Sundy Squad [R3PS]

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by Saxon, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Saxon


    Sundy Squad is looking for anyone who loves to work as a team, either if its just repairing each other or pushing through our enemy lines, we want you to join our Convoy!

    Our Vehicle Uses:
    - Repping Sundy
    - Blockade Sundy
    (Other Vehicles can be used in the battlefield ofcourse)

    Our Ground Forces:
    - Medic
    - Engineer (Always when in the Convoy)
    - MAX (When we need to hold down a point)
    (Obviously other infantry classes can be used, these are just our main :) )

    - saxonmish
    - PrettyKitty88

    Search R3PS to join our Convoy!!

    See You On The BattleField!
  2. Saxon