Wraith cloaking

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by AISkander, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. AISkander

    The flash is terrible. The cloak on the flash ever worse. I got tracked down by an aircraft while in cloak. That's how much bonkers it is. a cloak that doesn't cloak you.

    But anyway i feel like they are trying with the flash. Nobody uses it but for suicide runs and transport which is sad.

    I don't want it to be undestructable, i want it to be faster and more agile. A sunderer drives better then that thing.

    And the new AT weapons are cool and all. But they need more ammo on clip, becouse when you start reloading, you are or the flesh is, already dead
  2. AISkander

    Question: Does deep operative work on Wraith cloaking?
  3. That_One_Kane_Guy

    The Flash is a transport vehicle, it probably shouldn't have gotten weapons in the first place. It certainly should never have received the ability to mount weapons (which include both Anti-Vehicle and Shotgun weapons) and the cloak concurrently. That being said, just because it can mount weapons does not make it a combat vehicle. You shoot, you scoot, or you die. More ammo in your magazine will only help you die faster.

    The cloak is camouflage, not an invisibility potion, and camouflage is very effective as long as people don't know you are there. Once people know you are around and what to look for, your camouflage is much less effective, and if they start hunting you you are probably going to die. You can track moving Wraiths at upwards of 50-60m if you know they are there.
  4. AISkander

    wrong. The flash per se is a transport. But actually the harrasser is too.

    the flash is the only veichle capable of flanking due to cloak, but since this is so ******, it doesn't do his job right.
  5. AtckAtck

    You are mixing up a lot of things here, if you want to have the abilty to outrun a turbo harrasser that already tracks you, then you should jump of your flash, hide behind somthing and redeploy. Well, or you just die.
    NO Vehicle is more maneuverable than a flash with scrapper chassis in this game. (on the ground.) So this is not true either.

    The cloak works perfectly most of the time. The flash is a vehicle used to surprise enemys and apply hit and run tactics.
    The flash has insane dps vs almost every target. You cant take out infantry and vehicles alike very fast, but you are always a "one shot" for nearly any enemy. And a lot of players hate dying to a flash so they WILL angily chase you, or at least try to to so.

    If you overextend your attack frame, then you die.
    If you engage a target that is already expecting you, you die.
    If you tryhard somebody that trys to tryhard you, you will die.

    Drving a flash means only going for the suprise, never fight fair, always run away.

    VS already got the mightiest weapon in the last update and you are still complaining, really?
    Then you clearly just can't drive flash.
    Get gut.
  6. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Logic: 10/10

    The cloak is perfectly adequate against people that don't know you are there. As I said and as Atck has said if they know you are there and you hang around long enough you are probably going to die.
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  7. Blam320

    However you're using the Wraith Cloaking module, you're using it wrong. Wraith Flashes are scary, especially when one with a Fury and Decimator HA riding in the rumble seat can decloak behind an MBT and kill it faster than another tank with AP can.

    I could go on, but really the only viable option for aggressive Flashes is to run Wraith cloaking and the coaxial gun of your choice; either Renegade for AI or Fury (or Starfall if you're VS) for anti-armor.
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  8. ALTRego

    OP: Yes you are correct, the flash has received many nerfs over the years. Is it still playable? For me, yes I can. For others like newer players, the answer becomes no.

    Kane: The flash was one of the original vehicles in PS1 and had weapons available even with cloaking. I was there, and I used it then. I use it now, and I have 6 ASP's with it. I believe in the old days the devs said it was made for everyone regardless of your resource pool. The wraith device was also in sice beginning of game. It was meant for Cloaks to use, however they saw fit. While the cloak after all the nerfs is now just camoflauge it isn't meant to be seen at 30-50+ meters. Regardless of the platform being used. You seem to have alot of misconceptions on the topic and can only assume that you have been one of my victims over the years. Salty dude.

    AlSkander: No, Deep Op does not work with it. I don't see this changing anytime soon since the implants aren't meant to enhance vehicle operations any more than basic EOD/Ammo assists.

    AtckAtck: Lol man, just lol.

    In closing I would like to point out that most flashes have received the new nerf of extra delay between decloak and firing. This puts you at a severe disadvantage being uncloaked and unable to fire. A lot like walking into battle wearing pajamas and shooting spitwads at the NME. So if want a real skill challenge try to beat my 5-40k/d runs.

    And oh yea, that's 6 ASP toons.
  9. That_One_Kane_Guy

    That's wonderful, the world salutes your grey hairs and ability to recall mechanics of a different game. Also your ability to misread people is literally unmatched. I personally have no real problem with the Flash, most of the time I die once than either kill them or avoid them. That being said I can understand why they are a contentious topic for others, particularly new players and vehicle players. You will find in my posts that I have no ill will towards any classes or playstyles, only a desire for a balanced game.

