Why does a harasser take more dmg than a tank

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. CrazyMike

  2. Savadrin

    It doesn't.
    it has half of the HP (without composite) and lower resistances.
    Nothing to see here, move along.
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  3. Demigan

    Despite half the health it takes about as many shots. Against a Lightning its 5 shots if I recall correctly and against MBT's 6 shots. The Harasser? 4 shots and much harder to hit.
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  4. Savadrin

    Are you slipping directional stuff in here without mentioning it?
  5. Demigan

    No full frontal.
  6. Liewec123

    Directional stuff makes the balance way WAY worse,
    Composite Harasser takes 4 shots from an AP lightning to kill and has no directional weakness,
    lightnings take 4 shots from the front/side to kill and only 3 shots from rear.

    this is a dune buggy that costs 150 nanites, taking more shots to kill than a tank that costs 350.
  7. karlooo

    The Harasser is hard to kill, you can say even tougher than a tank simply because of its size and speed - very hard to hit.
    In my opinion its HP should be heavily nerfed....it's an armored buggy but can withstand AP shells and dishes out huge damage. Can be used in the front line.
    It's not balanced.
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  8. Savadrin

    I might have to cert/test composite, I just have a long term love affair with stealth.
    The great advantage of the Harasser is that it has two people (in order to be effective, solo harassers that are good are a huge outlier). This is also a detriment at times, because you HAVE to have two people.

    Would it really matter if harassers cost 400 nanites? I keep hearing this argument like people have to pay per nanite. It only matters when you lose.
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  9. iller

    They also Sponge a ton of direct hits from ESFs and won't die at all to decent pilots ever if they run Ranger, or if there's a 3rd repair Git in the tailgate.

    I REALLY miss the days when a single Tank Mine would insta kill most of them. At least then, there was still some room for purely strategic "3 moves ahead" types of thinking. Now EVERYTHING is just spastic "Spam more of these Units than the other guy does" zergbushing numbers game ironically in a game that's losing more and more primetime veterans every week.

    I don't know that its overall HP needs a nerf, I just think it should take way more damage from Mines and ESF rockets (yes even Coyotes, plus Tomcats should also be allowed to Lock On to it) ... as for why I hate them so much lately... It's not that I even Drive MBT's, no it's how EASILY they can burn down your Silo or wreck an entire player base and also find and decimate every ANT you try to pull. At least the number of times I've been Harassed by Liberators, I was able to pull my ESF and ruin his kill streak in Return. But when a Harasser is griefing your backline "PvE" love affair with Cortium, there ain't SHYTE you can do about it yourself.

    In exchange for just those minor proposed VULNERABILITIES to them, I'd totally offer as compensation the ability for the 3rd seat Passenger to push the Crouch button and basically Stand Up so they could swivel around 360 degrees and aim forwards too.
  10. OgreMarkX

    Keep your Pornhub out of our Planetside!

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  11. Liewec123

    if it was me, i'd increase the cost to atleast 250, they're way to effective for 150 nanites.
    BUT i'd also give harassers 360 rumble seats, allowing harasser+max combos to become a real thing.
    if they become too powerful (and perhaps they would!) we can then think about increasing the cost further or nerfing the survival.

    i've also dumped an ENTIRE upgraded mag capacity Tankbuster into a harasser before and not got a boom...
    this thing eats MBTs for breakfast, and a dune buggy just sits there and tanks it.
    (this was back when tankbuster could be aimed)
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  12. iller

    That wouldn't be as strong as you think... infact a Striker Heavy would be way more Versatile in that seat b/c they could seat swap with an Engie when it was time for Repairs on the go. Infact that's the entire thing that makes harasser Squads Meta is being able to repair on the go just like a battle Sundy Train without all the vulnerabilities to being outflanked by faster Vehicles

    We already see this ****** move in action often enough from Valkyries
  13. Liewec123

    true, striker would be quite good and allow for seat swapping repairs,
    but wouldn't you like to see the pure awesomeness of maxes in the back of jeeps pewpewing away? :p
  14. iller

    Like you said... only if it was 360 degree turn around... I've tried playing Burster and Raven in the back of them things and all I ever got to do was shoot at things we were already running away from instead of helping focus the things we might actually hope to Kill
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  15. Savadrin

    You gotta get your driver to approach tanks in reverse, lol
  16. ObiVanuKenobi

    Very simple answer.

    It doesn't.
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  17. then00b

    Should make the driver or gunner able to be sniped.
    Iirc there was a brief time when they were actually nearly invulnerable, 2 c4 bricks wouldn't even put them on fire. Still feel a bit too tanky for a fast transport.
  18. Commandoo

    Most harasser squads can easily take down a tank. A tank is pretty bad when it meets an harasser. From my experience an harasser can Be hard to kill but not impossible as some make it seem. But attacking on with a tank can be a pain
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  19. Toisoulja

    Its called a harasser for a reason. A persistent tormentor. persecutor, tormentor - someone who torments. Its a Hit and run vehicle. Try and focus on the rear of tanks and you will do fine. Oh and always have a way out. Don't stop moving.
  20. Inogine

    A larger percentage of the "OMG HARASSER HARD TO KILL PLZ NERF!" crying comes from tankers who think sitting on a hill with no movement is the way to go. Ambushed many a tanker who really had no business being in anything resembling armor. Died to a few as well as well... I don't really value my digital life as much and make poor decisions for funzies and engage where I really shouldn't be. Even with a lotta rust on my driving/gunnery skills.

    It doesn't take much for a harasser to die to a tank. 3 well placed shots in most cases. Also, for that lib pilot, ya'll are basically the harasser of the air if you wanna get down to brass tacks. Already out DPS the harasser by a lot and are easier to get away in once you figure out the movement. It's the same argument for tanks and other vehicles not being one shot killable by things that you would think could one shot kill. No one likes being one shot killed from something that they can't react to at all. Also, tankbuster/tail gunner followup. Works every time.

    The hard part of killing a harasser is that it takes the coordination of TWO people to your one for it to be effective. You can, with MBTs, get a second person to help you out in that DPS race, and usually harassers avoid those engagements until they have the terrain advantage.... But a single guy against two, two tend to win. If the driver and gunner are at the top of their game, most tankers aren't going to punch'em in the face cause they won't be given the opportunity to do so. More often than not, you're going to be engaged by a lightly armored zippy thing when it's most inopportune for the tanker to do so. Keep that in mind when you start seeing them circling and keep your allied lines in mind.
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