Racist players should be banned forever from the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheOrrionStaR, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. TheOrrionStaR

    Hi all Forum Members ,

    Today , I was faced with a racism that could not be accepted . I'm from turkey and I know that there are too many turkish player in PS2 especially miller server . İnsulting occurred both orally and in writing , and became increasingly more rudely . I reported certain players but I think this is not enough for them . Racist player must be banned forever from the game . PS2 is not a place of politics , PS2 is a game place . I hope the authorities do what they need :( . I got some pictures from chatting . Here are the link of images ... ( Images will expire in 7 days )

    Pic 1 : https://postimg.cc/G4KGnkWZ
    Pic 2 : https://postimg.cc/zyvX3Kbm
  2. KastianJJ

    Ignore them, words are words. If they hurt your feelings just use the ignore button, and good job they wanted to get you mad and they won. All I can say is ya played yourself.
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  3. Jac70

    I think you need to grow s spine OP. In fact, I'd bet you intentionally trolled those people to get a reaction then took some screens in the hope of doing a Jussie Smollet.
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  4. Armcross

    Just block them. We have block option now. If he team kill you you let him. Because that is an evidence for griffing.
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  5. raffa2

    BAWW, or you could just go back to overwatch where daddy jeff can babysit you and protect you from all the "toxicity" and big baddies.

    This is one of the aspects of the game i value the most, the almost absolute freedom of interaction with other players.
    This is how moderation should work for videogames, as long as you don't cheat and follow the game rules, none should care how you approach to others, and whiners like you are welcome to respect this freedom.
    i'm miller TR main and you should know what kind of conversations happen in a big platoon i won't name despite there being an israelite (i don't get why the word *** is censored), a black guy and a few girls, none gets offended because everyone has a skin tough enough to take a joke etc... Bless that form of freedom because it's being curb stomped and thought policed daily by SJW infested corporations and other whiners like this OP
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  6. JibbaJabba

    1. Use in-game for a /report.
    2. put them on /ignore.
    3. If the player does words or actions that "burn through" the ignore like TK'ing you, open a customer service request and report them.

    They may not be banned after a single instance so don't be surprised. People tend to spew some expletives during gameplay and this unfortunately also includes some racism or similar at times. I'm not saying that's acceptable, but it's not going to be a zero tolerance policy either.

    Make sure to keep your side of the street clean so to speak though. If you prod and mess with someone long enough you can probably get some nasty speech out of them and depending on the personality this might even include hateful stuff. Don't do that. Take the high road.

    Above all though. Pay no attention to people like raffa2 here. Wrong is wrong. Just because it's been somehow normalized by detestable people doesn't make it right. People who can't disagree and argue without resorting to personal attacks and racism are weak minded and really don't belong in any place in decent society including the games society plays. Report them. Enough reports will indeed earn a ban. Then they can use their free speech and rage at DBG to their hearts content.
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  7. raffa2

    Who said it's right?

    And this is how totalitarism is made, good job, this is the main point of SJW to shut down anything they think "doesn't belong".
    If you're decent and mature enough, you can simply ignore someone so weak minded, specially when having the tools to do so, or are you sure you're not the weak minded one to not tolerate someone you don't like? I don't like people with your frame of thought but i don't whine in anger for your kind to be banned forever from every social aspect of life, i simply try to inform you how wrong your frame of thought is, and whether you accept my advice or not it's none of my buisness.

    Also look at EVE online, they went along with no rules policy besides cheating, how many problems did it cause? Zero, if the community can manage itself antisocial behavior gets isolated by itself self moderation is a thing people like you don't understand and will always need some big daddy to protect you.
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  8. JibbaJabba

    You've made a series of choices in your life that resulted in you here defending racist speech. You made a wrong turn somewhere, buddy.

    You can argue the nuances of the huge gray area in the middle of our free speech spectrum if you wish but racism is a clear line. It's spelled out in the ToS and if you don't like it you're free to leave.

    Also, don't be under some impression that you're dealing with a SJW. I'm an ex sailor and can string together expletives and profanities like the mona lisa of rants and I have certain political correct topics that are my absolute kryptonite and crack me up to no end even in social situations where it's not acceptable. I can do all of this without being a racist. Racists have weak feeble pathetic little minds. If they get banned, good riddance.
  9. raffa2

    I never used such language in a videogame, but stay sure i will defend racist language, people who insulted me in videogames and anyone that will do so in the future, i defend anyone that will ever use offensive or threatening language in a videogame.
    And that's because unlike you, i defend free speech, because as i just said it's just people speaking at you, you can simply click a button and they no longer exist in your life.

    There is and should be no line for ideas or speech, and i sure won't respect a made up one.
    Toughen up, sailor.

    Expect physical repercussions though for doing it IRL
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  10. TRspy007

    Yet we should ban ppl for being "racist"? Insults r insults, you can mute/ignore and keep playing the game perfectly fine if you cant take it as a joke. Banning players forever because they offended someone is just as stupid as the person who intentionally provoked the other guy. Also this is a pretty simple minded solution, the players can just make new accounts and be back saying stuff 2 minutes later. Also from the pictures you linked theres nothing blatantly racist and it seems like the typical random silly squad chat. Honestly if thats what worked you up this much to request a permanent ban, you're not ready for the real world man, not tryna be mean, just honest.
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  11. JibbaJabba

    You guys act as if this is the town square where people are coming to share ideas. Some bastion of free speech or something.

    They are coming here to play games. They should not be made to endure racism hurled at them in order to do so. If they are made to do this they will leave. They will leave and they will take their money with them. That is why gaming companies adopt such policies.

    I'm not in favor of some zero tolerancy policy, but hey if you can't keep your racist mouth shut then you'll get some warnings and that will be the end of you.

    Don't like it? Do the thing you are recommending: toughen up or leave.
  12. raffa2

    "Don't say mean things i don't like else you must be removed".
    we've left kindergarten to be better than this.

    Also i doubt daybreak would survive another day if they actually enforced such practice, they are not as big as Blizzard; not only a good chunk of the playerbase, that also pay membership regularly, would be banned if your zero tolerance (because yes don't fake it you want zero tolerance) policy was actually enforced, but the reputation of the company would be smeared to the actual public that pays to play the game. They would fool investors easily for a short income of bucks but most people are disgusted deep down by stuff like this, so they would lose in the long run, that's what's been happening over and over in the industry in the recent years.

    Blizzard can get away doing it for some time, they have a plethora of little kids and menchildren playing their games, so none's going to complain for the babysitting, but even they couldn't get away from the consequences of being so woke and going disastrously broke.
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  13. Twin Suns

    For the love of gaming! Just put the sumbich on mute.

    We don't need some Vice and Virtue law for gaming.

    Gaming 25 years ago we had the same problem, and there was more of those sumbiches. LOL. We muted and the player base policed them accordingly.

    Casuals *shakes head* Should just stick to phone games sometimes. Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and streams that you're used too. ;)
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  14. Armcross

    ***? That is offence?

    Edit: Yaiks! It is. I didn't realize anti-them is in effect here.