They should have never removed HIVEs and VP system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. DeadlyOmen

    Pandering to the crybabies hurt those that want a diverse and challenging gaming experience.

    Unfortunately, the crybabies are the ones that drop the most money, and whoa re the most likely to move on to Fortniite.
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  2. SixNineFour

    Idiots who lost to an underpop faction gaining victory solely through HIVE VPs deserved to lose.
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  3. karlooo

    Yeah, losing to that shows how clumsy their leaders are....I believe strategy should be more awarded than rushing with numbers.
    The Devs should put this massive open world environment to use, finally. I don't know how long they want to keep it like this, people are leaving!
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  4. adamts01

    Try to think critically here. Relatively no one cared about hives, as evidence by the vast majority of players who purposefully ignored them and chose to shoot things instead, even though it meant losing the continent. It's simple to come to the conclusion that getting rid of Hives was better for the population than worse.

    I do agree that our redeploy meta is ****, that most of the map is wasted, and that we've never had much of a reason for vehicle vs vehicle combat. My favorite solution is the Hybrid Hex System by Cyrious. We'd use the whole map, vehicles would have constant value, PMBs would be incredibly valuable, Gal drops and redeploy would no longer be the be all end all tactic, we'd have persistent fights that wouldn't appear and disappear from moment to moment.... It would be beautiful.
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  5. Demigan

    Imagine if you could play a game of solitaire anywhere on the battlefield. Win the game of solitaire and you earn 1 VP. The good strategy would be to get as many people to play solitaire... But it isn't anywhere near what you are doing the rest of the game and it isn't even a real MMO experience anymore as everyone is basically playing alone!

    It get's even worse: Only a limited amount of players can go play solitaire. A teeny tiny portion of the playerbase will enjoy solitaire, but the rest will have to be forced to play it. Who's going to do that? Who's going to be forced to perform the "strategy" of sitting somewhere in the middle of nowhere playing solitaire just to win?

    Gameplay has to be enjoyable for as many players as possible. There's some people here who would go "ah but we shouldn't pander to the crybaby masses" but that's hypocracy 101 and is a game really better when it panders to say 10% of the playerbase while 90% hates the gameplay this creates? Ofcourse not! It's just someone who asks the game to pander to himself and himself alone.

    Also about people leaving the game, I dare bet more people left during the HIVE period than before or after. The giant middle finger of "oh you worked you butt off for 6 hours with multiple platoons worth of people? Well there's this guy in a hole with an anti-air shield somewhere who's just earned more for the victory than all of you combined because sitting in a hole in the middle of nowhere alone counts as strategy nowadays".
    Really the fact that you think that sitting in a PMB somewhere counts more as strategy than using numbers in a large scale open world combat system says a lot about you.

    PMB's should support the game, and the game should support PMB's. It should be a piece of cake to build and maintain a PMB outside of combat after you've build it. They should look into ways that a PMB is always useful even if the battlefield moves away from it, I would personally want PMB's to become transport hubs where you can easily teleport infantry and vehicles across the battlefield towards another PMB so you can quickly traverse the continent without the need for redeploy. They should make PMB's capable of offense, defense and support. From providing a (not super-powered like flail) artillery platform that infantry can use (buy a resource-costing target painter) to providing lattice-links to otherwise unlinked bases to altering the capture mechanics (CTF, VIP through picking up the point, making points harder to capture etc) and more. That's a good way to make sure PMB's are useful and don't require ludicrous power to pay off the time you spend building and maintaining it.
  6. Hereyagoboom

    No thank you. I love construction but don't miss hives at all. Towards the end that system was getting so abused. Looking at you VS on Connery.
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  7. adamts01

    Why we can't have nice things. It really is incredible how one faction on one server can cause so much trouble for this community.
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  8. Shadowdev

    I wish they never got rid of the hives, that was some of the best fights I've ever had on PS2, it broke up the capping bases routine.
  9. Nuggz

    Hive VP system became the ONLY viable path to victory when it was still around... Under pop faction could use it to win continents so when the over pop faction decided to build them it was absolutely impossible to counter their territory control VP AND their hive VP.... Hive system was broken and stupid.
  10. iller

    Maybe have Hives grant a modest HitPoint bonus to each faction like a second layer of Nanoweave?
    ...but make sure that the faction who already has the most Territory can't receive it