Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zaros, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. Zaros

    Majority of the capture points are inside buildings, that can also be called close-quarters combat. Shotguns are considered close-quarter combat and thus excel in that environment. All three faction received shotguns so it should be balanced. But one faction received shotguns on their Max unit and of course are capable of using two shotguns, which makes this faction god-like when holding down capture points, rushing/crashing a point that is being taken by the opposing faction. They also received a shield on their Max unit to negate a plethora of damage as long as the shield stays up. Making them extremely difficult to combat against because It's not just one shotgun Max unit that one is going to encounter but multiple shotgun Maxes, thus making this faction god-like when it comes to capturing/defending a point for such a facility. Slug ammo gives these shotgun maxes range, maybe not long range but enough to melt the opposing faction inside buildings where the capture points are mainly located. This is a huge advantage that this faction has over the other two faction.

    When it comes to Main battle Tanks (MBT), there are two MBTs that can be considered Tanks and that is the Prowler and the Vanguard. The Prowler can dish out extreme DPS with the Vulcan if encountered in close proximity and are capable of applying pressure from long distance with its Barrage, what the Prowler was meant to do. The Vanguard doesn't have the speed as the Prowler but are able to dish out hard-hitting shells with very low projectile drop and take the most beating thanks to its shield, also called Vanguard Shield, also called Press F to Win. Both of these tanks are capable of holding their ground and takes less effort and skill to pilot, especially the Vanguard compared to the Magrider.
    The Magrider, which is supposed to be known for it's ability to strafe left and right pales in comparison to the Prowler's acceleration and reverse speed. The Prowler's "strafe"
    out-performs the Magrider's strafe even with Rival Combat Chassis equipped. The Magburner can only be used from the rear, if you want to get away from a sticky situation, you'll have to risk exposing the rear of the Magrider and risk receiving extra damage due to back-attack damage amplifier. The Magburner when used, last ONE second and takes 20 seconds to refill and will propel you in the direction that you are facing. For whatever reason it may be, the Racer Chassis does not improve the Magburner as it should. When strafing left-right, you risk bumping into a rock/building/friendly vehicles/infantry which will cause you to take noticeable damage depending how "fast" you were strafing against a building/rock/tree which will also throw your aim off. If you were using the Magburner, this damage will only increase due to the increase of speed and will waste your Magburner (One second of use). Bumping into friendly vehicles will mainly throw your aim off and strafing where friendly infantry will cause friendly fire.

    The Magrider's ability to climb up hills or jump on buildings are near over, even I don't attempt this as often as I did before
    mainly due to High Risk and Low Reward. High Risk being that one can easily be picked off by enemy Air: ESFs, Liberators, Valks, Galaxies. Valks are extremely dangerous due to the fact that they can drop infantry with ease. Light Assaults are able to so much with so little thanks to the Rocklets they received, making them more dangerous than Heavy infantry. The risk of flipping over when attempting to glide across or hitting the side of the building which will cause heavy damage or instantly explode, which also applies when falling from the building and hitting the ground. The damage of the Magrider pales in comparison to that of the Vanguard. an AP shot and all 6 Saron shots on the rear of the Vanguard will deal 40-45% of its health. Whereas the AP shot of the Vanguard Main gun alone will deal 40-50% damage to the rear of the Magrider. The ability to climb on the Magrider is trash, due to the fact it doesn't have tread as the Prowler/Vanguard. And to top it off, the Vanu faction keeps receiving "mechanics" when majority of the player base (to include TR and NC) are brain dead and they just want to hold the left mouse button.

    I love the Magrider, it's the only "Tank" that's not boring to use and actually requires a brain to play. Majority of my time in-game was spent playing the Magrider because of the out-plays that I was able to do with the Magrider. But now, I've found myself hardly pulling the Magrider due to the High risk and Low reward mainly due to the constant nerfs that it received. As of right now, the Starfall for me is a substitute for the Magrider, could even be considered a glass cannon due to the flashing being able to be one-shotted as well as the infiltrator piloting the flash.

