter is blocked, and I can't access twitter, so I complain here and hope that someone can see it.
    You can imagine, when you and dozens of teammates rush into "a", and they die one by one. After you die, you see a person under the ground, and you can't attack him with any weapons, because you are shooting at the ground, but he can kill everyone near (thanks to the recent update of the game, I can accurately see the murderer), when it happens. In you, you pray GM to clean up this guy. When this happens every day, you turn to God and pray. When you find that all the prayers are useless, you say angrily to him: go to your bastard, you garbage, coward and then the cheating guy says to you: ha ha, my plug-in is very powerful. Do you think I am so powerful? I can sell you one, it's not very expensive
    I think you now understand the mood of the players of Asian servers
    The above links are some videos. I'm not sure if you can watch them in your country (but customer service can watch them). I recorded 16 videos.
    If you really want to be GM, please go to the official twitter, this forum is more like a vent place
    I hope they will hire you and Asian server players will thank you
  17. 吼吼吼吼

    A soldier from soltech, I feel very kind
    It's like seeing a friend I haven't seen for a long time.
    I can't open that link...
    I don't know why. This link is blocked.
    It's like I can't open Google or twitter or Facebook.
    China has a national network firewall that blocks some websites they think are not good
    Maybe some people think it should be blocked, so I can't open the link now.
    Maybe you can send a message on that website instead of me
    It's not just for me
    It's also for soltech. Our common home