Why does a harasser take more dmg than a tank

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Badman76

    Harrassers should be 3 Mbt AT cannon hits to destroy.
    Tbh, i'd rather they just nerf the Tr Harrasser mini gun weapon.
  2. Inogine

    It already is. You and vanu have a faster killing turret already.
  3. chamks

    i like the idea of increasing their cost to 250 nanite
  4. Badman76

    It has to much going for it though, small frame, very fast, well armoured and well armed

    It should be like a glass tank, small, quick and well armed but lightly armoured
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  5. Savadrin


    2AP + 1 Halberd and the Harasser has evaporated. That's like 2 seconds. You have the option for whatever topgun they have PLUS an AP cannon and 2x health + better resistances. Just staaahhhhp.
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