The NC is synonymous with bonus checks and teamkills. What's with TR and VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nilithium, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Nilithium

    Is there more to alien wannabes and authoritarian redcoats than JUST dakka and pew pew pew, respectively?
    /leans in close
    Go on, opponents... Tell me your secrets.
  2. Campagne

    Victimhood and spandex, insecurity and a high carbon footprint.
  3. Prudentia

    i'd say being Fabulous... but Pink camo is cross faction
    so really Vanu just have the best butts.
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    TR is about Stylish AF Hats!

    I have that commissar noggin warmer on every class cos DAMN it looks good :D
  5. Prudentia

    they really should have given that hat to NC
    cause you know, executing your allies :p
  6. DrPapaPenguin

    ... Someone wants to compete with me?..

    *revs up the MCG* It's MORALE BOOSTING TIEM!
  7. Liewec123

    lasers and spandex

    tyranny and tactical zergperiority
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  8. Moz

    TR = Victim Complex

    VS = Spandex and Butts
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  9. Lord_Avatar

    I'd say all factions have their own victim complex, just different flavors. "EZ mode" and other such nonsense. ;) That being said, since the TR have been advertised as a professional military we seem to have a higher than usual number of those:

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  10. Halkesh

    You forget that NC = scatmax inside biolab.
    VS is about spandex, lube, discoball and is painted as the easymode faction.
    TR is sysnonymous with dakka, "tactical superiority" (zerg) and they can't capture base because 90% of their population is inside a prowler.
  11. DrPapaPenguin

    Because no other faction zergs in this game, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight :D
  12. Halkesh

    I'd never said the contrary, all faction zerg. But the fact is the commentator voice say "tactical superiority".
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  13. The Shady Engineer

    It became a TR shtick because of our 6-ish months of overpop on pretty much all servers methinks.

    Not that I mind. What the rebs and cultists call "zerging" we call Strength in unity!

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  14. Nilithium

    PLEASE tell me you have this for the Conglomerate MAX.
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  15. The Shady Engineer

    "When the Scatcannons gib just right"


    Not my work btw. Credit to this fellow (gallowsCallibrator) from reddit.
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