can somone tell me why its a great game ? :-)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Last SHOT, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Last SHOT

    hey am new to the game barley passed the tutorials just before 2 days before i start playing this game is there any unfair advantage per playing with real money currency and buying premium items ? i heard many ppl recommend its not a pay to win game i am just becoming a fan of this game an i'll respect all of your opinions :)
  2. AISkander

    Everything that kills people in this game is buyable with Certification Points (aka in game currency) and Real Money.

    Everything Aestetic is Buyable with Cash, a part from some "directive" items that are actually a gift for being a huge nerd (i have many of those)

    For a new player please don't sign up as NC, they over world pop already.

    Be scure to test your weapons in the VR sistem, planetside isn't forgiving

    Get in a squad, more points (squad points have more value then normal points) and have fun
  3. chamks

    no last shot, there is no advantage almost at all. paying subscribtion to the game is mainlly to sustain the game and the devs.
    well, you will get xp and nanite per minute 50% more, but as new player you dont need to be bothered about it right now. because you will get base certs really fast with each starter mission and new battle rank. just keep those certs and dont wast them on fancy wepons until you understand what is going on...
    and my advice will be spend those certs on haraser, fighter, main battle tank, sunderer, and most important infantry class uprades, that you can manage from your infantry menu, such as "medic cert", "engineer cert". since the weapons you are starting with are the best weapons in the game.
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  4. Doc Jim

    You can unlock new weapons and weapon modifications with both "Certs" (250XP = 1 Cert) or with the Daybreak cash (DBC, ingame currency for real money). Your character and vehicle upgrades can only be unlocked with Certs. The only items that you can only buy with DBC are cosmetic items.

    In the first 15 battle ranks (levels) you will earn 100C for each level up. So you'll have 1500C plus all the XP Certs which is close to 2000C. You can unlock quite a lot with that, right at the start. Paying real money will just get you new weapons faster, but it won't get you better weapons.

    In this game, paying does not guarantee winning. It does allow you to look better though.
  5. Sazukata

    As with most free-to-play games, this one is "pay to progress faster".

    Important: Do NOT buy new weapons. The defaults are (in most cases) the best. Focus your certs on class upgrades, such as the Combat Medic's revive tool or the Engineer's ammo pack.
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  6. Prudentia

    Aside from the NCs LMG and the VS and TR Sniper rifle, all the guns you start with are pretty much the best you can get.
    most people prefer more short range guns, due to their strength when pushing an objective, but in general use nothing will ever beat the standard guns.
  7. Geoelite13

    My tip is to figure out what you enjoy. YOu like cqc with shotguns and SMG's? Do it. Love the tank combat? Do it. Love the idea of taking part in a massive assualt? Find the zerg or defend against one. You love stealth missions? Try ninja backcapping with infiltrator infinite cloak. Trust me, you find what you like and go from there.
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  8. Lord_Avatar

    Hey there OP. Planetside 2 most definitely isn't pay-2-win. Pretty much all weapons are sidegrades meant to unlock new playstyles. Don't be tempted into dumping your certs into guns early on - what you start with is perfectly competitive.

    Enjoy the game and discover what it has to offer, there is nothing like it out there.
  9. DeadlyOmen

    Aim for the head.
  10. Last SHOT

    i am still trying to figure out tons of things its so complicated i wanted to go to battle fast / but the serve cobalt i was playing shutdown i geuss ? or something happend to i was directed to another one with 90 more ping i am really upset ... like first match k/d is 0.3 i am not a noob in games idk what the hell was going around ...
  11. DarkStarAnubis


    It is a great game, but you won't figure it out unless you play for something like 6 months. You will need that amount of time to understand how things work.
  12. Prudentia

    Today is patchday and they implemented an entirely new feature... that broke instantly so now they are scrambling to fix it. will probably be fixed by tomorrow.
  13. Destroyer0370

    Short answer to your post is:
    It is FREE to play and FREE to get everything!

    -Your weapons that you start out with will kill people the same as any you can buy later with CERTS or REAL CASH.

    - Suggest to upgrade your Medic and Engineer equipment(medical applicator+nano regen device for medic/Ammunition+Repair tool for Engineer) first.

    -Sunders are the most important vehicles, they spawn/make people. Upgrade that first I suggest. Get deployment shield, level one is good enough if you starting out. Get Fire suppression also for the sunder.

    -IF you want, you can support the game by purchasing cosmetics and/or do subscription.

    Have fun, there are a lot of nice people that you can be friends with.
  14. PlanetBound

    Check out the other F2P games. That might help.
  15. Ziggurat8

    Uh. Really? No one is even going to try to tackle why this is a great game?

    Part of the reason it's a great game is that it is both free to play and not pay to win. Games that are pay to win essentially require you to pay money to gain an advantage over non paying players. Planetside2 (PS2) Does not do this. My outfit leader is an incredible player that has played the game for years and years without ever buying anything with money.

    Another reason this game is great is that it has very large seemless maps. There are no loading screens apart from the initial continent loading. Once you are on the continent you can move to and interact with every part of the map. This also includes all the other players on that continent. Teaming up with allies and fighting enemy players. PS2 holds the world's record for "most players online in a single FPS battle" 1,158 players fighting on a single continent. No other game even comes close. The first time you're in a really fun 200+ player battle you'll truly understand just how incredible this game can be.

