How to fix uneven teams

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Walking Shark, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    I like some of the ideas I'm seeing in here - we have been running through a few of our own plans that might help with pop balance, but we're still planning so it's a bit too early to talk about what might happen. We are aware that this can lead to a frustrating experience, though, and are looking to take some steps to help resolve it.
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  2. HippoCryties

    Keep up the good work Roxlly and tell guys at daybreak they are doing good
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  3. JibbaJabba

    It's all about the mains, yo.

    People invest in their mains. Mine is all maxed out, halfway through ASP and all that. My Alts are getting up there for one of the factions but are pretty low for one of the others.

    I like playing on my main.

    If I see a faction imbalance I would like to do something about it by joining the weaker faction. I think lots of us are like this. We are already ready to solve this issue, but then we don't get to play our mains.

    Daybreak has exacerbated this problem greatly in their quest to maximize revenue. So many things if purchased for one character cannot be used on another characters. Example: Boosts. I just applied some 1wk Squad implant on my main. You think there is any way in hell I'm going to let that thing just burn down while I go play on an Alt that doesn't have it? Heck no.

    Same issue crops up with widespread server issues. I would love to be able to take my main over to another server. But I can't.

    Fix these obstacles and the players will fix the balance problem themselves.
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