What are you doing to VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Senpai, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. Senpai

    Honestly why do you only nerf the canis its already the worst one of the new smg's. Now you get punished hard for using unstable ammo. The RPM increase is also not very useful... in 2.5 secs either the enemy or you are dead and you stop shooting.

    And we got Magriders... the slowest, least damaging, lowest HP and highest bulletdrop "mbt". But that isn't bad enough i guess so you take away the hesh just for VS. The gun is useless if you cant one-shot with blast damage. It's nothing more then a worse AP.

    Because i know that some NC/TR guy is going to say "but you can strife its so ooop omg just shut up" I'm going to honestly tell you it isn't. It doesn't have any influence on the fight. It's way to low acceleration for dodging any shots form a half descend gunner. I mean it is good to climb hills to get a better positions for AI tanking but wait we cant do that anymore because we don't have a hesh.... Of course i saw that they said they "nerf" our hesh becasue we got the most infantry kills but you have to leave something good to the Mag. The CAI update hit it hard already (you know damage form behind and that stuff) and the resent changes to Vehicle stealth will probably hit mag the hardest too becasue the only way you can be succesfull in them is when you sneak behinde enemys and shoot them or if you climbe hills and focus on infantry but both we cant do anymore.......

    I could go on now with harasser guns but that's nothing form resent patch.
    And btw im open to your opinions this is NOT just blind hate at the Devs maybe i can get it why they do this but atm i just cant understand any of it i know VS is "easy mode" but it was balanced. Now we are getting one nerf after another. I'd bet if this goes on in a month nobody uses the mag anymore because it is just a slow low damage free xp target and the canis will die too.
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  2. Prudentia

    UA was basically bugged cause it triggered headshots far too often, even when it would really hit the body.
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  3. DemonicTreerat

    "WHAAA! My obvious problem weapon got a tiny change that isn't in my favor! WHAA! NO NO NO!"

    Nothing to see here. Just a typical PS2 VS whining that he might have to actually have to develop the tiniest faction of the ability the NC and TR require due to his latest grossly unbalanced toy getting slightly less unbalanced.

    As member of the PS1's Emerald's VS population during the days of the ***, he and his ilk make me violently ill.
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  4. FateJH

    Perhaps the developers will finally realize they need to construct an actual lashing mechanic rather than one of these cheap imitations.
  5. Prudentia

    yes please,i would drool all over my spandex
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    I'm afraid this is borderline sh!tposting. Let me object two of your points, Canis and VPC.

    Canis could use some buffs, perhaps a much faster, e.g. 0.4s spin-up time and slightly better CoF bloom would be nice.

    However, Unstable Ammunition is broken overpowered, there is no other way to put it. A built-in hitbox cheat has no place in an FPS game, especially not without severe downsides. I'm glad it received a huge nerf, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to some generic Canis buffs as I mentioned.

    Let me correct you here. We got Magriders, the best performing tank with VPC, by far. They are nerfing the splash because it outperforms the other HESH guns by a lot, this was clearly mentioned in the patch notes. In other words, Magrider VPC was better even despite the lower damage output.
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  7. Senpai

    Well i dont even use or own the canis and it kind of feels like you read the first sentence and that's it. Also i at least wrote something useful with facts you just typed some random sh*t. After all you are whining more about what i wrote then i did in my post. Because of people like you everybody is getting sick of forums
  8. Prudentia

    tbh i actually think the Maghesh is overperforming to 50% because it can climb on hills easier and 50% because the projectiles drop harder than the beat in a dubstep piece during a blackout, causing them to pretty much come down at 90° over an infantrymens head.
    but the splashdamage nerf reduces the effectiveness of that just aswell as due to the idea that they can dodge rockets, which i personally find laughable.
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  9. Senpai

    true it is but if you compare NC or TR AP to VS its also overperforming so why dont they get a nerf to? AI was the thing mags were good in now they can only kill with direct hit when enemy's are not running flak so basically like the AP
  10. Senpai

    beside the fact that you can barley roadkill with mags of course but nvm about that one xD
  11. Prudentia

    actually,screw that, splash damage is a terrible nerf for my theory why it overperforms, inner splash radius should be nerfed.
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  12. BartasRS

    I think there is a little logic behind Mag VPC nerf. Sure it may be over performing compared to other tanks but for a number of different reasons. Mag HAS TO climb to elevated positions because it cannot really aim well with its main cannon add to it massive bullet drop and you basically have a mortar-like gun instead of proper tank gun. Sure it is a useful feature in farming infantry but it is also making Mag the CQC tank with least armor among them all and least range of them all. I think it is reasonable to farm infantry instead engaging real tanks, right? Hence the difference in effectiveness against infantry.

    I wonder what would happen if they gave Mag cannons same (or similar) drop as Prowler or Vanguard have. I bet stats would equalize quite fast.
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  13. JibbaJabba

    It's over performing by 50%.


    It's over performing by 50% !!!
  14. Icehole1999

    Just to throw it out there, but you can't hit a Magrider with a default dumb fire RL unless you are basically on top of it because the Maggy can strafe and dodge the shot. Every time.

    I've never had a Vanguard slide one way or the other like a wiggle sniper AND DODGE EVERY ROCKET.

    OP is OP, OP.
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  15. JibbaJabba

    ^--- This. it's a tough shot for sure.

    I'm still not entirely sure I agree with the HESH nerf though. Let the Mag be deadly against infantry. Re-buff the AP guns so that the HESH becomes a more significant trade off. Re-buff the Vanguard shield as well. Let the VS dominate with anti-infantry at the peril of coming across a Prowler or Vanguard.

    Infantry are supposed to fear tanks on open ground. I play way more infantry than tanks and I'm fine with this.

    Also: Restore the dang camera flinch from cannon near-misses.
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  16. Prudentia

    a tip on how to hit a magrider with rockets, shells, marshmellows, blowdarts and thrown tissues:
    front towards enemy
    most people manage to miss my gal when it's hovering over a base and both the vanguard and prowler have much faster forward and reverse acceleration than the mag has lateral.
    so yeah,i guess the combination of people sucking at rockets and the mag beeing a bigger target that move to the side slower than other tanks is an issue because people are... expecting it to dodge further so they overcompensate?
  17. Icehole1999

    Apparently you've never fired a default RL at a Magrider. You attempt in your reply to put my skills down but instead...overcompensate?
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  18. JibbaJabba

    C'mon guys. Set our egos down for a moment and muster up some intellectual honesty.

    This is an objective fact:
    It is harder to hit a magrider with a dumbfire than it is to hit a Vanguard or Prowler (particularly if locked down).

    Agree upon this.

    Then, let's then move on with the rest of the discussion....
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  19. chamks

    it is harder, but mag are way more slower, and she is fat. you can get stuck with mag when going in nerrow pass, because of her egg shape body, and than you cant reverse even.
    and how is this game balanced when mag have **** cannon and the prowler and the vanguard remain strong?
    what we had we the VS? other empire guns are better (in dps term). really the thing i loved with the vs is the max, magrider and esf. now i see less reason to enter my vs character.
  20. Drsexxytime

    Only TR and especially NC are allowed to have "Best in Class" weaponry. Learn that.

    Gladius kills faster with bodyshots than Canis does headshots. Then Cyclone...