
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tjebbe Praet, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Tjebbe Praet

    I really love long range sniping but cant decide what faction tempted to try vanu but their snipers are so loud and have a purple flash when shooting any suggestion what faction i should play for long range sniping
  2. Demigan

    All snipers are identical, there is only one faction-specific one that really differs. So basically it comes down to what style you prefer and how much the one special sniper catches your eye.
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  3. Savadrin

    Does the VS equivalent of the Rams/Railjack have drop?

    Also, does the Railjack still have that fire delay?

    It's been so long since I've worn a hunter cloak I don't even remember this stuff, and I was playing SMG anyway lol
  4. Skraggz

    Phaseshift doesn't have bullet drop has a select fire to change from bolt to semi auto and runs on heat ammo. Downfall.... 550 velocity. Its ok.
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  5. iller

    It also helps if you enjoy the feeling of being really really useless 99% of the time.

    [IMG] even more useless than THAT
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  6. Tjebbe Praet

    Why would a long range sniper be useless ? i help my faction hold the control room shooting enemies at the door entrance,spotting and killing engies when they try to repair the sundies
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    don´t listen to this idiot, play whatever you like ..
  8. AlcyoneSerene

    Someone correct me if i'm wrong, it's been a while since I did sniping on all factions, but Parallax would be the equivalent of Rams, yes it has bullet drop too, while NC's Railjack has the highest bullet velocity with the downside of a short fire delay after pulling the trigger. I still can't tell if it's gimmicky, but it sure sounds great and looks cool.
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  9. OgreMarkX


    Seriously laughing my *** off out loud at my desk right now. Thanks soooo much.

    In Battlefield 2, as Commander, I used to drop artillery on clusters of friendly snipers who ignored points in favor of "H34DsHotZ".

    On commander map (drone view pretty much) you'd see them flop into the air. Twas glorious.
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  10. iller

    this "idiot" has more E.S. Sniper kills than you do over a much longer period of time

    Because no one stands still or even stops serpentining outside of a point hold. This isn't Call of duty or PubG against console Twelvies, and the crappy netcode ensures that perfect shots that would normally connect in most other small arena games will not be anything close to as reliable here unless the target is 50% speed ADS'ing it or slower. You better look into Mudfish cheesing it now or you're gonna experience the slowest cert gain of any class available
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  11. Tjebbe Praet

    i have been playing planetside 2 for a few years actually but never really tried long range sniping and loving it so far and ppl do stand still on point hold all i need is 1sec just need the right angle when sniping and its pretty easy to get headshots on moving targets if they keep running in the same direction ofcourse and depending on what range ure sniping
  12. iller

    By all means, come back then and show us your 1160 X 5 Auraxium Special a year from now. Sadly, I'll still be here to see it immediately
  13. Tjebbe Praet

  14. OgreMarkX

    The "Sniper" class in Planetside is called an Infiltrator and that is where you can do the most for your team:

    1. Hack terminals
    2. Use recon darts
    3. EMP enemy mines and devices
    4. Scout
    5. Cause some enemy to focus on you versus your team's main push
    and then...
    6. headshots

    Above all esle, resist the urge to terminal snipe people (kill people who are standing at a vehicle terminal). It's very lame.

    I rarely play infiltrator though, because you're cloaked much of the time as an infiltrator and I am so good looking that being invisible is highly unfair to all the players who like seeing me.
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    Phaseshjt and obelisk have no bullet drop, but, BUT! Be careful, you chose dangerous path of low skill player. You will get tunnel vision, 0 situation awareness, bad aim, absolute none useful knowledge about the game and pain, becase i am professional counter longrange-sniper. You will suffer, you will cry, you will blame devs, you will report me for cheating, you will rage quit, because i always somewhere nearby and when i hear another pesky railjerk or phaseshjt shot i 100% know - there is a free kill, just come and harvest crops, it's like a beacon for me. For some reason the most bad players chose this 2 sniper rifles, they actually not that bad, i mean rifles, but infils who use them is so bad, usually all they do is just try to run, rarely i see how some of them pull their pathetic beamer (because they not even invest in sidearms, cause they don't have plan to use it anyway).

    Another rule in my book - the furthest you go away from battle, the more autistic snipers you will find, some of them not strafe between shots, some of them not even cloak, it's rediculous. So, are you really confident in your decision to become a long range sniper? Noone will respect you, as you can see a lot of allert-mains already call you useless, but competetive players will disrespect you too, not hate, because even if you somehow manage to kill salty enough vet - you already dead. The only way to be respected and hated by players is CQC bolt sniping:

    but do you think what you good enough to achieve this level of play?
  16. iller

    This is probably the one and only thing Sniping actually has going for it.... it's that cheating only works at NucElusive range.

    Long Range sniping doesn't benefit from hooking into the DLLs b/c of abnormalities with the Terrain clipping, Netcode Negotiation at long bullet times being very at-odds with "CLIENTside", and just plain experience trumping reflexes. You can bumblef*** your way through mid range infantry fights with head hitbox modding or lagswitches or whatever, but sniping physics in trying to hit 240m moving targets here is so janky that not even automation can provide enough "artificial skill" to be worth the trouble and if it did you would have seen way more "suspiciously amazing" long range snipers at every base these days (The vulnerabilities that used to allow that crap, HAVE been patched out mostly, unlike the rest of the game's security loop holes)
  17. JibbaJabba

    Your KDR is going to be high but your KPM is going to be miserable.

    You can do things to assist like you mentioned but really the #1 hard job that needs done is sending beeshes away from the point and back to the spawn room for another walk.

    If you want to play infiltrator and be just absolutely terrifying effective on the battlefield, become a CQB Bolter and crush the heavy assaults that are doing the bulk of the "send back to spawn" work for the other team.
  18. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Long range sniping is by in large useless in Planetside unless your targets are willing to oblige you by standing still long enough for your shot to connect, meaning they probably weren't contributing to anything anyway. In any case your effective range is hard-capped by the damage model at ~300m depending on the class you're shooting at (Railjack can allegedly reach further, but it has other issues), and soft capped by 300m by the render distance. Combine that with Clientside and random player movement you're looking at <200m ranges if you want to avoid guesswork.

    With few exceptions long range snipers that I notice die pretty quickly to myself or to someone else. At maximum range there is so much delay between their shot and the bullet arriving that once you know they are there you can safely ignore them so long as you don't sit still.

    By all means play the game however you want, but I would honestly recommend making the effort to learn how to play as a short-to-mid-range sniper as that playstyle once learned is infinitely more effective, rewarding and fun than trying to make the long range sniping role work in a game that really doesn't accommodate it.
  19. Tjebbe Praet

    got the tsar-42 few days ago and loving it so far been getting amazing killstreaks
  20. Meabben

    If you are an old man like me sniping is much more rewarding than running in spraying bullets everywhere. My reflexes just aren't up to the task anymore. Getting a headshot at 1.5 mil dots while someone is running is nice. remember to lead 3 dots if they are running and 1 if they are shooting and moving. I have over 40k kills with the rams.50 now. lol Just have fun and dont take the game personally. Service the targets and smile when they send you tells.
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