Optimal "Breach and Clear" class for engineer?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by DutchBrother, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. DutchBrother

    Hey guys I'm a NC, BR27 and have had trouble lately with breaching rooms the Mauler S6 is garbage for this. Yet I still

    use it. I drives me crazy when I nade a room get a hitmarker, enter, and proceed to get destroyed by some BR12

    corner-camping with a LMG. I use engineer a lot and need some help in making the optimal breach and clear

  2. Corezer

    this isn't what the engineer is for. The class system was made more DnD and less like a playstyle system where everyone is different tactics for equal outcomes.

    if u really wanna use engineer for combat, stay further away with a razor or acx, and take advantage of your relatively quick shield recharge for hit and run tactics.
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  3. MuggieWara

    Only 2 viable "Breach and Clear" loadouts i can think of.

    1)LA-Flash grenade and shotgun or close range carbine or C4 on groups
    2)HA-Concussion grenade-resist shield and high capacity LMG or shotgun.
  4. Oleker2

    Basically this... Quick det flash or standard flash depends on playstyle. Search around to both cqc carabines on your faction, one is for hip-fire and the other is for ads with 0.75 move speed (the others are 0.5).

    Lynx and Jaguar for TR, Serpent/VX6-7 and Zenith to VS and GD-7 and Bandit for NC.
  5. Pelojian

    if you are going to insist on breach and clear for engineer, do it as a supporter of the clearing with grenades (standard or sticky) if sticky wait for the LA/HA effect grenades to pop and move up with them throwing nades near enemies in cover to flush them out.

    playing engineer aggressively or like an assault class will only get you killed alot, engineers better on defense or ambushing people and killing them with headshots to overcome their class' ability.
  6. OldMaster80

    My loadout to break into rooms is rather effective I believe. It requires... not to enter the room at all.

    I usually fire smoke grenades with the TRAC5-S with NV scope, then I carry 4 frag grenades with the grenades bandolier. It's also a good idea to have the crossbow with recon darts so you have a rough idea of where the enemies are hiding.
  7. Icehole1999

    OP, Engineer is a support class. Don’t worry about killing. Drop ammo for the guys doing the breaching then go find something to repair. Or better yet, use a trick I use to farm rep points.

    Find an AA turret at a busy fight and start shooting at ground vehicles with it. For some reason the tanker guys go insane when you do this and they will be compelled to stop what they’re doing and attempt to destroy you. When the turret is at half health hop out and start repping. Then get back in the turret and do it again. If you have AI mines, put one down right behind the turret to kill any pesky Infiltrator that attempts to hack the turret. You can keep this up for the duration of the battle. Like I said, for some reason tanks cannot ignore this.

    Another thing you can do as an Engineer is buy an Archer and make the lives of vehicle mains miserable. Get to some elevation, drop yourself some ammo, and blast away. The splash damage is good so you can miss infantry by a little and still do some damage.

    While the first trick is better for XP, both are highly effective at making enemy armor stop blowing up your friends and focus on you. Which is great for your team.

    If you really must be the breach and clear guy, get an AI MAX. Way better than an Engineer for this. If you still really want to rush the point as an Engie, I’d suggest full nano, max rank grenade bando, and an auto shotgun like the Nighthawk. Chuck your Grenades and run in and feed them buckshot. Chances are you’ll still die. Plus, you have to find a Sundy or terminal to get more grenades.
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