[Suggestion] Incorporate, natively, the Best Features of Recursion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beerbeerbeer, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. Beerbeerbeer

    I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t use any third-party add ons, whether they are sanctioned or not. Just too many issues, patching headaches, potential vulnerabilities, etc.

    However, I do like some of the features of recursion and frankly wish DBG just incorporated it into Planetside as a native feature in its entirety. It definitely makes the entire PS gaming experience more enjoyable based on what I’ve seen.

    By doing this, recursion would be offered to newbies right out of the box. They may enjoy the game much more because of it as it’s highly unlikely these newer players have any idea it even exits.

    Plus, it would allow people like me to enjoy it as well, without having to use or rely on third-party applications.
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  2. FateJH

    Then there are people like me. I could turn it off completely, yes, and have it not sap even a cycle?
  3. Diilicious

    what does recursion actually do? only really heard whispers about it...
  4. ElGordo95

    Recursion is basically a from SOE/DBG whitelisted and endorsed ingame overlay for your statistics, a better killboard with your true KD/R without revives (if you're into that), custom kill messages, voice call outs when something cool happens like a Killstreak/Healstreak etc (My personal favourite is the Arnold Schwarzenegger Voice Pack with some added Duke Nukem one liners thrown in for good measure). Recursion has also an impressive amount of addons like actually centered crosshair overlays (which I personally use) and other stuffs and gubbins.

    Here's a good video from Moukass on how to install Recursion:

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  5. Diilicious

    I am not really comfortable with running programs that overlay with PS2 because getting accidentally banned would not be fun. (yes a noob comment, but I genuinely dont want to be accidentally banned lol)

    so if it was linked into the actual game, id probably try it out. :p
  6. Endlave

    It's whitelisted by the Ps2 devs, so it should not get you banned.

    However, it doesn't currently seem to work anyway. Last time I played, it wouldn't even load up at all.