Halloween Event = Horribad

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drsexxytime, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. Drsexxytime

    So this really exposed how annoying/OP/broken/etc certain things are in this game.

    Wraith quads and knives. So soo much fun seeing these things everywhere. Really exposed how poor the design is for these things.
  2. Jac70

    Well it does kinda fit the Halloween theme, ghostly spooks appearing out of nowhere to hack you to death but yeah it was a grind. It also made it clear to me how many are out there playing easy mode - HAs with LMG. Also how awful the Fury is on the Flash. How crap the hit detection is for both Flash roadkills and knife slashes.

    Could have been a lot worse, they reduced some of the requirements for the Master tier from painfully huge grinders to just tedious grinds and I was auto-granted a lot of the requirements through my previous play as Engineer and Medic. At the end of the day it was just a bit of fun and switched up gameplay for a few weeks. I completed it on Halloween which was fitting.
  3. Halkesh

    I've unlocked phylactery and now I can farm seeds to get my flammrider tires.
    At 100 seeds per hour (did 50 in 30min today) I'll need a total of 25h of grind to get thoses tires.

    At least if those 25h of grind allowed me to play normally, it could be ok.
    But no you have to hunt pumpkin spread in all the continent, note that one faction have 2/3 of all the pumpkin spawn while the other two share the rest.
    Also, there are more pumpkin hunter's hunter than pumpkin.
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  4. CMDante

    It's pretty tedious, essentially "be annoying; the event"
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  5. Liewec123

    well i think its ANYTHING when forced in mass is annoying.
    if it was a HE tank directive it'd be annoying, an AI ESF directive it'd be annoying,
    anything when spammed in mass is annoying,
    granted i do feel DBG had a good hard think about the most annoying cheesy specs to pick lol.
    stalkers and wraith flashes are pretty sucky to fight against when everyone is pulling em.
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  6. DeadAlive99

    I've given up on it. I've spent about 2 hours hunting, out of about 4-5 hours playing, and have found about 15 at the most. I now have 163 seeds, most of which is from alerts.

    I tried an ESF mostly, but also a harasser. I followed roads and circled bases, looked in tree groves, around crystals, etc. Virtually nothing there. I also returned to previous locations and found nothing.

    Of course, I'm competing with who knows how many, but the bottom line is, these things are way too scarce and infrequent to allow everyone interested to get all the gear. Some of these items are seed only buys, so that means it's impossible to get them for most people..

    I've done holiday events in other games, and this event is by far the worst I've seen as far as accessibility to casual players. It only took me 2 days to get everything in Rocket League. In PS2, at this rate, I'll be at it for 6 months. :/
  7. Nody

    Completed phylactery on main (could not be bothered on my alts for this year) and bought both tyres. It's quite easy to go around Esamir farming (don't bother on other continents) the main routes in a Stealth AA Harrasser (it's good enough to scare / kill 90%+ of all ESFs) and at 150 resources you're looking at 2-3 min to regain the resources to pull another one. Start at your own node every time to check for respawns on your own territory before going in on enemy side and you're pretty much guaranteed to have regenerated the resources for another 'rasser by the time you get blown up. Honestly the thing that killed me most was a) 2 man Mjolnir 'rassers and b) competent ESF/Lib pilots.

    On the way I also picked up a ton of deployed Sundies (free exp and works towards your directive if not completed) along with multiple ESFs (about a third from the pilot crashing). Time consuming? Yes but as a break from the daily zerg vs. zerg fights it provided something else to do. In total I picked up I think 7 galactic pumpkins; two of them with in 20 min of each other after a whole day of not seeing one. Still think they should have had last year "kill X pumpkins" as one of the options though and was disappointed it was removed this year (along with the kill X people wearing mask / kill X people wearing a mask) as they were all reasonably achievable for everyone without going out of your way to do them.
  8. JobiWan

    I finished it a few days ago. Now I'm having tremendous fun killing infils that are running round with knives. I sit using stalker cloak with my crossbow, then let them see me then hide round the corner and wait for them to come charging at me and blam!

    Or I watch for them chasing team mates and chase them. Getting lots of 'save' ribbons for that one. But the most fun is headshotting them right off their flashes, when they're cloaked it's even more satisfying.

    Farming the farmers :)
  9. Moz

    I can agree with broken / annoying sure..... but OP? 100% no where near OP!

    The OHK knife is ******, hit reg is just broken.

    The flash has so many downsides that MORE than outweigh its perks.

    To be honest, this is THE most frustrating event i have ever completed. That is because of just how rubbish the OHK knife and flash are, plus after what 2 hours everyone is expecting you making it even more annoying.

    Its much more annoying for the people trying to complete it than it is for the people who are being killed by the knife + flash.

    Give me back good old pumpkin farming any day....

    Cant wait to see the xmas event, i want an implant that turns me into a snowman with guns! :D
  10. Mianera

    Once I actually discovered how big the grind was, I decided to quickly ignore it, woop out my LMG and farm infiltrators.

    The implant and the halloween event can both go to hell.
  11. Lamat

    After achieving my Galactic pumpkins on one directive tier, additional galactic pumpkins didn't carry over to the next tier, screwing me (and others who could have used those pumkins) over by at least 2
  12. CaptCran

    Event was a piece o' pumpkin pie this year. Only because the "snowflake" generation *****'d about it being too much of a grind. Everyone wants the **** handed to them on a silver platter....:confused:
  13. SixNineFour

    Except it was 4-200 times harder this year as it requires specific playstyles to complete, where as last year everyone could complete it as easily as current one is completed now and last year the event lasted longer.
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  14. TheProScout

    Im really missing the Pumpkin Seed Boooo-Sters from last year,
    i ran both booster slots with those pumpkin seed boosters the entire event.
    last year i made over 11.500 pumpkin seeds,
    with with i bought the Skull Noir / Spectrum / Inferno / Cybernetic mask

    This year, without boosters, i barely manged to scrape together 1400 seeds the entire event ( still had 700 from last year ) so im managed to buy the Crimson Inferno Skull this time.

    I bought the Flame Riders for flash/Harraser for all 3 factions with DBC.

    this year i also wanted to get the Azure / Violet Inferno Skull for my NC/Vanu characters.

    but without those pumpkin seed boosters, its literaly taking an eternity...

    where as before i get a minimum of 13 to 25 pumpkin seeds per pumpkin, i now get a mere 3 to 10 seeds per pumpkin ....

    WHERE ARE THE BOOSTERS, its like DaybreakGames doesnt want my MONEY anymore.... i want boosters....
  15. Lamat

    I still have to knife 88 more guys for the last level, any knife murderer tips?
  16. LordKrelas

    You can keep the power-knife powered even while cloaked.
    Quick-knifing works wonders.
    Avoid long-distance.

    Sunderers are great.
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  17. JobiWan

    The best way I've found is to use stalker cloak, get up close and use a crossbow/quick knife combo. It's an instant kill on most infantry (not HA with their shield up). If you don't have the crossbow any other high damage sidearm such as Commissioner, Underboss or Blackhand should work.

    You can also try EMP grenades against groups and just wade in with the knife equipped. Adrenaline Pump is good for chasing enemies too.
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