    When will Lashers be able to be used by the Max unit?
  2. Demigan

    I read the beginning and here's a tip: Most buildings have interiors larger than 10m, which is the effective range of shotguns meaning they aren't the perfect weapon. More tip: Most combat takes place from one cover position to another, like a doorway to cover outside the building. Hence most combat does not take place in CQC, and shotguns aren't used a lot.

    Considering all factions have access to the same shotguns (NC having 2 extra) you would be expecting everyone to go shotgun. But shotguns are barely used by anyone. Why wouldn't anyone use them if they are supposedly OP? Well because they aren't, and because the game punishes you for taking a weapon that lacks longer range capabilities like even SMG's can do. Funny thing, SMG's are also not used as much as other longer range options. I see a pattern...
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  3. Zaros

    I read the beginning and here's a tip: I like how you didn't mention Slug Ammo, nor did you not acknowledged that I stated all factions receiving shotguns but only one faction receiving shotguns on their Max unit. Lastly, I can see why you're a bit biased towards this post. not that I'm rejecting your opinion, far from that. True story by the way.
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  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    The only difference between running into a TR or VS Max and running into an NC Max is the extra 3 steps you get to take before you die trying to run away. Max Units in general are only scary inside closed spaces where you don't see them coming until it's too late, or if they're part of a semi-coordinated attack in which case the faction is irrelevant.
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  5. Zaros

    Your chances of survival from such a scenario is greater against TR/VS Max than an NC Max.
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  6. Campagne

    The reverse is probably true. With NC MAXes the enemy is more likely to have to few shells to kill, especially with the random nature of videogame shotguns. TR & VS MAXes can maintain fire for a very long time and have much shorter reloads to boot. The harsh range penalties don't help them any either.

    Slugs don't really make the range much better. Mostly just makes them all or nothing weapons.
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  7. Demigan

    Considering you seem to be suffering from the Vanu inferiority complex it's a 'bit' hypocritical to call me biased.

    Slugs are basically sacrificing why you want to use a shotgun to get some range, but are still a slave to RNG. For example it is not an uncommon occurance to fire all your slug shots at an unmoving enemy MAX at some range, which isn't exactly hard to hit, and miss all your shots anyway.

    Vanguards "hard hitting shells" ultimately are a lower DPS than the Magrider has, with only the health of the Vanguard making a difference weren't it for the lower side-armor vs the Magriders automatic front-armor facing. Also if you want to talk about hard-hitting go look at your Saron and the new Starfall.
    The Vanguard shield has been discussed to death, and in reality it's the only real saving grace the Vanguard has giving it some survivability. But rather than an "Iwin button" it's more of a "now your enemy can repair up behind a rock and wait for your tank to be nerfed". The Vanguard's usage statistics prove that the only thing the Vanguard can compete in with the other two tanks is MBT vs MBT combat (against other vehicles both the Magrider and Prowler score better). But when you look at how many MBT's are killed per life, the Magrider kills practically nothing less than the Vanguard (like 0,2 less MBT's killed per life), despite Magriders being pulled a lot less meaning they do this while outnumbered. This can only happen because the Magrider's total set of abilities, strafing, damage etc, has enough of an advantage to pull this off. And again, this is despite the Vanguard having access to a shield which is likely to be used at least once per life while the Magrider has an ability that has a murky advantage.
    "Yarhg, but VS all have magical superior skill which makes them function better" (this is the usual reaction).
    When looking at NS weapons like the Lightning guns or NS small-arms, you can see that all factions score about the same. Eeeeexcept that the NC overall scores slightly better with most NS weapons compared to the VS and TR. There is no magical skill that all VS somehow have when driving a Magrider, it's the vehicle itself that gives the power. Otherwise the VS would pull ahead in Lightning stats as well, which they don't. The slightly better NC skill with NS weapons can also easily be explained: NC weapons are on average worse than the TR and VS (overall worse DPS, higher punishment for misses), pushing the NC players to be better to achieve the same results. When switching to an NS weapon, this extra skill gives the NC that slightly better skill. Again there's no magic super-skill even for the NC, it's just a marginal improvement.

