Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WORSTgameEU, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. WORSTgameEU

    Hi people who take my money.

    I leveled my entire reaver revolving around vehicle stealth's maximum level description, now as it is getting nerfed will I get a full refund on all the certs I have invested in my reaver? also the DBC I spent on the aesthetics? Reaver has NOTHING going for it, now even less. No point in pulling ESF anymore for me. I dont want any of the other defense. not at all. so yeah. REFUND? Or should I just never invest any money ever again in any aesthetic items in fear of them being nerfed? Sounds PERFECTLY fine to me.
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  2. adamts01

    Where is this info? Stealth has been broken for a long time, so I'm glad the mechanic is getting changed, but ganking was the single thing the Reaver had going for it. They're going to have to seriously tinker with that plane after this change.

    Regarding refunds... nerfs are part of pvp games, get used to them. Re-purposes are different all together, such as the thermal change to threat detection. I haven't spent a penny since and refuse to spend anything else till I get all my thermals refunded. Not holding my breath however, just playing other games.
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  3. REZistance

    Refund for stealth? Sure, but you gotta give back all the certs and exp you earned while using it. Sound good?
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  4. Prudentia

    damn they better nerf my infantry lumifiber armor. i'd be seriously pissed if they nerf my ability to be fabulous.
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  5. Prudentia

    does that mean i can get the 2k certs i invested in galaxy stealth 4 years ago to abuse the 2 hours of galaxies having no ingame model to turn 100% invisible to infantry back? :>
  6. adamts01

    I found those Stealth nerfs you're talking about. RIP Reaver. Racer/Rotory/Stealth was the only thing that gave it a chance when enemy air was heavy, unless you're one of the handful of players per server who can aim well enough for that slight dps advantage to overcome your massive hitbox. That poor plane. It relies on boost, which makes wing mounts a death sentence compared to the Mossy and Scythe. But I am happy about the Stealth change, it's a small step in the right direction, especially since lock-ons had their range nerfed. This is also a buff to missiles as more pilots will be running NAR or Composite, probably NAR/Bail-assault, engineer will need another buff. Oh well, getting kills was fun while it lasted.

    I'd be fine with that for the Banshee. I don't care much about certs but I spent real money on thermals for many of my guns and got to use them for 3 months. Pretty ****** first impression for a new player. I'd even be fine with a digital "sorry" note going out to every soldier my thermals helped kill.
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  7. Pat22

    Someone wanna explain or give a link to what these Stealth changes are?
  8. Prudentia

    check the patchnotes. stealth now reduces engagement radar display range by 100m per tier down to -400m per tier which means you now know from where you got ganked after you got ganked.
  9. Moz

    What happened to the Reaver exactly?

    Must have missed that one!? :D
  10. FateJH

    I can only imagine the refund calls when they close down the game for good one day.
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  11. Desertmind

    ESFs used to not show up on engagement radars when using stealth. Now stealth just reduces ESF detection range to 200 meters.
  12. Tankalishious

    This stealth change is just plain f..king stupid beyond belief. More noob friendly dumbing down the game. Cause God forbid you look around you as an ESF. Cause it's so hard freelooking with mouse wheel button... battlefield awareness is so much ***** hoo. Devs even gave full engagement radar built into the ESF to make it easier. If stealth is changed, then put back engagement radar as a God damn slot item and not built into a stock ESF.

    Soon, this game will be dumbed down to such a degree that the game consists of pushing ONE button and that's it. First one who hits the button in an engagement, wins...
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  13. JibbaJabba

    NOOOOO!!!! (vader crying for padme)

    Keep my money. Keep the UA too if you want. I gorged on the blood of TR and NC with this thing and got my satisfaction. I got my moneys worth quickly.

    (edit: realized you were talking stealh, while I was thinking UA)
  14. Drsexxytime

    How do you think Canis purchasers feel?

    Daybreak Games released a gun they knew was powerful, and knew the players were interested in it, just to nerf it into oblivion a week later AFTER they got their money, and didn't REFUND a thing.

    This developer is turning into a prime candidate to be bought up by EA or Activision.
  15. Tankalishious

    Money? 1000 certs is what? 5 hours of unsubbed and unboosted prime time work. Srsly, VERY few actually bought this gun for money.
  16. ShiroSan

    *SIGH* definitely should make stealth cost less certs to max and give us a partial refund for the difference in price. Personally if they made it 50m I wouldn't care but yeah 200 seems idiotic unless it's like someone else said... Make the radar a separate component again.
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  17. ShiroSan

    IDK about you but for me its more like 9-10 hours. I know people that it takes closer to 15+ Then again I find if I ever squad with someone and go on a dedicated non stop vehicle + gunner run I can come closer to what your saying but that doesn't happen as much as I'd like >.<
  18. JibbaJabba

    Ok, so given the new stats you would never have purchased the new ES SMG at all?
  19. No0T

  20. Drsexxytime

    I would have VR tested it and left it. Looks great, sounds cool. But it's performance is garbage tier now. Gladius kills faster in bodyshots than Canis does in headshots.