[Suggestion] Prototype Failure Weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OldYetNewNoob, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. OldYetNewNoob

    Love this game, and if there's something that I enjoy even more than this game, it's wacky weapons with a niche use, but being cool as hell to fire.

    Undoubtedly, the devs for Planetside 2 don't have the resources, or the time, yet to do this, but if a wacky weapon could be introduced into the game, what would you like to see?

    Personally, I'm a fan of High RoF, low damage bullet-hoses. So would love to see some kind of hybrid rifle/shotgun Superimposed load kind of gun, All fire-rate multi-barrel magdump, with a recoil on infantry that makes it useless at long-range.

    How 'bout yourselves?
  2. NXR1

    high RoF bullet hose with unusable accuracy? Sounds like you want a watchman.
  3. Liewec123

    A huge AI flak auto-shotgun for my NC! (It'd go in HAs rocket launcher slot and be BIG)
    Firing a spread of tiny mini missiles that explode on proximity to infantry :D
    We've got the jackhammer already, I'd want this beast to be called The Sledgehammer

    Also i'd like to see two-handed max weapons, like an enforcer type thing for NC (though not as terrible as enforcer)
    A vulcan type thing for TR and a Saron type thing for VS

    Also also! A proper laser weapon with a long beam continuous low dmg but instant travel time and no drop,
    Maybe for VS, with a laser being an obvious choice for them, but if it was a mining laser then perhaps NC!
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  4. DarkStarAnubis

    High RoF weapons at this time are affected by FPS fluctuations, if your FPS drops so does your fire rate, this issue should be fixed by DBG before introducing additional high RoF weapons.

    Having said that, I agree with NXR1, the Watchman is what you are looking for :)
  5. OldYetNewNoob

    Ahh, that's good to know. I've tried the Watchman, but not enough bullets down-range as I'd love (M6 onslaughts in Lockdown is nearing that magic number), it's a good bullet hose hose, but not a deluge ;). If FPS locks are a concern, then a workaround is adding pellets per shot, in conjunction with a high RoF!
  6. Twin Suns

    I already have mine. I was shown the way of the "NSX YUMI" by a member named Prudentia. Counter sniping Medic.

    NSX YUMI and 3.4 scope. Enjoy.
  7. TobiMK

    Sounds like you should try aiming. I can't fathom how people can call the Watchman inaccurate, do you just hold down the trigger in the general direction of the enemy?
  8. DarkStarAnubis

    I tried the Yumi in VR but I hated the delay before firing. At range it could be a good weapon, but at range you have a lot of better alternatives (SABR, DMR, Corvus, ...) .

    How do you cope with that?
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  9. Twin Suns

    The delay takes some getting used to. (Like a lot) Not gonna lie. When I first started using it I dialed down my sensitivity. Then as I got more comfortable with it, I dialed the sensitivity back up a little bit at a time till I reach my favored sensitivity.
    Plus I'm ignorant, everyone says it's useless(me included at one point) and I just had to make it work. (sorta :))

    *Tips hat* to Prudentia for the insight.

    It's quite rewarding seeing it it the kill feed. ;)

  10. Kcalehc

    A weapon with bullets that ricochet. Really low firing (like 180 ROF), not terribly hard hitting say 125 damage, but each round bounces twice before stopping (rather than hitting a solid surface then stopping), or upon impact with a player. Good for some trick shots, and chipping away at guys behind cover, but not all that great in a straight up fight. Maybe even as a pistol.

    Scrambler pistol. Infil only, applies EMP effect to a single target upon hit, does 1 damage. Suppressed by default. single shot before reloading, takes the place of the recon tool slot.
  11. Sazukata

    The game is CPU-demanding enough. Points for creativity, though.
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  12. Rydenan

    IMO, the battle rifles (especially the new ones) are the superior long-range weapon for Medic (or any class besides Infil), and you can put them in your secondary weapon slot.
    I run with Bishop + 3.4x in my secondary slot for devastating long-range return fire, and a CQC bullet hose like the GR-22 or even the GD-7F in the primary slot for close-range HA meltin'.
    Swap the Bishop for the Warden and slap an UBGL launcher on there, and now you can even take on MAXes and suppress crowded doorways!
    And since you have Nano-regen, you can throw out those medkits and bring C4 along too! Now you're a deadly threat to vehicles as well!
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