    The Magriders strafe:
    You dare compare this to a Prowler driving backwards and forwards to "strafe"? A Prowler can't drive sideways, a Magrider can. This is a huge advantage, as your movement is less predictable and you don't have to bother with the position of your chassis in order to return to cover. This means that in overall combat there will be more Magriders firing at the same target. Where NC and TR can only have one or two tanks make use of each piece of cover effectively without blocking eachother or taking too long to get in and out of cover, the VS can quite literally have 5 Magriders use one piece of cover for repairs and forcing enemies to switch targets. It also allows Magriders to make better use of the available space. There's plenty of places you'll never find a Vanguard or Prowler because there's no safety for the tank close enough to retreat to in a timely manner, while Magriders would easily be able to use that terrain and still have access to the cover.

    Having played with the Magrider I have to ask where that sudden damage from bumping into things comes from. I've actually never really seen my Magrider take any visible damage when strafing. In fact I would argue that due to the floatiness and how it won't instantly stand still after a bump it does not receive full damage from a ram like the Vanguard or Prowler would when they ram another MBT and almost immediately stand still. Also if your ram your surroundings as any MBT you'll throw your aim off, this is not exclusive to the Magrider. And it's a small price to pay that you can PIT maneuver yourself for the ability to strafe.

    Magriders on hills are less of a target than Vanguards or Prowlers, as they are less likely to be discovered. You expect to find tanks on or near the road, not in mountains. Also the ability to strafe makes Magriders slightly harder to engage for aircraft. I also want to know why you don't scream "free certs!" whenever an LA bails out of a Valk and engages you with a Rocklet alone, if he's out of elevation range just jump out and shoot him while he can't fight back! If you want to stay inside your tank, a Drifer jet isn't very fast, you can outpace him while going backwards. So unless you got yourself in a ditch somewhere that's hard to get out off you should be able to escape him or kill him no problem.

    As for "damage when floating across buildings", a real first world problem there mate! "oh noes there's a drawback to being able to fight inside bases, the horror!".

    A full Saron+AP hit deals 750+900=1650 damage. To the rear that means 3300 damage. A Vanguard has 6000 health, so around 55% damage. That's "only" 10% damage away from what you imagined! Hurrah! And a Vanguard AP deals 850 damage per shot (100 more than the Magrider... Hmmm), and so 1700 damage with a single rear-shot so 34%. Not exactly your 40 to 50%. This is more proof that your bias is showing, and that you cannot make a good judgement about the gameplay. You are trying to make a just-barely-3-shot kill seem like an easy 3-shot or even 2-shot. In combat that's pretty damn important as enemies tend to turn around and make sure you don't get pure rear-hits.

    The ability to climb on the Magrider is heavenly, have you ever used it properly? I know you are going to say "ofcourse I have! I used to be awesume with it dude!" or something similar, but you can still be awesome with it.

    The Magrider's saving grace is that it has not treads. It does not need to behave like the other two, this is probably it's most important advantage over the other two and the biggest reason it can still nail as many MBT's as the Vanguard can.

    I think for all your supposed skill, you can't even get a good idea of how the game really plays. "50% per Vanguard AP shot in the rear", damn I hope you were hopped up on something when you wrote that.
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  8. Twin Suns

    So......you got killed by a shotgun and you're Mag Rider can't fly? Gotcha!
  9. Zanaffar

    Lel Demigan's delusions are strong with him today :D
  10. LordKrelas

    You do realize, if the Prowler, the fastest MBT, was matched in acceleration by the Magrider's omni-direction acceleration..
    The Magrider's ability to dodge, and maneuver would rise exponentially right?
    As that would put the fastest Accel, on an omni-directional travel, against vehicles that can only move in 2 directions, that are inverted of each other (Forwards & Reverse), without first turning the entire tank in the new direction.

    Magrider's main weapon Reloads faster than NC's Vanguard's main weapon, and isn't far off in damage;
    The drop is noticeable thing, but that would be related to the fact the Magrider is the only strafing tank.
    If it had the same drop as the other two, the ease of extending the range of the engagement, would allow the tank to always have the most optimal evasion-chance while keeping the same exact profile of hitting a target as the non-strafing tanks.
    Which puts a strong defensive advantage, paired with equal firepower -- and against NC, that is with a shorter reload than NC.

