[BUG] Summer weapons not active

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Demigan, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Demigan

    The directives are active, but no summer weapons yet.
  2. LtBomber

    6 AM Pacific Time... patience...
    The directives were uploaded last patch and thus just activate on date, the update (also 2x XP) will come soon...

    Yeeha, another day downtime upcoming
  4. Sir Sovereign

    the event has started. 2x exp is active. just the weapons are missing lol
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  5. LtBomber

    Oh, ok... maybe for safty reasons XD
  6. tommyrocket

    Just saw a chinese player on Connery with the water pistol, which looks like an Emissary pistol, with orange & blue colors to look like a nerf blaster. The sounds were appropriate as well. However, I do not have access to it. I don't know how they got it but they did.
  7. JadeSinn

    i asked someone about it and they said it might be bugged to restart a few times it should show up.
  8. Voodoo4500

    Ya, its broken rofl. I dont see them either. Thanks alot Day Break
  9. gunnner10

    this game has more problems than a drunk driver at a sobriety check point
  10. Demigan

    I currently have the Soldier Soaker, but no waterbaloons yet (checked all classes).

    250 damage (no falloff)
    100m/s velocity
    heat-based ammo (kinda funny for a water-based pistol during the hot summer event). It doesn't reduce it's heat but also takes an immense amount of shots before it overheats (no idea what happens then because I didn't reach it yet).

    Headshot multiplier is less than 2x, as it takes 3 headshots to kill an Infiltrator.

    Accuracy isn't too good, use it in CQC mostly.
  11. JadeSinn

    still bugged trying a valadation of the files to see if that works. if not ill try back in a few hours so far alot of people are still not geting there gun and gernade. seems to be that it wont be fixed till next week if it gets fixed at all
  12. Blam320

    Not just the summer weapons, but the ES flash weapons are also missing for me. Double XP works fine, and the flare guns are available in the store, but not the water balloons or the squirt gun.
  13. JadeSinn

    the flash weapons are not in the store/market you have to unlock them doing the event by compleating the third tier derective

    as for the gun and gernade iv tryed all other options i am not uninstalling and reinstalling and seeing if that works i will get back to every one here in well however long it takes to reinstall the game wish me luck boys/girls ill either come back with good news or even worse news
  14. Demigan

    Better info:

    Soldier squirter.
    Does 250 damage at all ranges.
    has 2x multiplier and can 2-shot any player, but the "bullet" shot by the pistol is so large that it's likely going to hit the torso despite aiming at the head. Requires aim slightly above the head for consistent headshots. At range the "bullet" is likely going to hit the legs, reducing the shots to kill from 4 to 5.

    Once overheated it can only be reset by a terminal.
  15. AlcyoneSerene

    Took me 2 restarts for the soldier soaker to be visible/selectable, while others were already running around with them.
  16. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    Some players may be unable to access the water gun and water balloon grenades - we're aiming to get a patch out for this some time next week. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  17. tommyrocket

    I'd just like to clarify that literally everyone is missing the balloon grenade. I haven't seen anyone use one in-game, so it's safe to say not a single person on any server has one.
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  18. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    We've seen them on live servers, though it's possible that more of the grenades are missing than the pistols - thanks for the FYI. Making a new character should also give immediate access to the grenades. (Although this still clearly isn't working as intended :confused:)
  19. Demigan

    I can also confirm thay Balloons are practically non-existant on Miller at least, I've not seen or heard a single one while just about everyone and their mother seems to have access to thr soldier squirter by now. And its abundant usage is a sign that its probably a OP. I think its the massive size of the pellet that makes hits extremely easy.
  20. Campagne

    And the huge magazine size to boot!