Suppressor Changes --Thoughts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Campagne

    According to today's patch notes (, supressors have been buffs considerably.

    They now have a universal flat 15% velocity reduction and don't impact maximum damage ranges anymore.

    Personally I think this buff is a little bit too much for many guns. On some weapons supressors are almost mandatory and now there are very few instances where a weapon would be worse off with stealth now than previously. All short range & CQC guns which can use supressors might as well have them built-in now.

    Stealth is a very powerful advantage and supressors came with disadvantages for good reason. Some weapons really needed the suppressor buffs like the Railjack, but others just got flat upgrades, and I fear balance may be up in the air for a bit now, as if high RoF weapons need the boost.
  2. Voodoo4500

    ROFL, I saw this too. The MKV Suppressed was the best SMG to being with and now its super buffed with higher velocity AND max damage extended from 10m to 15m. This is going to be great! ROFL
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  3. UberNoob1337101

    Not a great patch IMO.

    Suppressors filled a niche but very important role, pretty much mandatory on SMGs and pistols if you played infiltrator and very good on some LA guns. It's not something you just fit on every gun because you feel like it. No radar signature and less audible sound are great stealth traits. Now most everyone who doesn't have access to compensator or other decent barrel attachments is going to mostly choose suppressor.

    What I fear the most, though, is a huge increase of HAs, medics and snipers with suppressors, they already have a huge velocity already, and even with 15% reduction velocity is still great and some usually have only one damage tier drop-off. I hope the minimum damage range is still greatly reduced.

    What they should've done was decrease the noise made by some firearms with a suppressor, as they don't have a radar signature while firing but a re still very loud even with suppressor on. That would be a small but welcome buff.

    But hey, MKV buff. That's nice.

    Also, SPRW ammo gets nerfed for no reason, high velocity ammo got a mediocre velocity increase while soft point ammo got a bigger velocity reduction. I assume HVA will be the must-pick with suppressors for massively negating their downsides. Silent long-range weapons for all, I guess.
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  4. TR5L4Y3R

    this is merely gutfeeling but i would say at least for supressor+spa it should be enough but the buff to HVA might be a bit much were supressor debuff may just not matter realy ....
  5. That_One_Kane_Guy

    The problem is that they claim the changes were because the old suppressor penalties were inconsistent as far as their reduction multiplier (e.g. 20% on some weapons, 50% on others, etc.). The thing is, that may have been kind of the point. If you look at what velocities these weapons ended up with, many (admittedly not all) end up falling below the supersonic threshold. Now this may just be a coincidence, but to me it seems like someone did their homework.

    Which means that the current "fix" was to take a system that may or may not have had some real thought and effort put into it and thrown it all away for the sake of simplifying some numbers in a database, while at the same time introducing some legitimate balance concerns. How this affects infantry combat remains to be seen, but I see the Light Assaults getting the most out of this. The other classes are all mostly on the front lines and Infiltrators are mostly running suppressors already, or far enough away that it doesn't really matter if you can see them or not.

    If it ends up becoming gamebreaking, one solution could be to have the option to specifically pair subsonic ammunition with your suppressor to get the full benefits as they are now with the reduced velocity, or to use supersonic ammunition with only the slight velocity reduction (15%) of the new patch but with a much louder audible report and potentially being visible on the minimap at very close (<10m) distances.
  6. LodeTria

    Suppressors were junk and highly niche so anything to get them out of that spot is good.
    The MKV was also the worst SMG because of this, being just a ****e PDW.
  7. Lord_Avatar

    I too believe the buff to Suppressors was a tad heavy-handed. Decrease the velocity penalty, but keep the sharpened damage drop-off, or vice versa; not both.
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  8. AlcyoneSerene

    I'm hoping the buff indirectly affects the VS Phaseshift, which previously made it pointless to slot suppressor as standard bullet velocity is already pitifully low. The amount of aim lead required on pre-patch suppressed phaseshift pushed it into complete RNG territory, and without that giving away position was quite punishing. Will have to check in game if this makes suppressor option finally viable.
  9. JobiWan

    I had a blast last night with the MKV which I'm currently trying to auraxium. Interesting sidenote, I recently found it's pronounced Mark Five, not EM-KAY-VEE, which kinda makes sense but it never occurred to me.
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  10. Lord_Avatar

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  11. Campagne

    I'm glad they buffed it, but of course they had to wait until I already aurax'd it first. :p

    Yeah. I think I kind of knew it was "Mark 5" but I just always called it "MKV" instead without really thinking.
  12. Ravenorth

    After being forced to use suppressors on semi-auto snipers for over 5 years with -35% bullet velocity, which was overkill, I welcome the change. Also it's probably biggest buff they've given to Phantom, since the launch, while being indirect, I'll still take it.

    Before anyone ask, I say forced because the default firing sound on Phantom and Spectre is directly copy pasted from BASRs, which it was originally designed for, a loud single firing sound. Copy pasting such sound to semi-auto snipers is terrible idea, because it's way too loud for faster firing weapons, so you have to use suppressor to save your ears.

    Another reason is that the muzzle flash makes it really hard to track your targets with your mouse and there's no flash suppressor available for semi-auto snipers, especially for the close range variants(Phantom etc), which have probably the smallest amount of attachment available than any other primary weapon. So you have to use suppressors to get rid of the muzzle flash, which is a lot bigger nuisance for semi-auto weapons than automatics.
  13. Maxor

    I've been toying with a suppressor on the Equinox with HVA and a grip. I barely even noticed the drawbacks of the suppressor now. Its only a 5% velocity drop which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

    I'm not sure what the devs were thinking with this change. There was a reason for why most weapons had different velocity %s for suppressor. Hell it was within the last 2-3 years they revamped many suppressors to be around the 20-30% range to get people using them on some guns(primarily those without HVA for good reason). But 15% and on guns that have HVA standardized at 10%?! Are you crazy devs?