You want arcade gameplay awesome, but do something for objective based gameplay.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. Zizoubaba

    This game, from the start, and despite what some people may think, has always promoted the "fact"' that even though it's a fps/combined arms sci fi war simulation or whatever, one of the biggest selling points is that it's a "sandbox" themed game.

    Meaning: you do whatever the hell you want.

    It's never been and it isn't perfect, but as far as combined arms games goes, it's still one of the best if not the best out there, and that's largely because of the fact that it is a sandbox.

    People love sandbox, people love being free to do what they want.

    To simplify things, there are two categories of players.

    1. those who just wana pew pew / work on their directives, whatever

    2. those who want their faction to win the different alerts and more importantly, the big one that locks continents.

    (of course it's a simplification, there are those who do both, there are those who on a sunday will do one and the next day will do the other depending on lots of stuff, but generally speaking, those are the two "types" of players)

    It's worked out pretty well so far, but since a year or two, something like that, DBG has been focusing their work on the first category of players. Probably not a coincidence that they "tried" to launch a PS2 Arena too...

    Anyway, I've said it before and if you want the wall of text, here it is :


    Let's call category 1 : "those who don't care about the alert". and category 2 : "those who care about the alert".

    If there are too many players in category 1. The players in category 2 can not enjoy the content that was developed and intended for them.

    However, if there are too many players in category 2, that changes nothing for the players in category 1.

    Those who care about trying to win an alert have no chance in succeeding if most of their faction is grinding directives in whatever random base even though it's usually a Biolab.


    -> Therefore; PLZ, Dbg, whenever you start thinking or working on the game, take this point into account.

    Players should be free to play as they want but not at the expense of other player's game play.
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  2. InexoraVC

    Yes, most players even in squads do the stuff they want to do. Not what they need to do.
    For example when defending the base most defenders just pew-pew trying to kill as many enemies as they can. But they should INSTEAD destroy sunderers to prevent any further attacks! They should use c4/ambusher jets/smoke/rockets/vehicles and so on to destroy enemy spawn points. But you will see just 1-3 players out of 48+ trying to do so while others are just pew-pew-die. This is very sad and I think it would be great if DBG will make some certs rewards for completion of obvious objectives (e.g. 50 certs for "Kill enemy sundy at your base in 1 min")
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  3. Johannes Kaiser

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why MEPD with 3 people teams has been able to turn around a lot of fights over the past years on Miller. Because we care about the objectives (like destroying sundies) above all else. Level of skill becomes secondary when you apply it to the correct thing. :)
    And honestly, it needs both kinds of players. Without group 1, things would be stale and noone would be there to act as a Distraction Carnifex. Without group 2, we'd have a giant murderfest with nothing meaningful happening.

    I completely agree that there needs to be more meat for group 2, as well as probably some incentives to play focused. XP gain for capturing is higher than ever, vehicle destruction yields a lot of points, but still people prefer their biolab fights over cutting the enemy off by capturing their one connected base while they are all cornered up in thet ridiculously small teleporter room.
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  4. chamks

    yes yes yes DBG listen to this man. you are my savior. devs should work on content of the game. by that i mean refine texture, maps, alerts and meta of the game. throwing new pew pew every month is not content.
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  5. Campagne

    Yes. Very much this.
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