    Now that we've got that out of the way, you will now explain where any salt exists in any of my posts on this topic. I'm genuinely curious because I'm not sure if I'm dealing with an illiterate person or a genuine ***hat. The difference will determine exactly how this conversation will proceed.
  10. DeathSeeker

    <insert bait meme here> 10/10

    But really, flash can be either absolute hell to use or glorious easymode. Stupidly powerful or minor annoyance. LIKE A LOT OF THINGS IN PLANETSIDE, LOOKING AT YOU AA.
    *mileage varies by person,
    As for tracking while cloaked, the minimap is great, shows where your flash is even while cloaked, sometime. bbug or feature idk I don't care, I use stealth. Flashes aren't supposed to be tank killing machines, but hey they found a way, great.
  11. Corezer

    stop spouting BS, the flash didn't cloak, the wraith was a variant of the flash that you had to spec into, it was a separate vehicle, it also didn't have a weapon, that was the fury. Again, a separate vehicle with a ****ty little rocket gun.

    the PS1 flash was just an ATV, no weapons, no cloak.

    this is the second fake vet I've seen... stolen valor in a video game, how lame does someone have to be to feel the need to fake being a vet in a GD game...
  12. Exileant

    :D It is not terrible. Sure it could always be better but it works. Understand any time you get something that actually works like it should you are going to have some group of people who cannot defend against it and will cry murder that it is too powerful so everything is going to have a downfall. ;) The Wraith is no different. What is likely happening is you are getting too close to your enemy and you are showing up like veeeery clean glass, or your enemy is using the heatvision implant to see cloaked vehicles and people. (I am told it is a glitch or an error.) The first one is easy to fix. o_O Learn to attack at a distance for ground vehicles. For aircraft, it is even easier. Do not run from them as a reaction. :p (Running under them as you cloak is a great tactic because they will likely lose you during their reverse leaving them to try to predict where you will end up.) After you evade a volley of fire without getting hit, sit still a bit and see if they know where you are. Just because its nose is pointed in your direction does not mean it sees you. :D They typically will spray the area with bullet fire to see if they can connect with you before they unleash rockets. And if you display some true tactics they might leave you alone all together, ;) Personally I like to show them I am not a toy and take the time to target them back. o_O Sink a few rounds of anything into them and they will leave. Fury works best because while you hit them the explosions fog their screen allowing you to cloak and move to your next position. The rare few that decide to stay and fight, count your blessings if you have a Fury or Starfall, :D because you may very well snatch them right out of the sky. (P.S. An even RARER occasion is for the wanna be pro to land all together and try to kill you on foot. In which case if you are fury heavy circle and play with your food. Or be smart and put the plane between you and him and eat the plane first before you have dessert. *Under no circumstances try to RUN OVER the person... If you are going straight at some one it is the same as not moving.*)
    :p If they are using a glitch all you can do is swerve pray and try to lead whatever is chasing you to an area they will have a horrid time targeting you, hills bumps off a cliff, in a building door. You would be shocked at how fast Harassers will flip trying to chase you on unstable ground.

    :confused: The reload is terrible with Starfall and I am the first to say V.S. got the short end of the versatility stick with the new toys, however all around they are usable equally and deadly if you use them to their strengths. :eek: An example this evening. I FINALLY found someone who knew how to use a Buzzard right. Used correctly your enemy will not know what the heck is hitting them. And I can confirm this not only by doing, but tonight, by experiencing it. o_O In the open my magrider was brought down to half life in just a few seconds and I had NO clue where the shots came from. My gunner had to spot them and they lost them after the flash cloaked. :eek: I can honestly say he would have killed us if he had not have gotten scared by a random magburn and tried to run. :D He got caught on a rock and the deal was done.

    ;) Distance is key with a flash the further you are away, sure the less likely you are to finish the kill but the more likely you are to survive and not be noticed. I am not saying it will be easy but I am saying you do not have to count yourself dead because you are on a Flash. o_O I am a devout Flash user. The only time I am not on one is when I lose it to being set on fire, or need to handle some spot work. I.E. someone is being too mobile on foot to target properly.

    :eek: OOOOOOOH!!! And I forgot to mention, your shield will give you away in a heartbeat if you lose it. It shimmers as it comes back on line soooooooooo that is a target on your back. :p It can be like a beacon to planes,
  13. Corezer

    wall of skittles...
  14. Exileant

    :D And it is full of sweet advice.

    Also, I do not know about being dead if they expect you. :) I have killed plenty of people expecting me. If you plan on getting your kill, you kinda have to come back and most people expect you to finish what you start. It can be done. :D But I will agree with you on the number 1 killer of the flash. :p And that is over extending your attack.