Why does this game have to have team damage?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vulpecula07, Jul 22, 2018.

  1. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Team damage, as annoying and as frustrating as it sometimes is, is in this game for a reason. Several, actually. In addition to the ones mentioned above it also forces you to have some situational awareness. After the first couple of times becoming familiarized with the team damage system in this game, you (hopefully) start to learn. You don't just start shooting at the guy that rounds the corner in front of you, because you saw him as a teammate on your minimap. You don't step out in front of that friendly harasser and get plowed (or from the other perspective, plow over your teammates) because you saw him coming. In a game as unforgiving as this the Devs had the foresight to add in a feature to encourage players to bloody well pay attention.
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  2. HippoCryties

    Ah ok don’t worry
  3. AlcyoneSerene

    I team killed a guy 2x in a row, VS side, then put him on ignore, after I observed him clearly unload a full clip to kill into a friendly almost point blank inside the biolab while we had something like 90% pop for the longest time and nobody around. I mean sure, I don't get involved, he may have had his reasons, but I just briefly looked at him (thinking it's an enemy or something), and he shot and killed me too, low BR noob. No apology, no nothing, completely and totally random and unprovoked by anyone.

    Retaliation is a must to keep such stuff in check without having to bother game support if it gets out of hand. I also let other friendlies know why I had to team kill.
  4. Liewec123

    Yes, and how do you see into the minds of others to know what is intentional?
    (outside of the obvious like an ally casually walking up to you, waiting 5 seconds and then killing you.)

    It can be hard for new folks to learn the differences in aesthetics of the 3 factions. (Especially tr and nc)
    So one of these newbies kills you by accident, what you see is "a BR1 switcher is TKing!" Right?

    Unless you are telepathic or omniscient, you see the trouble with this silly lex talionis mentality right?

    Also I will throw you a bone and agree that there are some trolls and griefers just looking to ruin the game and get attention,
    Like those who c4 in the spawnroom, the people who TK like that do deserve no mercy.
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  5. csvfr

    Obviously there are many nuances when it comes to the specifics of a TK, and most are due to accidents or recklessness.

    As in just now before ragequitting, a TR stalker appeared after we conquered a base and shot at me with his pistol. My pistol was already up and after returning fire, just as I was about to quick-knife the guy, I was shot dead in the back by a friendly sniper shot. Then I just shrugged it off, base being conquered and all. But had it been a defensive scenario I sure would have respawned to take revenge.
  6. csvfr

    A remedy would deal with the TK issue via punishments to stats, nanite pool, or cert wallet, discouraging intentional and reckless TKing and awarding precision
    • 1 TK = 1 to 5 deaths
    • 1 TK = -10 to -50 Nanites
    • 1 TK = -1 to -5 certs
    Differential punishment would be dependent on the health of the victim. So for example, killing someone who runs in front of you with low health would only cost 1 cert, while it would cost 5 certs if the victim had full health.The punishment scheme should only apply to small arms, which is what TKers use the most. After all if you have planted C4 on a sundee and there is a friendly nearby, he has to die for the greater cause.
  7. Liewec123

    see the fact that had the base not been capped you'd have respawned and gone to deliberately kill your ally is incredibly chidlish.
    (and also incredibly unproductive for the fight.)
    i stand by my original statement, folks like you should go play single player games,
    you don't belong in an fps with hundreds of allies and inevitable accidental TKs.
    accidental TKing is perfectly acceptible, deliberate TKing should get you folks suspended.
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  8. csvfr

    Sure I belong, perhaps you should read the rules of planetside 2 before commenting further https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/230647807-What-are-the-rules-of-conduct-

    So from what I can see, it is childish to respond to TKs/accidental damage with "tells", and throwing a grenade and/or shooting in their face is the better way to proceed.
  9. DarkStarAnubis

    m8, are you kidding???

    What you quoted is a joke put by DBG/SOE.

    The real rule of conducts appear after and are quite clear, some sections:

    Users may not harass or threaten other players or the support staff.
    Users may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, sexist, racially or ethnically offensive language
    Users will not either individually or together with their squad, outfit, or other groups, engage in any intentional "griefing" of your fellow players. Griefing includes the repeated killing of selected players or groups of players within their own empire or any other grief activity that DBG deems inappropriate in its sole and absolute discretion.
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  10. Liewec123

    thanks i've read it...but i read the whole thing.
    perhaps you should have read further down for the actual rules of conduct
    and not just the funny (not to be taken seriously) version.
    ya know, where it says "Rules of Conduct".
    its literally the first rule, don't harass players.

    i think its safe to say that repeatedly TKing an ally is harassment.

    if it was me who you were repeatedly TKing, you can bet your butt that i'd have no hesitation in reporting you for harassment,
    and if enough others do the same you'll likely get suspended for it.
    its childish and we don't need that c%%p here.
  11. MonnyMoony

    It's usually obvious when a TK is intentional.

