Unobtainable Items

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gobbu, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. Gobbu

    I really enjoy PS2. However I've missed some events and didn't get unique items such as Raijin and Nightshade.

    It's one thing to have unique skins (I'm OK with this) but to have unobtainable items that have unique effects (such as Nightshade) is frustrating to me. Not sure why they have items that newer players can't get. It's a big turn off for me.

    Can the be made available (like Phylactery was) even if it's for Daybreak Cash?

  2. Liewec123

    honestly you aren't missing out on much, i have the throwing stars and they are pretty pointless,
    (even more so when the PTS nade buff goes live)

    and from what i hear the knife is useless too, you're better off with a power knife :)
    the knife deals less infantry damage than normal knives for the "bonus" of dealing very low vehicle damage.
    but is anyone really going to let you knife a sunderer EIGHTY SIX TIMES?

    so i wouldn't worry too much about missing out on these useless items :)
  3. adamts01

    What really sucks is not getting the Shortbow.
  4. Gobbu

    I play stalker and sometimes sunderers not protected. Stabbing it with a knife will force them to come to you or else after 40-50s it dies. Especially in low pop base fights with only 1 or 2 people.

    The Raijin seems like it would be a nice opener, finisher,or OHK if they are sitting still.

    In any case I was really having fun until I learned of all the stuff that new players can never get. It''s exactly a great marketing strategy to attract new players by making a bunch of cool items that they can never get. It's frustrating for me. I think it would be better if people that participated in the events got the special items first. Then maybe 6mo later they were available to everybody for DBC. Would help support the game too.
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Those weapons are not restricted to new players being unable to receive them. I have been playing this game for over 6 years. During the time these weapons were available to acquire, I was away for a few months and couldn't play, also missing out on getting them.

    When I first started playing, I saw some players using the TX1-FB Repeater but I had no idea how to get it. It turned out it was some Facebook challenge, and I had absolutely no way of getting it. Eventually it ended up as part of the Auraximas daily sale 2-3 years ago. While technically it's just a reskin, there were PTS events which allowed players to obtain an Analyst helmet. Since I never go on PTS, I never got it. However, when they needed something big testing, they gave the opportunity to acquire it a few more times.

    Basically, while you may think the opportunity to get the Raijin and Nightshare are 'one off' times, it's likely they'll end up appearing again in the future. It just depends on how patient you are, and how much you'll come to care about actually getting them when they do appear.

    And i if they suck or kind a "meh" there is no point of making them unobtainable. I have showdown for example, it is cool, but blackhand just better, showdown is a funny tool, just a little bit of fresh air in stale gameplay. I really want to try 357, shortbow, raijin, but i couldn't.

    There is a guy who make 100 000 kills on NC magscatter (empire specific pistol) and he used raijin in his loadout, i only have fujin and this is worse option in my opinion, it require precise aiming while raijin have 3 pellets and a lot higher damage if they all hit target. Thats unfair what i cannot get it. When dx11 come i was not able to play, because my graphic card just not support it, so i have to wait 60 days and then i found cheap gtx550. So for my case this was impossible to participate in dx11 tests this days.
  8. AllRoundGoodGuy

    No pun intended.
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