Can't start an alert on Hossin on the server Cobalt.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oOHansOo, May 2, 2018.

  1. oOHansOo

    The latest server shutdown for the maintenance bugged the alertsystem for Hossin.
    When you mouse over the factionnubers on the mapscreen ,the lower bar, where normal the amount of refined cortium is shown, it only shows "1/1 hive active" with "1/1" in the bar itself.
    It is not just a visual bug, since no cortium goes towards the goal of 25.000 refined cortium to start the alert.
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  2. MuggieWara

  3. Pacster3

    And that bug is going on for around 24h by now. Not good...
  4. FLHuk


    They said they'd listened about the alerts!
  5. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    Alerted the team so they can take a look, thanks for the reports.

    This should now be fixed! Please let me know if the issue continues to occur.
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  6. HippoCryties

    Fixed m8!
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