    With these huge battles you have the option to choose from dozens of roles. There's 5 different infantry classes that each can be customized for a multitude of play styles.

    You can be a long range sniper killing players with a single well placed shot or a stealthy assasin/saboteur/reconnaissance infiltrator. You can be a jet pack assisted foot soldier that can glide over the battlefield or fly to the tops of walls and buildings. You can be a combat medic with the ability to revive teammates, restore health and shields all while gunning down enemies with an assault rifle (best weapon class in the game).

    You can be a crafty engineer that can restock ammo, set up traps with mines and auto turrets or deploy cover for allies to hide behind or gun your own turret. Dont forget engineers also repair damage to any non infantry vehicle, structure or MAX unit!

    Finally there's the Heavy Assault. Infantry with a damage absorbing shield, a large ammo capacity light machine gun a rocket launchers for damaging enemy vehicles, air craft and MAX units.

    The MAX is a mechanical exosuit that has strong armour against light infantry weapons. It's bigger and slower than infantry but its capable of fighting anywhere that infantry can. It uses the same resource as vehicles and grenades/explosives and can be specialized to fight Air, Vehicles or Infantry.

    I've played other online shooters that had only 1 or 2 vehicles available. If you wanted to drive a tank or fly you had to compete with other players to get that job. There is no limit in PS2. Every player that wants a vehicle can use one. Rolling with a group of 10 or more vehicles is both possible and common depending on your server.

    There are 6 ground vehicles and 4 air vehicles. There's a quad bike that can turn invisible. A turreted buggy, a light single manned tank and a stronger 2 man tank. Finally there's a support/transport/troop spawn truck. Then there's the ANT which allows you to collect cortium and build your very own base!

    For aircraft you have a single manned fighter, an agile transport/spawn, a heavy gunship or a massive multi turreted transport.

    There's even an implant system to further modify your character with special abilities.

    I love this game. It's the only massive wargame of it's kind. It has soo many different ways for players to battle each other and so much going on it can be extremely overwhelming.

    It has a massive directive (achievement) system. Every weapon, class and vehicle has a directive that when completed rewards you with certs, titles, banners (kill screen backgrounds) weapons, or cosmetics.

    As others have said nothing has to be paid for except (non directive) cosmetic items. You can aquire every weapon, every vehicle, every upgrade just by playing the game.

    That's what makes this game great and why I keep coming back. Been playing since 2012 and it just keeps sucking me back in.
  16. Eternaloptimist

    The Cobalt shutdown was a hotfix following the patch yesterday - not a regular thing. New weapons were part of the patch so there will be tons of people out there trying them out (on you) until the novelty wears off.

    It is a massive and complex game, which is the big attraction for me - ability to fight on foot, in vehicles or in the air. So many different situations and playstyles to try out even just across the five infantry classes. Throwing both new players and top of the line pros into the same battles is a challenge, if you're up for that sort of thing.

    Having a good spec computer can make a big difference to latency and hence, combat success because of clientside hit detection. Generally, though I am not expert, I think you need at least 40 fps to be reasonably competitive (type /fps into the dialogue box and it shows up in the bottom left hand corner of your screen, although it drops anyway in larger battles - turning off shadows and lowering other things in the settings tab can help).

    You don't need to spend real money to get anything but a subscription gives you faster cert gain, monthly game cash and discounts on in-game purchases.

    Joining a good outfit and playing in squads/platoons can help with rapid integration but the universal constants are:
    • headshots do double damage;
    • Loners get killed particularly easily;
    • auto weapons generally have recoil, so burst firing usually gets better results;
    • staying still for even a fraction of a second invites a sniper bullet to the bonce (and hip firing means you can move faster while shooting);
    • moving over open ground on foot invites a roadkill or a long range shot from a vehicle - you can use the redeploy or join combat buttons without penalty, hitch a ride or pull a Flash quad bike cheaply;
    • situational awareness is enormously important as there are so many angles an enemy can come at you from (or perch for a shot);
    • Heavy Assault is the most played class but Medics and Engineers gain certs much faster if their support tools are a at max level;
    • Nanoweave is the most popular additional armour set.
    KDR is one of those things you either care about or you don't - there is no gain from a good KDR other than personal satisfaction and ability to respawn quickly is usually so good that many people ignore it.
  17. Oleker2

    Few tips for any new player of Planetside2.

    • Don't buy new guns early. All Starters are good and competitive. Most guns you can buy are more specialized side-grades, with very few exceptions.
    • Join a outfit and plattons. Outfits are the clans or guilds from other games. Players can organize squads of 12 members and a platoon is a group of 4 squads, 48 players in total. Playing as a group with a more skilled player pointing the direction will make your gameplay 100 times better. Plus, voice chat is an easy way to ask stuff about the game.
    • Headshots deal double damage, meaning you can drop someone twice as fast if you hit the head, the same goes for them when you shot an enemy a lot and they kill you almost instantly.
    • Engineers and Medics are the easiest classes to make certs, focus on repair/ammo and healing tool for profit.
    • No weapon is hit-scan, every single shot fired is a projectile that travels the space at a fixed speed. Even close targets will need some degree of compensation for movement.
    • There is no buying power in the game. All weapons can be acquired by gameplay. All that truly matters is skill.
  18. Last SHOT

    it is **** and I quit bye i'll delete this post its useless
  19. Halkesh

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  20. DrPapaPenguin

    The way I see it the game has just gotten better.
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