
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tjebbe Praet, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. iller

    Well right.... This guy's playing Cabela's big game. He's not even playing "planetside". That's "Fair".

    I'm an old fart too in gamer years except in a body that isn't aging normally, but I understand how all my friends have experienced varying degrees of visual response time lag. Infact after Aurax'ing the Railjack I could appreciate how that'd be a beneficial attribute since over-twitching when trying to track ADS'ing targets with it means missing almost every shot
  2. Liewec123

    if sniping is your main goal, i'd recommend trying Phaseshift, the heat mechanic frees up your implant and suit slot from ammo stuff,
    no bullet drop makes landing those OHK headshots a breeze
    and if you do miss you can fire again instantly before the weapon needs to cooldown.

    so its like a bolt action with 2 rounds in the chamber, infinite ammo and no bullet drop

    i wouldn't bother with the semi auto mode, just stick with the hard hitting mode!

    also if you enjoy sniping, you might like to try Obelisk, it works similarly to phaseshift but more classes can use it :)
    • Up x 2
  3. Overwatch77

    This. I've never had very fast reflexes when it comes to FPS type games and usually go the sniping rout (loved sniping back in Delta Force on dialup back in my 20's :p ). Not to mention I have huge amounts of patience when it comes to getting into a good position and waiting for those nice head shots. Most times when I do try to help in a more close up fight at a cap point I usually just get frustrated as I get a couple shots into someone but usually die every time mainly due to not seeing a target and firing as fast as most others.
    Also Sniping the snipers is the most fun I have in game especially since I am usually far beyond where most average snipers will set up so I end up behind or off to the side of them. Besides so many of them deserve to get popped in the head when they stand bolt upright on top of some rock or other plinking like nothing can happen to them......
    I also don't worry about score or XP gain that much because I'm just having fun doing what I do and if I help my side by taking out a few enemy snipers or what have you that's a bonus. Though from time to time I enjoy being that lone VS or what ever that's taking out an NC or TR guy in a TR vs NC fight :)
    As far as equipment goes I started out as VS (at the time they always seemed to be the underdog with low numbers) and like others have said the Obelisk makes a good sniper though you only get a 6X scope and you can't put a suppressor on it so look out for the guy trying to stick a knife in your back. I also have some more close range sniping fun with the Eidolon with a fast rate of fire, suppressor it's pretty god for sneaking around Hossin in the weeds. As for real sniper rifles as others have said the Phase shift is good but the one thing I would add is if you are at real long range where you won't do enough damage with a head shot to get the kill with bolt action mode I found that going to semi auto mode and getting the double tap head shot usually works. My other go to is the Parallax simply for the long range hard hit and the challenge associated with the bullet drop.
    Since VS seems to be over populated a lot recently I tried to snipe with NS but the guns are so piss poor next to the other factions Ive given up on them till they give them an upgrade or something. And since NS is real sucky at the moment I decided to finally try the NC. Was doing ok with the standard sniper rifle but just got the Railjack last night and had quite a bit of fun though I had to buy a new voice because out of all the Newb voices I have to say the surfer wannabe voice you start with on NC is the most annoying thing I have ever heard. All you need to do is add "dude" to everything he says. "Dude! Enemy sunderer spotted!" "Dude this is so uncool! Ive been hit and need a medic!" and well you get the idea. lol
    Any how sorry for the wall of text. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. But most of all do what gives you enjoyment in the game because Ive found that slamming your head against the wall over and over playing in a way that just frustrates you and makes you want to quit is not what the game should be about. Find your niche and stick with it for the most part with occasional jaunts into other types of combat and you will have a much more enjoyable time.
    P.S. Don't worry TR guys. I'm sure at some point you will have low numbers and I'll don the red tights and snipe for your side as well. :)
  4. TR5L4Y3R

    here, let me pat your head while i don´t give a crap about your achivemeants ...
    feel better now?