    The Shield is required on a Vanguard, unless the enemy is incapable.
    It puts the tank in either a losing position or a winning one, more than anything else the operator can do.

    And amazingly enough, the Vanguard pulled more, compared to the fewer Magriders... isn't ahead of miles.
    If a tank was inferior, it would have a lower noticeable capability to achieve any score, in a statistic.
    If a tank was fewer in number, it would have a noticeable difference in their ability to achieve good statistics.
    A Magrider is pulled less, yet scores near identical to tanks, pulled more;
    Operators from all 3 sides, have commonly switched tanks.
    All three sides, deal with new & old players.
    All three sides, are relatively equal in skill, as from the same pool; and touched by new & veteran players.

    How a tank pulled less, making every single operator of said tank, make more of an impact in their statistics, manages to get a near equal score to other tanks.. makes it illogical to be anything but superior or equal.

    As well, did you happen to miss when VS on this very site, complained that they deserved the original Canis?
    Or when VS, complained about their weapons being included in an entire weapon-class adjustment across all three factions;
    Specifically, their Directive LMG, which was achieving higher score, and still is, being touched in the slightest.

    Lashers, as well, would either be near useless on a Max unit, or just be AOE Spam for days on a heavy-priced Max.
    They weren't designed for 1v1 combat in of themselves (Lasher)

    So for a tip, you basically insulted the Magrider for not being faster in every direction than the fastest MBT (Prowler)
    Claimed the Vanguard deals more damage than it does - and forgetting the Vanguard has the longest reload on top.
    Somehow manage to damage yourself while moving a Maggie around, and somehow, a strafing tank, has more troubles with aircraft than 2 tanks that are 1-direction at a time travel, that also lack the ability to boost away.
    (This boost, is only positive in the case of aircraft engagement. Unlike vs Tanks.)

    The Magrider as well, has some solid Top-Guns.
    Paired with what VS has literally been getting out of the new ES Weapons, which has been a Flash-Saron, a Head-Enlarging SMG, an infinite-ammo Battlerifle, a Clone of the Anchor..
    I don't think VS can complain much, when every new weapon released has more often than not, be solidly in their favor.
  11. That_One_Kane_Guy

    I actually find the opposite to be the case. For example:
    I enter the A Point room in a Bio fight as a Dirty Commie Basta- TR, and Zounds! A Wild ___ Max is in the corner! Brave Sir Robin Mode Engaged! If the Max is:

    A. NC, if they shoot me immediately, I am dead before I can even pull out my coconuts. Well darn. BUT if they miss that first shot, or if they delay that first shot for any reason, I have a very GOOD chance to get away, because past a certain distance, they do exponentially less damage, and I become more difficult to hit. If he doesn't kill me before I get about 10m away, I will probably survive.
    B. VS, if they shoot me immediately, I have <0.5 seconds to consider whether it really was an African or European swallow, then I die. Same story, albeit with a little more exercise. The big difference is that unlike the NC Max, the Weeb VS Max can still hurt me past spitting distance, and as such has a much greater allowance for misses/slow reaction time/bad internet connection where they can still kill me before I am guaranteed a safe getaway.

    The moral of this story is that MAXs are Bad News, regardless of what color they're painted. Personally I hate the VS ones the most, because I keep mistaking the skinny buggers for regular infantry until its too late and I've already pissed them off.
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  12. Demigan

    Care to explain? For example, try to explain OP's idea that tracks would be better on the Magrider.

    Or do the math for the performance of the Magrider. Its simple: find stats about how many Magriders are pulled on average a month, find how many MBT's or vehicles in general they kill each month and use it to calculate an average vehicles per life. When I did it some time ago the Magrider kept up, thats not a delusion.

    Or you can explain to me how a Vanguard deals 40 to 50% damage with a single AP rear-shot when it can deal a maximum of 1700 damage against a 5000 health target.

