[Suggestion] Fix the bugs against cheaters

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Concussion, Apr 5, 2019.

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  1. Concussion

    Hi Daybreak, Dear community. I can't believe how bad it is these days.
    Just logged off Cobald because there is at least one cheater around. The guy sit's somewhere inside the walls or other objects and headshots everyone on the spot.
    I am playing that game for ages now but if that doesn't stop, i am pretty sure that will destroy the game. I am surprised there is no monitoring that scans the chat. If the majority of players regardless of faction shouts cheater ! that should trigger some alert and perhaps have an operator stop by, recording how the cheater cheats.
    perhaps that will ultimately provide you with the infos how to fix the bug.
  2. FLHuk

    Is this guy also using a collision exploit with an ESF?

    Just logged off cuz of that.... Pathetic.
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  3. Towie

    Oh dear - k/d of 54.6, HSR 91% on the Solstice, been playing for 3 hours and killed almost 900 people (who didn't stand any chance whatsoever).

    So that auto-boot system seems to be fully functional these days ? Yeah right.

    Still he'll be deleted soon - because if you can't see it, it didn't happen right ?

    Yet as I keep saying - if he wasn't so stupid in going totally rambo, he'd still be playing for months / years / to the demise of PS2 (whichever comes soonest).
    • Up x 2
  4. Liewec123

    Darn, not what i want to hear! I'm logging on tonight for my once a week game night,
    And I'm on Cobalt! So they better not screw it up for me!
  5. aversi0n

    Another one on Cobalt, at least decided to do it in the most obvious way -> infinite aim:
  6. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    Please submit this information to CS at help.daybreakgames.com so they can look into the issue and take appropriate action. Blacklisting players by name is against the forum rules. Thank you!
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