WTF is this spawn system?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by whitescar911, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. whitescar911

    Been playing this game since beta and I have to say this is worse iteration of the spawn system in this game yet. I am frankly tired of having to go spawn a flash or walk all the way just so I can get to the next base because the closest sunderer to me which only 10 meters away is in a different territory.

    For example, on indar fighting as VS at Ti alloys we had sunderer on the rocky bridge connecting it to the crown against the NC and TR pushing up from ceres. I push down the hill to fight the TR got some kills but in the end i got overrun and died. Only problem is I died on the edge of the ceres territory and the closest sunderer was in the crown territory 20 meters away which meant I couldn't spawn on it even though is was almost right next to me meaning I had to respawn at the crown base and walk all the way back WTF is this all about?

    Another example, my faction is down like 20% population at a chac water purificaion on hossin and we are losing the base, I go and hit the respawn button to redeploy to the fight, but deploy button doe not work, does nothing and no information about why I couldn't respawn there, BTW pro tip for devs its normally a good to add a an in-game notification about why a player can't spawn at a certain base instead having alt tab out open up a ****ing web browser and look a massive patch post on your god damn forums.

    So I deployed to Chac tech plant and redeploy again to jump across LIKE YOU USED TO BE ABLE TO DO but no still does not work. Then I noticed there is a deployed friendly sunderer deployed at chac water purificaion and yet I cant deploy on it even though is like 150 meters away from the chac tech plant....why? Because its in a different ****ing territory you have got to be joking. Seriously DBG please fix this trash system.


    3 god damn sunderer's I can not spawn on and can't even spawn on the damn base. Its the ONLY FIGHT and I can not get there without pulling a flash and driving thereomfgthisisstupid.
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  2. AgentRed

    Then it also actives in off hours like 20 vs 20 because it is the biggest fight on the map. I want to play a game not wait 30 secs after we die XD
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  3. whitescar911

    Even after 30 seconds it doesn't seem to work?
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  4. karlooo

    Well the game could use a change what do you want? Play the same game for years?....redeploy, deploy!
    Just get used to the change, maybe it could be interesting.
  5. Naphemil

    you think not being able to deploy at the base you just died in is a good change we should just get used to? you're trolling xD
  6. Skraggz

    Not playing the game does indeed fix the game...
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  7. Skraggz

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  8. Twin Suns

    Click your heels 3x and say "there's no place like.....(insert destination) ".

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  9. karlooo

    Well you died, you’re dead! No respawning lol. Anyways not being able to spawn after death actually could turn into something interesting, instead of solo sucuiding over and over again...Maybe it could encourage more team gameplay, but we need leaders who could have already left, it may be too late for this.
  10. whitescar911


    Lost the bastion because we couldn't respawn there 8 days after the update and this is still an issue, what the hell DBG?
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  11. Towie

    I created a thread along the same lines - I think the concept is good (to prevent mass redeploy into an even fight) but right now you can't seem to deploy into a base where you are being massively overpopped and the base will inevitably be lost because of it.

    Personally I think it's broken - maybe due to all the other 'lagging' / delay type issues we have right now. It's possible that the server thinks the base is even pop ? I dunno...
  12. Who Garou

    The respawning system is horribly broken.
    I "guess" the DEVs intent was good.
    I was in a base defense. The enemy had 60% pop. I and other members of my squad could not spawn at the base or surrounding sunders even after 30 seconds.

    Another time we are attacking an enemy base. We can't respawn to the base directly behind us ... to pull vehicles? Really?

    This new system is horrible.
    It makes no sense.
    It favors smaller forces ... and battles, over large battles.

    This definitely isn't the solution.
    Neither is not giving the NS Bots to F2P members that have the hardest time getting onto the continent that they want to fight on (or so they can fight ... as most of the time only one continent is open!)

    I do like the Cortium Refining Alert. That's about the only really good think to come out of this update.

    They other releases are ill-conceived or not implemented in a way to generate a larger player-base.

    Can't spawn at a base you are attacking. Can't spawn at the base you came from.
    Can't spawn at a base you are defending. <--- even if you are under pop.
    Can't spawn to sunders that you are within 600 m of.

    It needs to be reverted to the old system until it can be fixed.

    Or maybe the system doesn't work this way for the Vanu, and it is functioning as intended.
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  13. whitescar911


    Need to redeploy to eisa mountain pass to help defend the next territory over, but no game says f*** you.