    Or anything else, just dont try to say "bah, delusional", because I can do that too:

    You are horrendeously delusional trying to support such a poor view of Vanu.
  13. Pacster3

    Nice statistic. Irrelevant tho. It only matters if you take into calculation how many are pulled in total compare to faction pop(if one faction pulls less then there should be reasons for it. Most likely that means that they are noob unfriendly...and if only experienced/skilled people use them regularly with some success that will increase the kill rate(cause they face off against noobs) while the vehicle may in fact underperform).
    You need to know as well if those are 2 manned or 1 manned vehicles. If a magrider is always 2manned(cause it is likely worse than a lightning 1 manned) then that will increase the kill rate too. But if you always need to use 2 pilots while others work fine with just 1 pilot that means the magrider is underperforming.
    Don't abuse statistics...
  14. Demigan

    It is perfectly relevant. It contains everything and I mean everything. From hardcore high skilled players to newbs screwing around. The total result is there.

    Also if somehow one team had more newbs playing tanks, then it would mean that the NS weapons like Lightning Guns would see similar increases in statistics as the MBT's. So if the Magrider scores equally in MBT kills per life as a Vanguard DESPITE that it's on average outnumbered and all because of a magical "enemy newbs be taking tanks and we be more skilled" then it would stand to reason that the Lightning would be similarily better in the hands of the VS. But looking at the stats the VS and TR would have more newbs pulling tanks and the NC would in general have more skilled players in tanks. Yet the Magrider somehow still keeps up with the Vanguard meaning that all the advantages the Magrider gives make the tank more than capable.
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  15. Zanaffar

    Fam i would rly like to try explain it to you but from all posts i saw from you on this forum it is like going out to play tennis with concrete wall and expect that i win. Waste of time on someone who thinks that mag on the hill have terrible advantage comparted to TR,NC counterparts. So no thx.
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  16. JibbaJabba

    If you are solo, your chances of getting away after the initial encounter are roughly equal. If you are in a group, your chances are actually really good against an NC Max. More than just a couple targets will deplete clips on any shotgun except the grinders which few use. Tip: Watch for the shield to come up. He's not doing that because he wants to, he's reloading and won't bring the guns back out even if you get past the shield (or hit the feet). Now is a perfect time for that C4 even with the delayed fuse.

    Overall I reject the premise of your OP. There are a lot of nerf threads on the various points you have brought up and nothing new is being brought to the argument here. Sorry.

    I think you need to spend some time playing as the other factions. Your post hints that most of your knowledge of them comes from being at the receiving end.
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  17. Movoza

    Well I feel that there is a severe case of not being able to cope with NC tactics.

    The NC Max is pretty powerful, but in short bursts. The other MAX units have better surpressing capabilities and can continue without a reload much longer, allowing them to clear hallways and other area's with more ease in general. They cam advance and then stay, not allowing a breach in surpressing/killing fire by pesky reloads. Their TTK is in a lot of cases low enough it isn't worse than the shotguns, so they can get more kills as they don't need to wait for a reload.

    Tanks is a dead horse as well that is still being beaten. The first time I got in a magrider it took half an hour to get used with a buddy, but then we just boosted over something and killed 2 2/2 vanguards with shield. This is the old shield mind you. In addition, the Magrider is much better in masses, as they can more easily move around the terrain and each other, allowing much more fire on the enemy at a time. Sure you need to play smarter, but it's both easier and possible with the Magrider, while the Vanguard is predictable shield management. Easy to beat if you understand it, and evrn with the shield a smart Magrider can cripple or destroy it head on.

    In the end I can say this: the Vanguard might have more appeal to your fighting style, or be a good counter to your current strategies. Change strategies or your faction and see it's balanced closer than you might think.
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  18. Demigan

    You mean to say "I have zero things to back up the claims and cant clarify the mess of OP so I'll keep it at vague meaningless comments and insult the opposition in an attempt to make their arguments seem bad".
    The usual.
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  19. ridicOne

    Well you still have your Lemmings following you around. Hoorah!
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  20. JibbaJabba

    Just to reiterate what I said earlier. No new information in the OP. That video Zanaffar was also pulled out in previous discussions.
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