    The other day I was in my AA Max - walking between bases, and I saw a friendly lightning approaching from the rear. At the last second he swerved and ran me down.

    Suffice to say - I immediately pulled LA and C4'd his ***.

    Same with people that knife or shoot you whilst in spawn. These are almost always intentional and I no longer hesitate in taking these people out multiple times.
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  12. TR5L4Y3R

    jupp let´s punish new players for throwing in grenades into rooms to try and clear out eventual enemies .. oh **** i hit one or 2 allies that just happened to come around the corner ..

    no, lets not follow your example ..

    hey there are two guys behind the door let me fire at them to at least supress them and not get out .. oh crap one low health ally is determined to killsteal and dies ragingly cause he ran into my clear line of fire, but i lose certs because how would the system distinguish between intentional or not ..

    nnnnNNNNOOOOO !! ...
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  13. PoopDatGame OUT!

    people walk in front of my fire all the time and i nail them because really i dont care because its a game..like this junk is so serious..GET OUT THE WAY IDIOTS!
  14. IcEzEbRa

    The only bounties I've ever placed are on team killers, and you generally get your certs pretty fast, lol.
  15. Luicanus

    Honestly, it happens on every server, I play a LOT of PS2 and I can't think of more than a dozen times it's happened to me in the last 2 years. I've learned to report and move on (assuming they don't apologise via tells).

    Reporting may not have much effect but it makes me feel better. If I move to another base for a few minutes you can reliably assume he'll move on from boredom then you can return to the spot you like.
  16. Luicanus

    Yeah, this is the right attitude, for every time I've suffered at deliberate TK (from an intellectually deficient creature that enjoys rectally pleasuring itself with its own head) I've received 20 apologies for TKs. The genuinely deliberate stuff is REALLY rare, most people understand that friendly fire happens.
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  17. breeje

    my opinion for the team killing on Cobalt is not so bad
    i like to shoot from the hip in CQC and after some time spend in battle i often get "this is your last warning"
    but i only get team killed once or twice a week and most of the times it's a accidental death
    i only freak out if it's a high KD sniper when they don't apologize, i expect more from those snipers, i expect them to be flanking and not shooting me in the back
  18. Twin Suns

    Team damage on = Top of the food chain/skill check required.

    Team damage off = Casual bottom feeder/No skills required. Just nose dive you're galaxy full of friendlies into the ground and bounce back up in the air. LOL. No flying skills required either.

  19. Lee Weldon

    Well on briggs, I mean NC already a given 35:20:22 team kills NC:TR:VS respectively, I look at this stat page regularly because it gives me a brief overview of what guns are being used at a given time, but these TK stats always never good for NC and I think most the time it is almost always another faction player who hops onto an nc character just to blow up every team player in a tank. Though al be it very rare. I don't know how long this data pools for but it seems to be about 1 TK : 30 legitimate kills which does seem incredibly high.

    Though sniping kills seem the most legitimised TK method, considering it is 1 shot to the head to kill and often when two players are right next to each other an enemy and an ally, you're going to take the shot, you would be an absolute commisioner not to. What I find frustrating are the tanks that just don't care who they roll over, and often they go out of their way to drive over you. This is not just get out of the way mentality, this is going beyond and above.
  20. That_One_Kane_Guy

    As Lee pointed out, it is actually pretty easy to accidentally TK with a sniper even when shooting at perfectly legitimate targets. While I try to avoid shooting over a teammate's shoulder I have had friendlies jump in front of what a moment before was a clear target and eat the bullet meant for an enemy. Usually it doesn't kill unless they're already hurt but sometimes you get unlucky. I have had friendlies walk directly into my scope as I'm shooting and just die.

    The vast majority of the time I don't really expect or give apologies, I feel like at this point the majority of the community is experienced enough that everybody knows what's what.

    I used to get far more frustrated at friendly roadkills until I spent a little time driving and realized how sluggish vehicles are. Sometimes what looks like a swerve to hit you was actually meant to avoid you but you zigged instead of zagged and they didn't have time to correct.
    My pet peeve though, are Harassers running me over in places where Harassers have no business being, like driving up stairways or hillsides already clogged with friendly infantry.