[Guide] Why do players from certain countries feel the need to show their flag? (and not others)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Inzababa

    So yeah, servers are down, I'm scratching my tchin, and a question I've always wondered sprang to mind !

    Have you ever noticed that sometimes, when you get killed by someone, or on the enemy sundy, there is a big flag?

    Yeah, I noticed that too!

    But wait, there's more, have you ever noticed that it only seems to be certain flags from certain countries?

    ((((( I'm on Cobalt so speaking from that perspective )))

    For example :

    I see a lot of Russian flags, or names, I see a lot of French, and some Scottish even. Often I see German flags on the profile pic (but usually not the vehicles etc) but that's about it.

    So why do we never see any Scandinavian flags running around? Or Spanish or Italian?, or any other country for that matter? I mean, I play on Cobalt so it's EU, but I've seen and played with many Americans too, but never an American flag anywhere?

    Why do some "nationals" feel the need to share their nationality, but not others?
  2. MihaiMadrid

    We want all the flags !
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  3. Inzababa


  4. Liewec123

    national pride? :p

    also on the subject of not seeing many scandinavian flags,
    the only flag i own is swedish, for my VS NC imposter! the blue and yellow is an extra little help :)
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  5. DarkStarAnubis

    I have an Italian flag on my avatars. I have seen (i play mostly on European servers) quite a few Italian, French and German flags.

    One time I swear I have seen a Swiss flag (I paid attention because I live in Switzerland) :)
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  6. MuggieWara

    Imo there shouldnt be any national flags in the game.The devs are milking the always immature nationalist sentiments.

    Thank God for that Red October decal though!! :D
  7. Oleker2

    COBR (NC), SOVA(VS) and ADRE(TR) on emerald are Brazilan only outfits... they maybe accept some portuguese speakers, but mostly brazil. Also, most of them show braziliam flag on the decals.
  8. Callsign-YukiMizuki

    Nothing wrong with loving your country/being patriotic.
    Though I don't have money to buy cosmetics, but even I do, I don't like the idea of putting IRL flags over my stuff. I feel like it only breaks the immersion, but that's just me


    (Nah but for real tho, inconsistencies like this should be reduced. Smart one with camo use though)
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  9. Campagne

    Just out of curiosity, are you saying SJWs are hated because they are good, or is the USA hated because it's good? Or neither, as it's an independent statement?

    Given the following lines, I assuming it probably isn't the first one. :p
  10. OgreMarkX

    Your assumption is correct. :)
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  11. ColonelChingles

    If you've been playing long enough, a long time ago the German decal was 1SC (back when things were Station Cash and not the current currency). If those are long-time players, it's possible they just got it because it was on sale. I'm not German and I think I own that one.
  12. Pelojian

    some might get it just because they have pride in their nation, i got it though because i think it's cool to have the Australian flag on my stuff sometimes.
  13. Insignus

    The answer to your question in its simplistic form is Nationalism. Also, the relative cost/availability of Flags.

    As discussed elsewhere in regards to the Turkish Flag, many nations have laws and rules on the books regarding the usage, appropriation, and sale of their respective flags.

    A decal in the game that represents that flag would constitute a sale, and thus require the devs to engage legal counsel to navigate that countries laws, calculate fees and payments to that government, etc. I can't speak for the developers, but I can speculate that its a question of justifying that unknown hassle and expense.

    Many of those laws/rules/regulations on flags were and are outgrowths of nationalistic periods in a nation's history, particularly those that have undergone revolutions (Both past and Recent) or intense periods of cultural design and formation.

    Its also a raw question of population.
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  14. Inzababa

    That's an angle I'd never have thought of !
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  15. Insignus

    No Problem :)
  16. entity009

    I use the american flag because I simply do not connect with any of the other icons. I feel that having a flag on your armor or vehicle makes a lot stronger of a connection with someone than does a generic clipart skull or star. It conveys something...hey that guys was a russian! The other decals almost go entirely unnoticed.

    Im sure some people i have killed have thought "damn americans". When they blow up my tank they may be thinking the same thing. If I had a skull on my tank instead no such connection would be made.

    Flags are icons with actual meaning.
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  17. Kdog559

    I wear my flag on my shoulder because that is were I'm taking it with me to battle.
  18. entity009

    This triggered an LOL from me.
  19. MichaelMoen

    Connery is full of Asians, so i felt a little flaunting of the U.S. was in order.

    Inferiority complex.
